Lin En habitually analyzes the people around him from the perspective of interests. Of course, he will downplay this analysis of those he regards as friends and those who are closer to him, but there are still some. After all, the young gentleman, like the countess, believes in the principle that only when you have a sufficient material foundation can you talk about luxurious things like love.

It is understandable that Tracker likes to calculate gains and losses when calculating others. But if you can't clearly see the benefits or what the other party really desires, this kind of plan will become a fatal flaw. Lynn is not the only smart person in this world.

And Lynn's truly commendable strength is his ability to adapt.

At the beginning on the chessboard, he didn't look like a commander at all. He just took one step at a time and learned along the way. After being beaten for two games in a rigid situation, I knew how to respond flexibly.

Then there is the astonishing growth rate.

Overthrow your original thinking in a very short period of time and quickly reconstruct a coping idea! If this idea is not correct, then give up without hesitation and immediately turn to other exploring methods that may be correct. In the first draw, when Linn controlled a row of chess pieces, he changed the formation five times in just five rounds. Each time, he was able to withstand the crushing rules of Atali's cavalry, allowing the countess to They all sighed that it was a wonderful skill.

However, Lin En was very uncomfortable in that game, because he felt that he really treated the chess pieces as lifeless chess pieces, and he always thought about what I should do if this was true, which was a somewhat indecisive mood.

All in all, Lynn's resilience was highly appreciated by the Countess.

The kind of growth that is visible to the naked eye, and the use of brains in pursuit of victory, allow him to use hard power on this chessboard to convince both women.

Feilian Mingxi could vaguely feel the changes in Lin En from the ebb and flow of spirituality.

She had half-jokingly dissed Aitali as a lunatic before, but it was actually not unfounded. When human civilization was only in its infancy, elves came into contact with humans. Probably, normal people have the same contact as studying apes, which can be regarded as knowing some individuals of human beings. It is like receiving revelation from the gods, and suddenly they become extremely terrifying. This superhuman sudden change makes the elves special for a period of time. curious.

The overall gap between individual elves is actually not that big. Even the knowledge awareness between the Phoenix King and an elf commoner may not deviate by one thousandth.

Lin En has always regarded his genetic lock as a potential explosive state after reaching a perfect body. Anyway, before traveling through time, he had often listened to someone's scientific research on how people can explode under certain circumstances. His physical fitness is so strong, no matter what The truth is that you can't do it, right?

Later, explosive seeding became the norm, and since he had to use his brain more often than his hands, Linn didn't have much in-depth understanding of the genetic lock.

Can't blame him.

Things have to be prioritized. If he was in a desperate situation where he was constantly being hunted, Lin En would definitely be calculating every bit of his strength carefully. Now that he is starting in a career-oriented manner, he will definitely focus his energy on areas that are more beneficial to his career.

Back to the topic, there are indeed individuals with certain natural advantages in this world, which are more obvious among humans. For someone like Lin En, who can actively enter a state of physical strength and brain explosion, the elf otaku maliciously speculates whether Lin En is the blood descendant left by the gods in this world.

This is not a joke on this old maid.

The righteous god has a walking clone in the outer world.

And at certain times, for various purposes or simply as they please, the clone of the true god will combine with humans and give birth to children. This is actually how many gods-given heroes came to be. Although Lin En was indeed born in Albion, after observing and studying his racial characteristics, Fei Lian Mingxi came to a very strange conclusion.

That is, judging from Lynn's skin texture, hair color, pupils, eyebrow spacing, limb proportions, and the tissue behind the ears and neck, Lynn should be a distant relative of the sea people.

That is, the remnants of marine civilization.

Oh, the word remnant is not a good word. After all, the human civilization in the sea was wiped out by the elven civilization, and the remaining fragments have been completely integrated into the current human civilization. There is no trace at all, so Feilian Mingxi Feeling a little embarrassed, I gave Lin En a nice name, orphan.

He is an orphan anyway.

Isn't there something messy about the soul information that he is immersed in every day? If he wants to become the protagonist, the first thing he needs to do is to live in the Qidian Orphanage. The elf spinster patted her 36F with satisfaction. She had given Lin En such a good status, and he had to give her a few pieces of fried chicken.

I don’t know if Fried Chicken is there, but I guess if Linn knew that she named him an orphan, then Turkey Flavored Crispy Rice Potato would probably have enough control.

In short, Feilian Mingxi was very curious about the fact that Lin En was a distant relative of the sea people.

But he was the owner, in charge of the life and death of junk food such as happy water, fried chicken and French fries. No matter how much she studied, she could only succumb to his lust first. According to Avalon's observations of the surface world over the years, Feilian Mingxi knew that a branch of the sea human race should be huddled on the frozen soil of the North Plains, fighting with some terrifying creatures from the sea on the coastline.

Lynn's presence at Albion seems a bit illogical.

Population mobility in this era, especially if there is no war between countries, is still very rare to be honest.

Feilian Mingxi has not yet asked about Lin En's parents, so naturally she does not know another hidden secret.

If she understood it, she would probably suddenly realize it.

As for the metal precipitating from Lin En's hair, she didn't pay much attention to it. It was a normal phenomenon for high-energy creatures to crystallize heavy elements in their bodies before they ascended. Otherwise, how could a flesh-and-blood body be able to support spiritual output? Even if the Extraordinaries get further back and use their own power to leverage the rules, you still have to have a strong enough fulcrum. Feilian Mingxi guessed that Lin En's brain had most likely entered the initial stage of expansion and development.

It is also the basic stage of compulsory education for so-called Great Walkers among the elves.

Lin En's extraordinary path is the potion path, which is a path of power that is biased towards the elf system. He seems to have accidentally stumbled onto a path that is similar to the elf system.

This may have something to do with his own hidden secrets.

Feilian Mingxi's regret is that she does not have the full set of instruments and equipment for cultivating great practitioners in the Elf Empire, so she cannot provide Lin En with good help at this basic stage. My dear little gentleman can only count on himself. After all, the path he wants to take is an unprecedented one.

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