The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 532 Continue?

Elf civilization has high expectations for the civilization that may come out of the cradle later. It not only hopes that the other party can be healthy and progressive, but also does not want too much information about its own civilization to have some adverse effects on the growing human civilization. Therefore, during the question and answer, the philosopher They pay great attention to whether there is anything belonging to humans in it.

After all, anyone can copy the answers, right?

Elf Civilization has directly put an answer here. The problem is that copying the answer requires making up homework, and when something goes wrong, the debt will be made even harder.

Therefore, philosophers would rather humans respond with short-sightedness and selfish desires than to guide human civilization according to the methods of elven civilization after those who are tested walk out from here. This is the bottom line, otherwise the philosophers would rather say shut down Avalon completely than allow this to happen.

For the first two questions, Linn's answer was only one paragraph in text.

In fact, when communicating in the astral realm, Linn's thinking followed his own thoughts and put forward some superficial but indeed feasible ideas. The philosophers not only listened to his answers, but also By reading his thoughts, I can understand more intuitively that this human being is not just a boaster.

He really has an idea of ​​what he wants to do and is already in the preparation stage.

This winter, the [Steam City] is very suitable for showing off your talents.

No. 1 lowered his head in thought, No. 2 tilted his head, No. 3 and No. 4 were whispering to each other, and No. 5 didn’t know what he was doing...

Lin En looked around in a circle of elves with their own movements according to the order of numbers. Based on their thinking speed and language, the movement of turning his head in a circle should take a very long time, which is enough to prove that these backup thoughts are very important to Lin En. The level of discussion in En's answer, especially the various interesting implementations that emerged from his ideas.

As for whether these elves have any dark and extreme ideas, such as copying Linn, or directly studying Linn's soul, it is unknown.

Soon No. 9 on one side took the lead in completing the processing and exchange of information, and took the time to ask Lin En questions.

"Please briefly describe your understanding of extraordinary power. If you were given the power, how would you use it?"

This problem is even simpler.

Before watching the Elf Epic, Linn had already learned about the creations of Forge believers, the application of extraordinary things in today's society, how members of the Suppression Bureau made extra money, and a series of weapons in the army. Lin En remembered very clearly the discussions he had with Yuri about the spirit submodel, the amount of knowledge, and active thinking.

That was an open-book exam. He only needed to combine the modularity, generalization, and popularization of the Lingzi model with industry, and then use the method of selling Amway to attract people and determine the collective advantage. Then Lin En felt that as long as he could gather 1 With hundreds of millions of people, the combined interest groups can achieve a terrifying rate of technological advancement.

At least in a big way, at least jumping to a thousand years after Earth. Because people in this world have extraordinary existences, many barriers can be bypassed for them to see the scenery first, and then find ways to popularize and reduce costs. What limits them is more often caused by the application of knowledge and careful optimization. inspiration suddenly appeared.

To use Lin En’s complaint: You guys, B aerostats, are all trying to maneuver in the sky, so what else is impossible?

Extraordinary power needs to be combined with industry and become a tool for more people, rather than a weapon for killing. The person who holds the tool and the person who lights the torch is the difference between man and ape erectus. Lin En answered and mentioned that the elves are not a civilization full of destruction and madness, but a responsible civilization with dreams. They have also walked this path, which proves that this path is feasible and humans can also work hard to walk it, even if It's extremely difficult for humans.

Finally, I emphasize that in terms of extraordinaryness, humans can learn, but they cannot be given.

The philosopher once again had a heated exchange with Lin En's answer. The intensity of this exchange directly caused the translation program to stop running. Lin En could only see the light language flashing, intertwining, and confronting rapidly. In a moment of light, It can even be seen that several alliances or divisions into different camps are in contact with each other.

Lin En felt that if this was placed in the outer world, the world would have to experience what light pollution is in advance.

"No. 1, this is an unprecedented answer."

"Among the 116 tested individuals recorded in the database, their answers to the same questions only overlapped with Linn's by less than 2%."

"I support No. 4's statement. The brave men and kings of the past either responded with chivalry, pursued secrets, or protected. Only a few people had similar answers to Lynn Moriarty's answers. place, and the latter answer is unprecedented.”

"Speaking on the 17th, we should probably reflect on ourselves. Even at this time, we have to think about whether what we have done before is education or blessing."

"Is it possible to change his extraordinary system?"

"No. 2, he has already chosen his sexual aspect. It's such a pity and so depressing."

Various ideas were discussed in the open square, and they were like orators, singing to their heart's content. For Linn, the most regrettable thing is that there are so many beings exuding the brilliance of reason communicating, but he is unable to participate due to the life gap.

"Quiet, quiet, everyone, please slow down your communication speed, don't let this become a place where baboons yell...No. 2, No. 2, stop your silence."

No. 1 finally stopped the behavior that was close to a quarrel. Many philosophers' thinking programs have begun to show signs of disorder, which is also related to the current environment.

"On the eve of this destruction, we encountered a clear thought that we have never had before. We are facing a human being who appeared for the first time in human history. We should be happy, because this has already fit in with our original intention to fight without regrets. We finally saw a glimmer of hope for our original intention to stay here.”

"Now our question is, do we have variables that can continue to question Linn? We are all fixed and deactivated thinking. Can we still understand his further explanation? Can our original thinking be able to accept human civilization? What about the new changes?”

"Do we still need to continue asking questions at this time?"

Those words of self-examination caused the other 18 philosophers to fall silent in unison. Yes, isn’t the reason why the Society of Philosophers exists just to wait for this moment? Waiting for the civilization like a younger brother to one day have individuals who exceed their answer limits.

Philosophers have more regrets in their hearts that they cannot witness.

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