The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 508 As long as it is not discovered

It's not a crime as long as it's not discovered.

After this sentence is translated from a more advanced era, even tortured prisoners exuded an extremely civilized atmosphere of democracy and freedom of knowledge, it can be roughly equivalent to. During interrogation, torture of a hapless person is not considered a crime as long as it is not seen by surveillance cameras.

When Linn turned his head with a sneer, these police officers who were dominating the countryside immediately made Mr. Worden, who was not very willing to cooperate with the work, understand what it means to ask amiable questions and what it means to be skillful and sophisticated. Physical contact, what is the sour feeling of wanting to scream but not being able to make any sound.

This is in line with procedures and regulations.

Lynn's hand always held the gun. If Worden showed something wrong here, he would be as good as the lighthouse policeman and would not hesitate to empty the bullet.

Although it is said that you can watch your words and emotions, breaking through the opponent's psychological defense can leave you with a humane and civilized reputation. But obviously, in terms of efficiency, inhuman fists that come into contact with the nose, eyes, mouth, cheeks, chest, lower abdomen, crotch, etc. are better, maybe more than one.

This direct and refreshing way of greeting can force people to swallow down the words that I really don’t know, that this may have happened, and that I have never done anything, which is tantamount to nonsense and sophistry, and then cry bitterly and sincerely repent. Deep in his memory, he spoke out those things he thought he had forgotten as quickly as vomiting.

After about five minutes, Lin En, who was holding on to time, coughed slightly and slowly turned his head.

In this way, it was natural that he did not see the sheriffs beating the criminal suspect Mr. Worden. Even if there was a one-in-10,000 chance that someone would come to hold him accountable, Lynn, who was on the edge of the rules, could still say without changing his face that he did not see it. He really didn't see it. Maybe the sound he heard was them playing a game?

Looking at the dark purple bruises on his face, he looked so pitiful that even a hungry tiger would shed tears. Lin En's blue eyes seemed to have eliminated other unnecessary emotions, but they were just plain or even... He looked at the flesh-and-blood polymer named Woden with equal sincerity.

This time, Linn just tapped her nails on the table.

The poor man, or the poor curly baboon, looked at Linn in panic. There was fear in his eyes, begging for mercy, and resignation, but there was no hatred that ordinary baboons should have.

Linn was moved by this pitiful look.

Just a few tenths of a second.

"Mr. Worden, please tell me, what is in this box? It was, or is, OK." Not only did Worden feel frightened, but even the sheriffs vaguely felt it. The fluctuations are always strictly controlled within the scope of rationality, which is called the pressure of the city law enforcement officer.

It is the momentum developed by having power, knowing how to use it, and using it to lovingly train the curly-haired baboons under them. When faced with a situation that cannot be resisted or hidden, the instinct of surrender is naturally felt in the genes.

Worden wisely and quickly gave Lynn the answer he wanted this time.

"Yes, it's paint."

Due to excessive close contact, the teeth were somewhat loose, the lips were closed and the muscles on the face were swollen and painful. Mr. Worden's speech was inevitably a bit funny.

If it were normal times, these villains dressed as country sheriffs would definitely laugh happily, but now they only feel that in this temporary interrogation room, Linn's slender figure is carrying increasing pressure, as if Getting bigger ended up supporting the ceiling.

The pressure was clearly poured into everyone's head through words and actions.

"Good, we're off to a good start this time. So the next question is, where did you get this paint?"

"I have no idea……"

"Oh, it seems that our Mr. Worden is still a little shy and unwilling to share his secret that is suspected of attacking me or His Excellency the Earl." Linn shook his head gently, while using a joking tone, he was ready to Again, look away.

And those villains were naturally very powerful, and they were fully prepared to share the pressure they were under with Mr. Worden.

Worden suddenly let out an astonishing decibel sound as if he was raped for the first time in prison.

"No! No! Please don't! I really don't know, it suddenly appeared in my home! Mr. Linn, I am full of admiration for you! I worship your beauty, just like wheat worships the sun, Flowers worship water, I swear in the name of all the righteous gods, you are the only meaning of my creation!”

Fluent Albion, so fast and sincere that no one could doubt its authenticity.

Probably feeling Mr. Worden's sincerity, Linn's head, which was about to turn away, slowly turned back. Still looking at Woden with no expression, looking like a fanatical believer who had been abandoned by his faith, Linn made a gesture after a brief silence.

"Go down below and find your commander. We are going to Mr. Worden's house as a guest."

Soon, the sheriff understood the meaning and ran out.

Going to change places.

Before leaving the house, Lynn also took the time to write an on-site damage report, stamped it with his own seal, and then borrowed some wonderful gold pounds from Mr. Sinchazan's pocket as compensation for the damage to the door. After receiving compensation, the owner of the house, the great artist, could only watch Lin En leave in style with gritted teeth.

He knew that this young man who was careful in his work had even made up for the last bit of procedural inadequacy, leaving no chance for others to use it as an excuse.

So young, so smart, so beloved by Earl Russell.

The great artist who still had his spirit suddenly couldn't help but think about whether he could make an appointment with this promising law enforcer in advance. Maybe he would be able to write his youthful memoirs in a few years. Of course, he would need an artist. Polished. The kneeling artist raised his fist, but he wasn't trying to hit someone on the head.

Mr. Linn, who is young and promising, is angry and acts rationally, is bringing the suspect, and of course it may be the body in the gutter soon, to his temporary residence surrounded by drafts.

This person came to Beifeng Town from other places just to be appreciated on the Autumn Hunting. There was appreciation, but the situation took a turn for the worse after a few days of sweet dreams.

Worden's fate is indeed humorous.

Xinchazan glanced at the poor man with pity, as if lamenting his fate.

The sheriffs were obviously not polite when facing this kennel this time. Probably influenced by Lin En's refreshing kick in the door, the wolf-like villains kicked open the thin wooden door, then rushed in and started looking for it. Useful stuff Mr. Lynn said.

It didn’t take long before paintings and boxes of paint were found.

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