The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 542 Accident

Death, the withering away of life, is something that all intelligent creatures instinctively fear and resist.

It is not difficult to know from the fact that the Goddess of Death is an extremely stern goddess. How much all life hates her, yet they have no choice but to accept death as an extremely fair and ruthless terminal. Even angels cannot escape the authority of this righteous god. He is the most ruthless and cruel existence in the world, but also the fairest.

In one day, he gained the friendship of the elf Bai Jingheiwei, but had to accept the separation of friends, and it was a farewell that could never be seen again. This was a bit complicated for Lin En.

Are you talking about sadness...

They had not known each other for long, and it was more that Lin En had unilaterally understood the sad love that this elf had with a human hero. It would be too artificial to really say that he was sad.

But you said you are not sad...

That's too heartless, not to mention that this elf is about to die, and the new life transformed after her death will become a part of Lin En, without any emotional fluctuations. I guess this person is also a cold-blooded animal. Run as far as you can, like running away from a poisonous snake.

In short, Lin En's emotional state at the moment should be said to be lamenting. It was probably as if she was lamenting that a particularly poignant and romantic history was slowly coming to an end in front of her, mixed with a little bit of intolerance.

In comparison, No. 1 and No. 2 were particularly calm.

I don't know if the elves are used to separation between life and death, or if these backup memories don't know why they are sad at all, but are just waiting quietly for Bai Jingheiwei, the last elf in Avalon, to make a choice. Most of the elves are born from the World Tree. After the end of their lives, these elves will actually disintegrate and wither into another form, a favorite plant in their mind. This is the so-called true appearance of the immortal flower.

Why does the ageless flower make people look ageless? Why does the ageless flower heal serious injuries? It is even said that the ageless flower can bring people back to life. This is entirely because the ageless flower is the form of an elf who has a long life after his death. The death of many elves is not It is when the vitality is exhausted that the immortal flower emerges in response to the situation.

They come from trees, are close to nature, and ultimately return to the earth.

The old races that do not belong to this era, their era has completely come to an end, Avalon is just the last stubborn and responsible attitude...

From the perspective of the grand narrative of the legendary epic, the end of Avalon also declares that human civilization has no guidance in the strict sense. The future road belongs to the age of man, but it is also destined to belong to the age of wisdom.

Right here, right now.

Lin En saw with his own eyes the withering of the white thorn and seaweed.

She was suspended in mid-air with a green shadow. From a certain moment, she seemed to have returned to her mother's body. Her legs were slightly curled up, her waist was lowered and her hands were clasped in front of her chest. Although he still couldn't see her expression clearly, Lin En felt that this scene was extremely peaceful. His understanding of life at this moment was like hearing the sound of flowers blooming, from the perspective of the "Lake Fairy". There is a new layer of understanding.

About the withering of life.

Soon, the white thorn seaweed suspended in mid-air began to wither, and some kind of substance continued to precipitate from her body, and then disappeared into the space of the star realm in the blink of an eye. It looked like the elf was breaking through. Cocoon, as the cocoon of light continues to fall off, the figure of Bai Jinghaiwei is also rapidly shrinking.

In this sacred and ethereal scene, both No. 1 and No. 2 slowly hummed a low ballad. Lin En was somewhat familiar with the melody they sang a cappella. It was a lullaby tune, but with many gentle rising tones added.

The lullaby's swaying melody actually gives people the feeling of shaking in the mother's amniotic fluid.

So after listening to it, you will easily feel a kind of peace that makes you want to rest and fall asleep.

But at this moment, the lullaby they sang on No. 1, because the key was not high, did not make people want to fall asleep at all. Instead, they felt colder and colder, more and more awake, as if they were trying to hold onto something to retain something, but that kind of coldness It becomes clearer and clearer, and everything becomes more and more distant.

in later memoirs.

Lynn once had this description of elves.

We all think that this immortal species is natural, friendly, rich in life, luxurious, enjoyable, and even cold in death, but in fact this is just a part of them. Besides being stable, their emotions are as rich as humans. But many times, what makes people sad is that they cannot realize what their emotions are very quickly. I think this is why it is so rare for elves to lose control.

In the melody that was so cold that it was hard to breathe, the figure of Bai Jing and Haiwei finally completely disappeared.

A water lotus entwined with thorns floated toward Lin En. Its entire body seemed to be carved from ice crystals, almost completely transparent. Lin En subconsciously reached out to pick it up, but the next moment, the figure No. 2 caught the immortal flower one step faster than Lin En. This sudden scene made the young gentleman frown in confusion.

what is this?

Despite all the twists and turns, there was still something he didn't understand.

"No. 2, what are you doing?" No. 1 didn't seem to expect such a thing to happen suddenly. He took the initiative to take a step forward. The fiery red shadow seemed to be a magnificent burning flame, and Lin En's consciousness immediately I actually felt a strong sense of life information.

"Don't be surprised, No. 1, if you still feel surprised." No. 2 raised his hand and kindly blocked the flame information from the Phoenix King for Lin En. If this kind of astral information is accumulated too much, it will really People will be burned alive. "I just don't want it to end here."

"You want to leave Avalon."

"I've been waiting for this day."

The two elves had a vague confrontation. At this time, Linn's existence seemed insignificant. The good news was that they did not want to affect him.

"Even if you have immortality, you can't leave Avalon. Without Avalon's information support, you will die directly. This is the fate of our backup thinking bodies, No. 2, you are seeking your own death."

"Phoenix, you still like to look at things with an absolute eye...Haha, it's been so long that I've forgotten that you are just a backup memory."


When No. 2 laughed, Linn felt goosebumps. Then No. 2 glanced at Lin En and said as if he was trying to popularize science.

"Did you know that the immortal flower can actually resurrect not only humans, but also elves? Especially when spirituality and thinking remain active, resurrection can be completed with the Silmarillion."

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