The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 71 Black Holy Grail Overwriting

Evene once told Linn about the Star Realm.

For extraordinary people, the star realm is their place of hope and the place where their despair is buried. So far, there are still many unknown areas and phenomena in the star realm, which are often full of malice and pollution for extraordinary people. The howling of crazy spirits in the amorphous wilderness makes people shudder.

Generally, Extraordinaries in the lower ranks should avoid taking the initiative to go to the star realm.

The reason is naturally too fragile.

In the unpredictable star realm, it is very possible to die suddenly for no reason. Even if you don't die suddenly, you may come back with chaotic spiritual pollution, harming others and yourself.

What really made Linn decide to go to the star realm again was the Black Holy Grail.

The last time he unconsciously dreamed of the Star Realm, and after learning about dreaming and resuscitation from the [Lamp Holder], Lin En realized that it seemed that it was easier for him to enter and exit the Star Realm than others. As for the annoying noise, it was almost impossible to enter the Star Realm for the first time. He didn't burst out of consciousness, but he didn't see the pollution.

This sexual manifestation formed by the two phases of [evil] and [spring] seems to have some functions that I have not discovered yet, in addition to being eye-catching and bed-warming.

The attack by the demon spirit really made Lin En furious, and he fell into a dream and entered the star realm.

He once again saw the gorgeous silver atmosphere, the city on the mountain shrouded in mist, and the golden light of the solar prominence licking out of the wounds in the sky. The blurred and beautiful scene shines on the ivory-white mountains, and on the endless wheat wave plain, it seems that you can see the scarecrow erected in it, swaying as if breathing.

Different from last time.

Lin En was well prepared this time. The intimately connected Black Holy Grail no longer relayed those endless secrets. His stable spirituality allowed him to control his body firmly the moment he entered the star realm.

Like before.

The spiritual disorder caused by information bombardment, so that the body is out of control and puts on all kinds of jojo scenes of social death will no longer appear.

Lin En raised his hand and kicked his legs, like a baby learning to walk for the first time, taking two small steps in the star realm. After doing all this carefully, and taking a closer look around to make sure there was no one around, Linn let out a big sigh of relief, and the Black Holy Grail surrounding him burst into joyful laughter at the right time.

Feeling embarrassed, Linn scratched his head and put the Black Holy Grail behind him.

The location he was at was the landmark where he left the last time he was revived, the Thame Bridge.

The astral plane is a projection of the outer plane, so it is not surprising that the same man-made structures appear in the astral plane. In the words of the kind person last time, this is a safe landmark place, so after falling asleep this time, Lin En was very obedient and did not wander around the bridge.

That's right, Lin En came to the star realm this time just to wait and see.

Naturally, it’s time to wait for the good samaritan rabbit.

Lin En planned to make another deal with her. Using another bargaining chip he had, wandering around the landmark would also increase the probability of waiting for the kind lady. If she noticed that she was lingering in one place for a long time, she would definitely come and take a look.

“I always feel that no matter how many times I see it, this place is always intoxicatingly beautiful.”

Standing on the Taime Bridge in the Star Boundary, Lin En looked at the beautiful and dreamy scene in the Star Boundary. That feeling reminded him of the indescribable feeling he had when he looked up at the magnificent stars for the first time. It seemed that something was emerging from his heart. flow.

After being immersed in the scenery for a moment, Linn's body's spiritual restraint began to change on a small scale.

This is another purpose of his coming to the star realm this time.

Research the Black Holy Grail.

So far, Linn's understanding of the Black Holy Grail is completely instinctive, and how to control and use her is completely unknown. Lin En also made some insinuations about spiritual manifestations from Yevni, and the information he received made Lin En always feel that the Black Holy Grail seemed to be too active. Except that she is not an independent individual, she has almost everything that a wisdom should have.

Linn was not yet able to finely organize his spirituality, but he soon discovered a trick.

Use the Black Holy Grail to overwrite your own spirituality.

The one-minded Black Holy Grail noticed Lin En's thoughts and immediately stretched out his hand from behind and covered Lin En's arm.

To control the degree of overwriting, first start with the arms. Lin Enxuan even observed that his hazy spiritual arm actually took on a solid form after being overwritten by the Black Holy Grail. Those bright wrists and jade hands that were like solidified milk, exerted a slight force naturally, and easily left a clear pinch mark on the steel bridge.

Has he become an astral creature?

‘No, Captain Yevni mentioned during the introduction that after the sequence is promoted to a certain level, you can survive in the star realm even if you give up your body. That state is known as the immortal and the angel. The hand was indeed alive and I could feel it, which was amazing. ’

Lin En was a little obsessed with controlling this hand, sometimes making a fist, sometimes stretching it.

It has exquisite and graceful curves that are as perfect as art, with not a trace of pores visible. The skin is as healthy and white as milk curd, flexible and strong. No matter how you evaluate it from any angle, you can only conclude that its posture cannot be further evaluated.

This is the catkin of the Black Holy Grail.

"I finally understand why Kira Yoshikage is boki."

Raising his hand, Linn muttered to himself. He had become immune after seeing too much. He quickly calmed down his intoxicated mind and turned to the next experiment.


Although this hand is alive, it is not just the physical body that survives, but the spiritual body that is activated. Therefore, Lin En could feel the impact of a tsunami, as if he could see every detail of the entire psychedelic world. In less than half a second, Linn couldn't bear it and quit the state where the Black Holy Grail overwrote his arm.

Although it was short, at that moment Linn felt that he could understand anything.

"I seem to be able to cut off perception..." After taking a breath, Linn said with some uncertainty. When he just overwrote, he really had the feeling that he could do anything.

If perception can really be cut off, Linn feels that the overwriting of the Black Holy Grail can last for a long time, and the coverage area is not limited to the arms.

Black Holy Grail brand leather case?

Lin En and the Black Holy Grail kept moving frequently, and they turned to look at each other at close range. Her flawless and loving face is so close, and her demonic beauty is breathtaking. Such an existence is simply a disaster for the country and the people.

"I suddenly thought of something fun."

The Black Holy Grail noticed Lin En's deep evil amusement, and showed a narrow and playful expression as he thought. Needless to say, there is no need to mention the vest trumpet that I saw before traveling. If you operate it properly, the Black Holy Grail will have the opportunity to become a big boss in the star realm. It is no problem to entertain the children when you have nothing to do.

After being completely overwritten, no one would have thought that the Black Holy Grail and Linn would be one and the same thing.

Now comes the problem.

Since it is so effective in the star realm, is this kind of overwriting effective in the surface realm? Will my body also change accordingly? Does that mean that in the future, I will do things that may make the blood pressure of law enforcement agencies soar, and will I have an identity that I can hide?

Thanks to Xiaolu Youran for the reward and monthly pass, and thanks to Youran Weiya for the monthly pass.

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