I want to reach for the stars one day. Would you like to go with me?

This sentence will not seem outdated even after decades or hundreds of years. Some words are in line with the best original intentions of mankind and can be passed down forever. This can be called the most romantic confession, especially romantic words that are extremely lethal to intellectuals. Atali was stunned as if she had been struck by lightning.

It can be seen that the white marks caused by her crossed hands are extremely obvious.

She just stared at Linn blankly for five seconds in the noisy wind, to be precise, she was stunned for five seconds. Even though the girl in the wheelchair was not an emotional person, she was still shocked by this. She clenched her fists tightly, as if she wanted to immediately agree to Lin En's romantic invitation, but she was tired all the time. Yue’s ladylike education shouted in her ears again: Be reserved, be reserved! !

Atali felt like she was about to fall apart.

She seemed to have had this kind of dream when she was a child.

One day when the sun was just right, the boy came to me, stretched out his hand to invite me to a distant world that I had never imagined. However, after that attack, she never had such childish and unrealistic dreams again, but fate was obviously full of jokes.

The hopes and dreams I had there, when I grew up and were completely forgotten, suddenly appeared in a different form.

The girl in the wheelchair waited for five seconds before speaking seriously.

"If, Linn, I mean if, as long as you can always remember this day and remember who you are now and have not changed, I am willing to accompany you to reach for the stars and see the unknown future."

Every word she spoke was extremely powerful, as if she had carved these words on solid granite. No matter whether it was exposed to wind or sun, those words would never change. She was impressed by Lin En, who had unlimited pride at the moment and wanted to reach for the stars. Few people could refuse such a dream invitation.

Regardless of age or gender.

Linn and Atali stared at each other, seeming to confirm each other's true thoughts.

For a long time, amid the rumbling of the train and the whistling of the wind, both of them felt that this moment was too serious, and they both couldn't help laughing. Their laughter was so young and beautiful, and they felt like they were riding on the train in the wind. Flying to a high place, it was especially rare for Atali to laugh, and she laughed so much that tears came out.

"Ha, hahaha, if you are too serious, it will feel weird. It's fine if there are many people, but it will be especially weird if there are few people."

Linn revealed the source of the awkwardness.

After all, he and Atali have become very familiar with each other, and the scene is not quite right. After a moment of excitement, it is inevitable that there will be a huge gap from usual. It's like if your best friend is going to do something really awesome and he invites you, your reaction will definitely be, OK, I'll just help you, which is relatively bland. If he is a little sensational, you will also be led to the rhythm, and you will be a little embarrassed after you react.

"It's such a pity that you didn't get the Holy Sword."

Aitali sneered and shook her head. Her words were obviously referring to Linn's eloquence. As we all know, the must-preserve show of brave heroes in history is talking. They can use their excellent eloquence to persuade kings or monsters to provide convenience, and they can also use their talking to make a big fuss when the two armies are facing each other. He greets the enemy general's mother and other relatives, forcing him to go out of the city and angrily attack him.

Generally speaking, killing trolls feels good for a while, but tactically you have already lost.

In Miss Wheelchair's heart, although Linn was not recognized by the Holy Sword, his legendary life was no different from those heroes and brave men in epic myths.

A man who has been recognized by the elves, holds the Silmarillion in his hand, and chats and laughs with White Thorn and Seaweed. Do you think he is not a brave man?

Believe it or not, as soon as this word gets out, someone will rush over and spit in your face.

As for Lin En, even if it has not been sung by contemporary bards or newspapers, as long as it is verified to be true, his reputation will rise steadily. Don't forget, this is a world of mysterious and extraordinary beings. If a person has a high reputation, he will receive some interesting protection. For example, in history, the founding emperors or brave men are always accompanied by guardian angels or noble people to help them. These may seem like good luck, but in fact...

In short, Lin En can be regarded as involved in this aspect of destiny, and there are still many things that he has not yet understood waiting for him to discover.

Then again, there do seem to be a lot of interesting people around Lin En.

Just like Mr. Umbrella.

This powerful figure who suppressed several saints in one breath, another example is Sherlock, the agent of the [Seat Mouth], and another example is the newly added elf spinster who quickly became obese. From a certain evil perspective, Lin En's prerequisites are almost the same as those of some heroes.

But looking back at history, in some quiet moments, many people at the center of the story were insensitive to their own situations.

"It should be said that it is a good thing that I didn't get the Holy Sword."

Linn couldn't help but sigh after hearing the implication of Aitali's words.

But this unintentional remark made Aitali, a smart girl, raise her eyebrows as if she had thought of something. She subconsciously turned her head and looked around, and then asked in a slightly serious voice.

"You said it was a good thing that you didn't get the Holy Sword?"

"Don't worry, there are no big noses from the Inquisition here, and I won't be dragged to the stake for a barbecue just because I said this."

Incorporating the newly-invented noun barbecue, Lynn showed off her own unique brand of humor. It is estimated that the righteous God himself may not care much about this matter. As long as you don't spit in His face, the church will care more. Sometimes, the young teacher can’t help but wonder if the church is just a tool used by the righteous gods out of boredom.

As for the church, we all know it. Let’s not talk about things like priests and little boys. Sometimes they are also good at persecuting progressive people.

But the amazing thing is that Zhengshen never seems to stop progress.

It's no wonder that Lin En has such an almost blasphemous thought. Sometimes the more he understands what kind of transcendent existence Zhengshen is, the more embarrassed he feels that the existence of the church is wishful thinking. However, Zhengshen also has different personalities, and his attitude towards the believers under his opponents is not consistent, so I won’t go into details here.

"I'm not afraid that you will be caught by the big nose." Aitali glanced at the delicate and handsome Lin En, her eyes became a little weirder. "I mean, have you learned anything about the Holy Sword? For example, a demigod or something like that?"

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