The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 498 It takes time

Linn used intimidation on Sherlock, Sherlock accepted the intimidation judgment, and the judgment was passed. Sherlock turned to Linn and used persuasion. The veteran detective has obviously been in trouble more than once in his career, and he always gets out of trouble thanks to his eloquent tongue.

"That would do you no real good, especially if I'm here to help anyway."

Sherlock studied Lynn.

He had built a character model of Lin En, and also tried to use deduction to imitate Lin En's thinking to think and speculate. However, after several imitations of Sherlock, he came to the conclusion that it was Lin En's thinking model and his life experience. Not quite a match.

Generally speaking, people who can reach this conclusion should consider being arrested and interrogated by law enforcement to see if they are possessed or occupied by something.

But considering that Linn was already a law enforcer and had been checked more than once before, Sherlock rationally gave up this option. Like scientists, Lin En believes that everything in this world is not isolated. If there is an effect, there is a cause. However, it is difficult to find the cause of many things.

For example, Linn's change in thinking.

Sherlock checked some archives and found out that the authority of the [Destiny Bureau] is always very large in strange places. It just depends on whether people can use it flexibly.

Lynn Moriarty, if his personality changes are represented by a mathematical curve, then his personality changes before the age of 16 are a gentle upward slope, and by the age of 16, his family has undergone sudden changes. During this period of time, there was first a severe decline, and then a rapid peak stretch. There are many such models. There are always people who can step into the trough and bravely climb the peak.

But Mr. Lynn's peak was too high naturally, and Sherlock kept looking for the reason during contact and observation. It is a pity that Sherlock has not found the reason yet, but he is very patient in observation, just like a botanist who will study a special plant for a long time, and the answer will be revealed one day. In fact, following Lin En because of his personal interests has allowed him to gradually come across some different things, such as the downtown plan that Lin En is determined to implement.

These are not today’s topics.

Although Sherlock didn't understand, it didn't stop him from imitating Linn's thinking and guessing how to deal with him better.


Lin En will not do things that are not good for him. This benefit does not just refer to material things. For example, if he can make himself happy, Lin En will do it. Considering the kindness and rationality shown by Lynn, dealing with such a person becomes very simple.

Therefore, Sherlock's statement on the current incident can be described as explicit.

And Linn didn't have any disgust with this kind of ungentlemanly explicitness, and even felt that Sherlock was quite interested in her in his hurry.

"So, what did you hear?"

"Actually, I didn't hear much useful stuff, but judging from your caring attitude, I can basically guess who the target of the demon transformation was yesterday." Sherlock knew that Linn was very sensitive, so he mentioned it When he met a certain countess, he was very sensible and did not irritate the young gentleman.

Damn Watson, he must be hiding in some dark corner watching his jokes!

So he had to be polite to Lynn.

"Your guess is very accurate, which makes me want to send you to have a discussion with the Sheriff about legal issues." Linn took out his revolver, emptied the magazine and started aiming training.

The only limiting factor in his current marksmanship is shooting experience.

"Let's skip the damn Sheriff, Mr. Lynn, before we deal with the Shaper together. Of course, I have no interest in getting involved in your personal affairs."

Sherlock lied without changing his face. He was very interested. He even wanted to know what made Linn have such obvious mood swings. Then he opened Linn's head and found out why he changed into the personality he has today. After finding out the reason, the cold-hearted Sherlock swore to [The Mouth of Stitches] that he would definitely do this if he could.

Sometimes, rules are a restraint and protection for the weak.

Hearing the aiming movement of the plastic demon Linn, he paused.

Everything that happened last night is still fresh in my mind. Although the demon shaper is tricky, I can see that it does not do much harm. In that unfavorable environment, as an auxiliary Beyonder, Linn was almost killed by it and turned into something else. The Extraordinary probably ended the battle directly with a brutal attack despite the damage.

Therefore, an exposed plastic demon is equivalent to a poisonous snake that has lost its teeth.

To suck people to death?

Sherlock's persuasion worked, and Linn motioned for him to continue without any nonsense. Sherlock couldn't help but feel a little proud. He also had a desire to win. Ordinary opponents didn't pay attention at all. But for a smart person like Lin En, even if he only beat him a little, it would be both physically and mentally satisfying.

"Since the plastic demon has imitated an object, it must be an object around her. This is a rule. If you don't do it, it might go somewhere else."

"I feel like something's not right."

"Really, tell me, I'm all ears."

Linn ignored Sherlock's weirdness, he always felt something was wrong.

"First of all, I have checked everything in this camp. I don't think that cunning monster is still hiding here. Secondly, I always feel that there are some problems in the changing targets it chooses. I need time to verify it. With you Past failures... Oh, please forgive my choice of words. Judging from the mistakes, the plastic demon is very cunning. Is it hiding something when it is exposed so easily? "

Never think too stupid of your enemy, especially a guy who can escape under the eyes of law enforcers many times, although his ability is indeed quite suitable for hiding and escaping.

Linn's words made Sherlock nod.

Indeed, the plastic demon seemed to be a little stupider and a little more anxious this time.

"So you need time."

"Yes I need time."

Linn completed the action of aiming and quickly loading the bullet. He couldn't help but sigh heavily in his heart. If the countess was really consistent with his malicious and irresponsible speculation, he might be thinking about his own epitaph. What to write in the inscription is not a matter of time.

"Is one day enough?" Sherlock kindly reminded Linn that his shooting posture had some flaws and he could easily hit himself in the corridor.

"No, give me 10 hours and I can solve it tonight."

What Linn thought about was Lady Cynthia's angular muscles that gave people an infinite sense of security. He was so scared now that no one could believe it, not even Sherlock beside him.

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