The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 671 Exorcism for the Priest

Bad luck is only temporary.

After successfully merging into the public chat room opened by Aitali in the straight line distance between the fourth and third floors, Linn successfully regained the changed map information. The good news is He and Leticia's current environment is quite safe, but the news is that this safety will not last long.

The monsters are not only killing each other, but by comparing the maps, it can be seen that the monsters in the underground palace have been rounding up the law enforcers intentionally or unintentionally.

It felt like being maliciously targeted.

Lynn felt deeply about this.

He was quite familiar with the illusion of this underground palace, with its densely packed limbs, thick and black blood, clusters of eyes, and painful wails. Those lives that were pulled into the blood healing hell are sinking here, still eager to drag more people into the hell together.

Life here is no different from wild beasts.

It's easier to handle with a map, and it's much easier to handle with the monster's partial perception on the other side. After a brief communication and a brief understanding of each other's situation, Lin En, one of the team leaders, directly gave the order to let them go down to the fourth floor along a relatively direct and less dangerous passage, and at a nearby The platforms on the central axis converge.

This command is quite reliable, and you will make the same choice if you decide on your own.

When Leticia, a lolita, held Lin's shoulder and half dragged him, who was not in very good condition, to the scheduled rendezvous point.

"I miss my spray gun very much now. I gave it a very famous name, the Holy Flame of Exorcism. If it were here, I guarantee that I would be able to clean up those minced meat residues just now in five minutes. "It's more effective than a trench broom." She was driving with Lynn, remembering her sawed-off spray gun. It was hidden in her coat and could be easily taken out when needed. It wasn't too convenient.

"That name sounds really cool. Where did it come from?"

Lin En could feel the distant malice on the back of his head again. He couldn't help but secretly curse, the recovery speed of that thing is really fast. If he comes here again next time, he will definitely bring a lot of phlogiston and fire oil to burn these guys to ashes and see how they recover.

"I used to work as a killer to make extra money, and I met a priest who was performing an exorcism on a little boy. It was the kind of exorcism that lets the devil leave the boy by entering his body. Do you understand?"

"...Can I say that I don't understand? I still want to go to heaven after death." After hearing the classic hell joke between the priest and the little boy, Linn couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and he could hardly hide his wicked smile. .

"In short, my baby was blessed by the church. The big nose that I wanted to bless me never thought in this life that one day I would stuff the thing into the priest's asshole, and then pull the trigger. The priest also experiences what it feels like for a little boy to be exorcised.”

The words driving the loli made Linn feel her asshole tightening!

He really didn't expect that Leticia, a normally cheerful guy, would also work part-time as a killer and do such cruel things. It can only be said that people should not be judged by their appearance. Her sweet and lovely appearance will definitely make the priest feel what it means to tremble from the bottom of his soul when he performs the ritual on the little boy.

At least putting himself in his shoes, Linn felt that if he were treated like that, he would definitely be filled with fear.

But Leticia actually did the job of a killer.

This was something he never expected. This may be because after learning a little bit about Linn's secret, Driving Loli chose to tell him her secret. It can be said that having back and forth, attacking and defending makes the relationship between two people sweeter. At least Leticia felt that Linn was still interested in her.

It's just that damn little figure of hers that doesn't work.

When she was working part-time as a killer, she deliberately chose a harmless loli appearance for herself. A pretty little girl could always make people let down their guard and easily enter various places. Sometimes, you can even catch some rich perverts. After all, there are some guys who are just like lolita.

While Loli was chatting away while driving, Concubine Mingxi, who was in The Silmarillion, was also having a relatively serious conversation with Lin En.

Lin En, who used the ability of [Vampire of Doom], basically showed her panties this time.

Although Feilian Mingxi does not understand the path of potions and cannot see that [Bloodline of Misfortune] is not in the traditional path at all, she is still a demigod, even if this demigod is somewhat disabled. . She can clearly see that the [Flower Maker] path that imitates the elves and the [Nourisher] are not the same style in the same path at all!

Linn is doing a terrible job.

Two different paths are suspected of conflicting with each other. The righteous gods who are close to each other will definitely think that the other is poaching. The final result is that both sides want neither side to gain favors, and they will collapse directly.

Don’t forget what it means to be assimilated on the angel side.

It feels like Linn may be looking for death. The elf spinster is not calm anymore. If he wants to die, there is no point in dying like this. As an elf, it is really difficult to understand this kind of thing. Regardless of whether this was Lin En's secret or not, she had to seize the time to have a good talk with Lin En.

'You can't go on like this, Lynn. ’

Concubine Lian Mingxi rarely warned in a serious tone.


What can Lynn say? Did he want to tell Feilian Mingxi that in fact, these two professions were not what he thought of, but were given by the [Evil] Prime Minister himself, and they had something to do with the Black Holy Grail. Maybe after these words were spoken, Feilian Mingxi rubbed her hands like a fly and couldn't wait to dissect him.

‘Don’t pretend to be dead, or I will go crazy and steal your tribute. ’

‘Don’t pretend to be dead, don’t scream, don’t scream, it’s very important now. I'm thinking about how to explain it to you. ’Lynn was a bit open. ‘I don’t mean to deceive you, but this is inevitable for me. It is a gift but also a burden that needs to be shouldered. I am also aware of the dangers. ’

‘You want to steal the power of the gods? ’

The elf spinster who has a wild guess about Lin En's identity, but is very close to the truth, suspects that Lin En is planning to do something big.

If she goes by her guess, this is still very possible.

And Lin En luckily chose the road of confrontation between the lady and the young lady. Isn't this hoping that the two righteous gods who have always been at each other's throats will continue to fight? Only if the righteous gods tighten their grip will they make some concessions on other issues. Otherwise, it would not be easy to have another righteous god.

When three humans became gods, wasn't it because during the second war between gods, the righteous gods regressed on some issues?

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