The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 59 Lifestyle

There is a saying that goes well, if there is one, then there are two.

After Lin En was called to the conference room and returned to the secretariat, he immediately drank two glasses of water to relieve the dryness and stinging pain in his mouth.

He had a strong sense of déjà vu, which made Mr. Clark, who was sorting documents on the side, couldn't help but express concern.

"What happened? Were you reprimanded?"


"It seems I have to take back what I said before." Clark looked at Linn's face thoughtfully. "Your smile hasn't calmed down yet. It must be a good thing for Bill to come to you. You won't be promoted, right?"

"How can it be."

Lin En couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard about the promotion. His achievements have not yet been settled. There has been no sign of the cunning [Demon Spirit]. The achievements of the [Continental Medical Association] can be seen, but at least he has to wait until the whole thing is over. . Before that, Mr. Lin En was a powerless clerk.

"Promoting to extraordinary isn't all a bad thing, is it?" Mr. Clark smiled without meaning.

"Shouldn't it all be a good thing?"

From that sentence, Linn was keenly aware that Mr. Clark had a very resistant attitude towards becoming an extraordinary person. But soon Linn began to feel a little embarrassed, feeling that she had said the wrong thing, because Bill once mentioned that some clerks actually did not have the courage to face the terrifying weirdness and madness.

If he hadn't set a big goal for himself to return home and regarded becoming an Extraordinary as the first step, Lin En might not have been able to become an Extraordinary without any worries.

This is what is called, the one who takes the best wins.

In Linn's slightly embarrassed expression, Mr. Clark took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, wiped them carefully with a piece of cloth, and said in a heavy tone.

"I once witnessed an extraordinary person lose control. Before he lost control, everything was very normal. It was so normal that even when I was chatting and eating, I didn't notice anything unusual. I was scared because I found that I couldn't tell the difference between the people around me. Who is a normal person and who is a lunatic? I even wonder if the whole world is abnormal and is just disguised very well."

"I'm very..." Linn knew that he might have stepped on a thunderbolt.

"Lynn, I don't want you to say sorry. I just want you to understand that there are many different ways to live, and there is no distinction between noble and inferior ways. I can tell you this before you make a choice, I am very happy."

Mr. Clark finished wiping his glasses and put them back on, his eyes bright and he stared at Lynn seriously.

At this moment, Lin En was keenly aware of who he seemed to be looking at through himself.

"Thank you, I'll keep an eye on the road."

After receiving this sentence, Clark smiled with satisfaction, and then pointed to the book on Lynn's desk.

"I'm back now. The break is over. I have to complete my twenty new questions before lunch. I ask that you are not allowed to read the tutorial. Let me explain in advance that this is not a revenge punishment for you."

Linn subconsciously took out his pocket watch.

Good guy, it’s less than an hour before lunch break. Are the twenty questions really not meant to embarrass him? Mr. Clark really cultivated him and wanted to put everything into his head.

Clark was so humorous that he turned around with Lynn's paperwork.

"Don't underestimate me."

Lin En, who was inspired to fight, spun out the pen. Compared with the emergency play in the conference room, the difficulty of the twenty questions in front of him was as easy as eating three pieces of white bread in the morning. Let's see how he passed without any injuries!



Mr. Lin Enxiao's analysis and suggestions must be implemented into specific operations. There must be a lot of things that need to be considered.

The two vice-captains who decided to do this alone without telling the branch chief became more confident.

If Lin En's instructions were followed and the [Suppression Bureau] and the [Continental Medical Association] were to confront each other, then even if this matter failed, there would not be much pressure on the [Lamp Holder] branch at all. When it comes to rules and dignity, even the headquarters will support the branch to the end.

One of the things that the [Suppression Bureau] headquarters is most famous for is the extraordinary murders involving the Albion royal family.

At that time, the branch that happened to be investigating was actually attacked by unknown persons, and the entire branch was in ruins. The [Suppression Bureau], who was severely slapped in the face, was furious and carried out high-intensity law enforcement. Extraordinary law enforcers from the entire city were mobilized, forcing the royal family to bow their heads and come to negotiate peace and hand over some of the masterminds.

So Eveni and Alvin basically have nothing to worry about.

Although the branch director of [Lamp Holder] is a relatively lazy person, the advantage is that he will not hinder his subordinates from doing their work.

The second team took on the task of finding several newspapers for cordial exchanges.

The second team was originally patrolling today, and such a mission was justified. Besides, those disgusting reporters and writers who relied on freedom of public opinion had already made them itchy. They would not be happy if they could deal with them reasonably.

This is not the case for the [Suppression Bureau] alone. Basically every organization has been disgusted by these newspapers with different financial backers.

Efeni and Bill from the third team are going to sort out a list.

We need to cooperate with the [Mainland Medical Association] to hand over people and exert pressure.

If we can force the other party to hand over people before the peace conference, it will be the best outcome. However, if you think about it, you know that this kind of thing is a low-probability event. At least the suggestions given by Lin En, the entry of the [Suppression Bureau] will not be a knife in the hands of interested people. It can be advanced and retreated.

In fact, Linn still left a hook regarding the hidden person.

He wanted to fish him out.

As long as the [Suppression Bureau] and the [Mainland Medical Association] reach a certain degree of exchange of interests and there is a tendency to ease this situation, the other party will definitely take action again. And as long as there is desire, he will act, and his actions will leave traces. He will be more keen to catch the other party's traces than this time!

Lynn wants to win!

He wants to tell the other party that I have broken the game you did, and you were caught by me.

Bru Street, restaurant.

"Mr. Clark, are you treating me?" When Linn came to enjoy lunch, he couldn't help it when he saw that Clark had packed lunch for the entire third team and the secretariat, and only paid the cost price.

"This restaurant is owned by my family."


It turns out that you are the colleague that Mr. Narrow Eyes was talking about. Linn smacked his mouth and remembered that Bill still owed him two lunches. Can Mr. Clark reimburse him first? Recently, he always felt that he was not full and not very hungry, which seemed to have something to do with the [spring] in his body.

Lin En caught a glimpse of the black and gold carriage of the [Suppression Bureau] speeding past from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but watch them disappear at the other end in confusion.

"Every time I see a wall..."

"What did you see?" Clark, who happened to come over, asked curiously.

"Nothing, my stomach is already growling with hunger. Let me take a look at today's menu."

Thanks to Key Enid, book friend 20170702001752040 for the monthly ticket, thanks to Linfeng Yimao, named Extremely Difficult Syndrome, Xiaolu Youran, book friend 20210223235757375 for the reward~

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