The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 65 Learning a Foreign Language

Bill smacked his lips a little, studying Lynn's report.

To be honest, he couldn't find an appropriate adjective to describe this report. After turning it over in his mind, he could only dig out a beautiful one. If Bill had lived a few decades ahead of his time, he would have described Lynn as a ruthless report-writing machine.

Lynn's report is cleverly written.

Although the purpose is to directly point out the promises made by the headquarters and the branch's dereliction of duty, there is no description of these two aspects in the entire article. It only emphasizes as much as possible the significance of the [Lamp Holder] branch's investigation to the peace of the mainland and has the ability to be remembered. A great honor to enter the history books. But the entire content actually hints at the precious opportunity for the headquarters and branches to get back on track.

But when did their investigation become related to mainland peace? ?

Still go down in history?

Bill can guarantee that if someone who doesn't understand the internal situation of [Lamp Holder] reads this report, those fools will definitely think that it is a flattering report that praises virtues. But Bill happened to know something, so he saw Lynn's hints between the lines of the report.

"Aren't we looking for trouble with the [Mainland Medical Association]?"

Bill, who didn't quite understand, shook the report.

"Who said that? Aren't we helping them eliminate potential risks?" Linn felt a little weird. Very tired, he sat on the chair and played with his fingers like a harmless animal.

"Eliminate the risk, ha, eliminate the risk, hahaha." Bill laughed immediately, and in one sentence he wiped away all the previous offenses, and made the other party extremely aggrieved.

It's really Linn's style...

"And go down in history?"

"It's just a scene." Lin En lied without blinking. If the flames of war burning across the entire continent are really going to be extinguished, the meeting initiated by the [Mainland Medical Association] will definitely be written into the annals of history, and so will those who participated in it. Leave a name.

The cabinet, which is riding a tiger and cannot get off, will eventually jump off the chariot. It depends on how the countries in the mainland choose to end the war.

The more Lin En investigated and thought about it, the more he felt that the meeting held by the [Mainland Medical Association] was probably a signal to release peace, coquettishly shouting to the entire continent: Stop fighting, we will fight if we continue to fight. Just one generation.

Considering the nature of the Medical Association, and the fact that there were many celebrities and nobles from other countries on his list, Linn felt that his guess was at least 70% correct.

"By the way, you said you are half of Gao En's bloodline." Lin En chatted to Mr. Narrow Eyes as if he was bored.

"Are you also fascinated by my romance?" Bill teased Lynn.

"Be careful if someone throws paint on your door." Hearing this guy's shameless words, Linn couldn't help but stab him. In this era, gay people would come to your door in the middle of the night and throw paint on them. In extreme cases, they would even throw excrement on them. After all, gay men will also be chemically castrated.

"Then I will sue them for attacking a civil servant, and I will ask Stim's best lawyer to help me litigate the case."

Bill said nonchalantly, generally speaking, the romance given to him by Gao En's blood cannot be suppressed. Those ladies and ladies are reserved on the surface, don't they just like this. As for Lin En, he is completely an anomaly and wins purely by his looks. If the two of them go to a certain salon together, all the ladies and ladies will collectively dig out smelling salts.

"I hope your lawyer didn't drain your blood."

In just a few words, Linn tied Bill into the gay man's condom. Before Bill could react, he interrupted and changed the subject.

"So, do you know Gao Enyu?"

"Well... you know a little bit, what's the matter? Which lady do you want to use this to kiss? I think you can even capture Count Amiste, so you don't need this anymore."

Gao Enyu was a language used by mainland aristocrats for a certain period of time. The reason is that Gao En had the most advanced education in the entire continent at that time. His fluent and elegant Gao Enyu was paired with affectionate eyes. For those famous ladies who longed for free love, , simply the most lethal weapon.

"Teach me the pronunciation, now."

Linn gave up arguing with this guy and made his request straightforwardly.

Although he was a little curious as to whether Linn really wanted to use this to catch women, seeing Linn's tired and serious expression, Bill did not bother to ask more questions or tease him, and continued to read the report and chat with him about Gao Enyu. After dragging his exhausted body after an all-nighter, Linn began to memorize the unique syllables and tones of Gaoen language in detail.

In a sense, Mr. Bill really guessed what Linn wanted to do.



The rosy-purple morning light gradually turned into bright sunlight. The flapping wings of [Weaving Moth] spreading moonlight gradually took the night away, and [Burning Sun] took over the right to ride in the sky in turn, bringing its power to the sky. Eternal blazing light is projected onto the earth.

Although he has hypermemory symptoms, Linn is not a language genius in the true sense.

After listening to Mr. Bill's stumbling retelling of Gao Enyu, Lin tortured her tongue for nearly half an hour, and finally gave up her ambition to further study Gao Enyu. If she continued to learn a foreign language, her tongue might be damaged. Abolish it first.

Bill was a little embarrassed by Lynn's gaze. He said that this was enough for Lynn to show off at a high-class dance.

"Okay, I don't think there's anything wrong with this report. I'll talk to the captain later. As for you now..." Bill paused for a moment, smiling and looking strange. "...I heard from Bishop that there is a girl waiting outside the door all night. Do you want to go out and take a look?"

Linn was stunned for a moment.

He stared at the smiling Bill with some confusion, while Bill calmly faced the little gentleman's questioning gaze.

After about five seconds of confrontation.

Linn stood up without hesitation and trotted away, slamming the door, while Bill touched his nose and said in an inexplicable tone.

"The smell of bedbugs is really unpleasant..."

After jogging downstairs and saying hello to the janitor Bishop, Lin hurried out. The dazzling sunshine outside the door made him unable to hold back tears from his eyes. He squinted his eyes and came outside the branch, trying his best to scan around for the familiar figure.

Almost at the same time, a figure rushed over, and Lin En was hugged into a familiar embrace in the next moment.

"Easy, gentle, I can't breathe!"

Linn patted Sophia on the shoulder in pain and happiness, and she hugged him with all her strength as if she was afraid of losing him.

at the same time.

At the other end of No. 404 Blue Street, a carriage slowly stopped with a coquettish order. From the car window, a voluptuous and plump figure with a folding fan was revealed, and her sultry eyes happened to capture this scene.

Amiste, this stunning beauty looked at the scene where Lin En and Sophia were hugging each other. She was not angry, but showed some interest.

Although Lin En's face was filled with pain and she couldn't breathe, the happiness unconsciously revealed between her brows and eyes was particularly real and dazzling.

"Go back to the manor." The Countess took a deep look at Sophia and gave her order without any doubt.

Thank you Xiaolu Youran for your reward and monthly ticket, thank you for eating dirt all your life, I am not a bald baby’s monthly ticket~~

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