The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 662 Fighting

Spiritual warning is a unique instinct of human beings.

There are neither claws nor scales of beasts. The spiritual warning ability engraved in the soul is a unique human perception of receiving information from the outside world. If we didn't have this kind of perception, we might have been directly driven to extinction by some exaggerated wild creatures early in the history of evolution.

This half-body monster, with its claws showing arch-leg-like reverse joints, was actually capable of spiritual warning and directly avoided Bill's Sequence 8 firepower, so its identity was already revealed.

Extraordinary people who are out of control and deformed!

It's not like Lynn has never seen someone who is out of control.

Clark, an ordinary person, turned into a four-eyed giant when he lost control. Someone must have been responsible for this. During the autumn hunting trip, Lin En also saw another out-of-control Extraordinary, the Shaping Demon. But judging from the combined level of curiosity between the two, neither of them seemed as hateful and evil as this monster at this moment.

The fanged mouthparts look like man-eating flower petals, the densely packed compound eyes on the forehead, the tail hook under half of the body, the well-developed claws with reverse joints, combined with the skinny black body, actually gave Lin En a kind of The feeling of horror when I saw the alien for the first time. It was both beautiful and deadly. It seemed to emerge from the darkness with the grace and calmness of a hunter.

What's more terrible is.

The sound of the gunshot had no obvious deterrent effect on this guy. Lin En caught a glimpse of the snake-like structure of the monster's nasal cavity in the electric light, and suddenly understood that the method used by this monster to explore the environment was not a single sound capture. It might It is through heat capture.

No wonder this guy is active in the area near the underground river.

In a short period of time, facing the charging monster, Linn had no time to tell what he had discovered, and he just interrupted the spiritual link with Leticia without hesitation. The next moment, Lin En threw out his hand like lightning and untied the cane he had been carrying with him with a clang. A black shadow swung forward along his arm and extended past it. At first glance, he thought it was... It was a black snake swimming unsteadily in mid-air.

Almost at the same time, Yefeni, who saw Lin En throwing away his hand, picked up the small submachine gun on her waist and pulled the trigger directly, scattering the bullets all over her face without any pursuit of accuracy.

The thin, dark monster hesitated for a moment.

Because it instinctively feels that small things flying in mid-air are more threatening than things that are slowly thrown towards it. It was because of this hesitation that the approaching black monster, greedy for blood, chose to dodge the bullet and paid little attention to the tip of the whip that was approaching like a spiritual snake.

‘Oh, hit! ’

Linn was immediately overjoyed.

You've been hit hard! brute! When Feilian Mingxi heard Lin En's happy voice while watching the movie, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She uttered evil words and complained quietly in her heart.

“His ho!!”

The monster that was dodging and clinging to the rock wall suddenly felt something was wrong. Immediately, there was a sudden tug from the tail hook, causing it to almost fall onto the raised rock platform like a dog eating shit. In fact, it should still be able to feel a sharp pain, but after turning into a beast, the body rotted and dried up, and it really didn't know what pain was.

At this moment, the whip blade transformed from Lin En's cane, and the blade transformed from the sound of the staff, were tightly twisted along its tail hook, just like a python clinging to a big tree. In some places, the blade had even penetrated deeply. embedded in the bones.

Sometimes, whether there is a threat or not does not depend solely on intuition.

It also depends on temporary changes.

If it were just a simple whip blade impact, it would strike at most from the monster's body and cut off a few ounces of flesh without any pain or itching. But the wrapping of the whip obviously has much more functions than simply whipping.

Feeling that his goal was achieved, Linn suddenly shouted in a deep voice.


He stepped on his feet, twisted his waist, and stomped the ground hard. Lin En's fair face turned red instantly, and the muscles in his left hand swelled by three points. Immediately, the monster that was lifted upside down was unable to exert force in the air, and Lin En forcefully lifted it up from the other side of the underground river wall.

Feeling that the chosen monster was screaming, the two tigers waving their sharp claws were clawing everywhere. The bone sharp claws and the wooden core of the cane intertwined violently, and strings of sparks actually burst out!

But that's as far as it goes.


Along with a body as strong as a gymnast, at the highest point where the monster was free from force, he suddenly stepped on the stone wall and jumped high, and slashed down with a sword. The monster was instantly cut in half. And Leticia, who somersaulted in mid-air and landed deftly and lightly, raised her hand with the big gun and fired three shots at the head to hit the vital point.

[Happy Doll]'s body manipulation is comparable to that of the top gymnasts, and it is the best in both melee combat and long-range shooting. After Leticia disconnected the link, she copied the weapon and chose to continue to cooperate with Linn. She was so neat and tidy this time that even Yevni couldn't help but nod subconsciously after seeing it.

Very handsome, very chic, and very at ease.

This is a powerful performance.

Leticia is definitely not a show-off. As early as the time when she was working in the [Timepiece Tower], she performed tasks extremely well, and now she has shown her due level.

Seeing this alien-like skinny creature cut into two pieces.

Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but this breath was quickly lifted up. After the monster was chopped from the chest down, it fell to the ground, twitching and dragging its rotten body up from the ground. It seemed As if he had suffered some great humiliation, he roared at everyone with his split mouthparts.


Without even looking back, he moved his claws fiercely, and he actually ran faster without half of his body! In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind the tail hook that was still bound and twitching from time to time.

"So fast..." He put down the big gun in his hand helplessly. Only at this time did Bill have time to sigh. Even he was like this, not to mention the group members and the scholars who were involved in the whole process. Maybe they only barely captured some fragments of the whole process.

By the time he reacted, the dust had already settled.

Because Eveni was carrying a submachine gun in her hand, she was afraid of hurting Leticia if she fired randomly. She just didn't take action to completely nail the monster. Sometimes it was too close. Without training like trust shooting, big problems could easily occur. .

"That thing just now is not afraid of gunfire. It is most likely the transformation of an out-of-control Beyonder. I think we met with the hunter, but the conversation was not pleasant."

Lin En controlled the whip blade and twisted it hard, completely strangling the twitching tail hook. He flicked it twice and slowly retracted the whip blade, turning it into a civilized stick again.

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