The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 67 Peace goes down in history

This was the first time Lynn swore.

Not only swearing by the name after time travel, but also by the name before time travel is enough to prove the solemnity of his oath.

Receiving Lin En's solemn oath was probably more important than anything else to Sophia. She was so happy that she walked the last stretch to No. 404 Blue Street while holding Lin En's arm.

Sophia is not Lynn, who can still be energetic and busy after staying up all night.

After confirming that Lin En was indeed safe and sound, she showed a tendency to yawn and sent her outside the [Lamp Holder] branch. She helped Lin En tidy up the details of his outfit and waved goodbye to him.

She believed that Lynn would not break the promise.

Linn watched Sophia's back disappear at the end of the street, then turned and walked into the door under the Forge's Holy Emblem. He remembered that Sophia didn't like dealing with official people the most. She was naturally aggressive, but this time she waited all night outside the [Lamp Holder] branch for him.

to be honest.

Lin En even regretted sending the letter saying she was safe yesterday, but on second thought, it was better than having to keep looking for her. Communication problems in this era are still quite inconvenient. Telegraphs have only just been installed across the country and telephones are a luxury item. There is currently no telephone installed inside [Lamp Holder].

"That girl is nice. She has been waiting for you outside for a long time."

As soon as he entered the door, the old gatekeeper smiled and looked at Linn, who was breathing much calmer. Even Linn himself didn't notice that his mental state was much better than when he went out.


Hearing Bishop praise his sister, the habitual investment smile on Lynn's face became more sincere than usual. The old man sighed in his heart at Lynn's kindness. The girl in overalls smelled like a gangster. Lynn was able to put down his identity and treat her intimately, and even said that he had lost his identity a bit.

Kindness is also one of the excellent qualities of aristocrats, but more decent people value status more.

"Any news today?"

Linn took off his bowler hat. Since the information he got from Bishop came in handy, he decided to have a chat with the well-informed old janitor. Of course, Bishop's newspaper also became Linn's target. He discovered that reading newspapers in this era is really a very important thing.

Especially for a clerk like me who is very brain-hungry.

"General Rohalin reprimanded a group of people in the country who are betraying everything the frontline soldiers have shed their blood for. I also agree with General Rohalin's proposal to hang those traitors directly. A heroic victory has come to the Eastern Front. , the great kingdom's army has a major breakthrough... Those traitors are planning to hold a meeting at the World Expo Exhibition Hall, my God! Why don't the military police take action?"

‘Fuck, these Qiuba! ’

Linn felt his scalp was numb. This news was actually published in the Stim Daily. Isn't this the military man possessed by horse dung? Planning to go alone?

Bishop couldn't suppress his excitement when he mentioned the war. Linn borrowed the newspaper, put away his hat and coat, and went upstairs back to the secretariat.

He was a little uneasy.

Although the general trend of peace is an inevitable process of history in his view, he cannot stop some people from wanting to reverse history. The military's statement at this time is obviously a high-profile political statement. A high-profile statement does not mean that it must do so, and it may also be asking for a high price.

Lin En saw that it was obvious that this cabinet was at a disadvantage in all aspects of the game, and he keenly foresaw that the cabinet was not far from collapse.

It's a pity that he is still underage.

Otherwise, if you take out a loan to find a congressman and spend some political donations at this time, when the votes are given, you will be able to become a faction celebrity of a certain powerful person, and then you will not have to live a life of financial constraints. . Lynn could donate as many churches as Sophia wanted in one go.

‘No, I have to find a way to make money when things stabilize. ’

Gold pounds can bribe the righteous gods.

Although this is a joke at the stake, it is not wrong to a certain extent. If there are sufficient resources to operate, Linn is not sure what kind of disturbance he can make.

"Did you stay up all night yesterday?" At the Secretariat, Mr. Clark asked with some concern when Linn came back with the newspaper.

The files on Lin En's desk were obviously not something that could be moved out today.

"Something happened yesterday, and I stayed here all night to make some reports." Linn answered absentmindedly, keeping his attention on the newspaper.

"Looks like you're going to be on loan."

Mr. Clark heard what Linn said. He had already expected that the young gentleman's path would be more tortuous than other clerks.

Is this a good thing?

He didn't know and didn't want to know. Clark just wanted to teach Linn more.

As expected, it was not what Clark expected. Only ten minutes after Lin sat down, Bill's figure appeared in the secretariat. The squinty-eyed man, still wearing the all-inclusive gloves, walked straight over and greeted Clark familiarly.

"Good morning, Clark."

"Good day, Bill." Clark greeted him calmly.

Then Bill pointed at Lynn, with a hint of questioning in his smile. Lynn happened to be paying attention to the newspaper and did not notice this scene. Clark didn't speak, he just lowered his head and started working. It seemed that Bill was doing whatever he wanted.

"Well, dear young gentleman, put down that damn newspaper, we have work to do."

"Has the report been submitted?"

Lynn folded the newspaper, said hello to Mr. Clark, and then followed Bill out of the secretariat. The two of them walked in the corridor projected by the light beam, quietly and cautiously.

"That's right, but that's not the point. We have collected almost everything we should collect, and we are going to find trouble with some people. If we have to deal with people on the spot, we may need the service of your eloquent mouth." Bill's words Revealed a very important information.

After collecting information for so many days, the [Lamp Holder] finally wants to take serious action against the [Mainland Medical Association].

It makes sense that Lynn would be singled out for the investigation.

Rather, it would be excessive and unbelievable to kick Linn away at this time and isolate him from all subsequent achievements. When Lin En entered the [Suppression Bureau], he had not offended anyone. Smile Investment was spending money every day without any cost, and his work ability was demonstrated. There was no reason to isolate Lin En as a nuisance.

"In addition, if the minister comes back, he may not be able to kill the demon spirit for a while."

"I know."

Lin En also knows this. Unless the demon spirit is seduced, you will know where it is hiding. With the habits of this cunning creature, if an attack fails, it will hide for a period of time, waiting until the prey relaxes its vigilance before suddenly appearing.

Lin En's hopes are not all pinned on the Minister. He has other bargaining chips.

"Then get ready, let's go."

"Where to go?" Linn raised a successful smile.

"People from the World Expo Exhibition Hall and the Medical Association have responded. They plan to talk to us about peace and issues recorded in history." Bill's smiling face changed unpredictably under the projected light.

Thanks to book friend 20181119015734142, Xiao Lu Leisurely for the reward, thank you for eating dirt all your life, book friend 20180623202252760, Jun Qingyi’s monthly ticket~

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