The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 63: Trapped in a cocoon

"Except for some bruises and strains on his hands and feet, he couldn't be healthier. He will definitely live longer than an old man like me, so please let me go, everyone [Lamp Holder]?"

After leaving these words, the poor doctor who was forcibly pulled over from nowhere swung his beard and finally broke free under the double hostage of Bill and Evene, muttering about barbarians, furnace workers, and blacksmithing. He ran away with some words to vent his depression.

Lynn's health is fine.

Both Bill and Evene were obviously relieved after hearing this.

They were really worried about Lin En. In addition to his amazing performance in the conference room that day, more importantly, Lin En was really being trained as a formal member of the third team. These days, work and everyone's relationships are all being dealt with It's great, who doesn't like such a cute and beautiful boy?

"Can you do me a favor?"

Faced with the concern of Yevni and Bill, Linn smiled and made her request to them calmly as if nothing was wrong.

"you say."

Eveni nodded in response, there were some things she planned to do even if Linn didn't say anything.

"Tongque, help me deliver a letter home. Someone is waiting for me. I can't keep her waiting." Lin En made her first request calmly. After being guarded under the street lamp for such a long time, , although he struggled with negative emotions most of the time, he was not thinking about anything.

Lynn's terrifying calmness at this moment made Bill raise his eyebrows.

He smelled a familiar smell.

It was completely different from the usually gentle and calm Lin En. On the contrary, it was different from the first time they met in the underground prison, when his life was threatened and his whole body was compressed like a spring, invisibly showing a strong and resilient struggle. resemblance.

"Is there anyone in your family?" Eveni was stunned and said subconsciously.

When she heard that there was someone in Lynn's home, and she was a woman, she felt a little unhappy.

"My childhood playmate." In fact, Lin En has never taken the initiative to tell anyone about her childhood sweetheart.

What Lin En was most worried about at the moment was Sophia. He didn't want to worry her because of him. Since he had nothing to do, he would send a letter back first.


A hint of frightening cruelty suddenly flashed through Lin En's green eyes.

‘Demon spirit, I must kill you! ’



In the slightly swaying carriage, Linn told Yevney and Bill how he was attacked.

His standard written report was clear and calm, as if he was leading the two of them to clearly watch the entire process from a third-party perspective. Of course, Lin En concealed the strange breaking and healing of the body by the Black Holy Grail at that time, and his views on sexual intercourse. [Evil] This existence that the gods have not defined has always felt that there is a secret hidden here.

Eveni remained silent, while Bill looked solemn after hearing this.

"This is not good news..."

Bill's tone was a little dry, this situation was unexpected.

"Lynn, the demon spirit that marked you may have already transformed once."

"Transformation?" This is a word that Lin En has not been exposed to yet.

Mr. Narrow Eyes gave him some information about headaches that was not his turn.

Whether it's the mental decay that makes the target feel hopeless and stagnant when it appears, or the ability to quickly emerge from the cracks in a short period of time, it proves that the demon spirit is much stronger than its original state.

If it is a primitive demon spirit, it will be weak for at least several minutes when it hunts from the star realm to the outer realm, and it will take a certain amount of time to return to the star realm. Even if it is a tricky and difficult cross-border monster like a demon spirit, it is impossible to enter and exit at will relying on instinct. It may quickly approach a second transformation after one transformation.

There is no clear correspondence between astral creatures and extraordinary beings, but the ability of an extraordinary creature that has transformed once is basically equivalent to Sequence 8, which is Yevni's level.

Generally, when dealing with this level of astral monsters, traps will be set up in advance to lure them out and kill them before they can escape back to the astral realm.

As for the demon spirit's talent of traveling through the astral world, it is particularly disgusting just after completing the first transformation and before the second transformation.

Bill offered a metaphor to Lynn.

The larger the fish in a pond, the easier it is to observe the water waves caused by swimming. The closer it is, the more it can be sensed, and extraordinary people can use this to make judgments.

The demon spirit that undergoes transformation happens to be a type that causes little waves but is extremely dangerous. By the time the extraordinary person faces it, it is often too late to become spiritually alert.

The fact that Lin En was able to escape from such a demon spirit again can only be explained by good luck in the eyes of others.

Without the desire aroused by the Black Holy Grail at the critical moment, Linn was now completely cold.

"...In this case, if we can lock the demon spirit from the star realm, things will be easier to handle." Bill folded his hands and thought, the [Lamp Holder] can indeed handle this matter.

"Next comes the damn but."

Linn easily saw the helplessness in Bill's expression.

"Yes, it's a damn thing, but if you want to be able to directly target the star realm from the outer realm and launch an attack, only the minister in the branch can do it." Bill spread his hands because of this rare opportunity.

‘I’ll mess with you! ’

Lin En, who instantly understood what this meant, immediately cursed in his heart. His delicate face turned gloomy to the naked eye, and the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly fell into freezing point.

They all know that the second and third teams of the [Lamp Holder] suppressed the [Mainland Medical Association], and their preparations were huge. Lin En himself was the one making the plans in the conference room. If he called the Minister back at this time, Lin En would definitely be saved, but the efforts of the second team and the third team these days would undoubtedly be in vain.

'This damn fate is so infuriating and funny. 'Lynn's expression management almost collapsed.

"I will inform the minister tonight."

After a brief hesitation, Yevni firmed up. Bill sighed and nodded in agreement.

Although it is a pity, human life is more important.

"team leader……"

Lin En, who has always been wary and aware of the sinister nature of people's hearts, was prepared to be given up. But when he saw that both of them chose him, Linn couldn't help but have a hint of nasal sound in his voice, and his lips pursed.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Lin En's heart is not made of stone. Even if it is made of stone, it should be warmed by such a temperature.

"Stop talking. Without you, we wouldn't be able to investigate that matter so smoothly."

Yevni saw Linn's expression moved, and the female knight's expression showed a rare tenderness.

"Yes, you are one of us."

Bill also spoke up. The [Suppression Bureau] may seem loose but is actually very united, because next time your colleagues may risk their lives to block an attack from behind for you.

Lin clenched his fists hard. What flashed in his mind was that everyone in the clerk's office was working overtime to investigate the [Mainland Medical Association]. Official members of the two teams were carrying out investigations under the pressure of the financial backers behind many newspapers. Everyone worked together. The determination to catch that pervert and put him on trial.

The more I think about Linn's unstable emotions, the more they surge up and down! Like a huge wave!

"Captain, maybe I can do something."

Thanks to book friend 202106092356548ntary for the reward~~ Thanks to the ultimate naming difficulty, Lily Winchester, for her monthly ticket~~

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