The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 740 Climbing Technology

After the first operation in Liaoyuan, the results were almost immediate. The order in Xiacheng District was suddenly calmed down. All orders and community transformation were carried out smoothly. An indescribable efficient operation connected the staff in the company, whether they were workers or not. Even the scholars were extraordinarily focused.

This somewhat depressing atmosphere comes from a kind of seriousness.

Some rules and disciplines that you may not pay attention to at ordinary times have also been corrected. In addition, Lin En and Yuri received an extremely complicated line of sight, and some inquiries from the uptown area also landed directly on Lin En's desk. Although these inquiries were quite polite, he still There is a sense of caution and questioning, and it seems that the side effects are catalyzing.

For this reason, Mr. Xiao had to spend money to invite a well-known reporter from Stim Daily to promote the so-called iron-blooded and tough, ruthless military style that can deter the enemy.

This is a politically correct statement.

The cooperation with the military happens to be in the honeymoon period, so the mouthpieces of the military have also stated explicitly or covertly on various occasions that this approach is worth promoting.

On the contrary, it made the MPs couldn't help but curse secretly, and some of these Qiu Ba had a few words of praise and climaxed again.

The conflict was temporarily transferred.

But the problem has been buried, and Linn feels that he is just covering up the process temporarily with lies. He just hopes that the conflict will come slower before it completely breaks out, preferably until the first stage of the conflict ends on his side. At present, all processes are very stable. Whether it is personnel or projects, based on the establishment of the new industrial park and the continuous filling of personnel in various laboratories, as the foundations of the new extraordinary people are completed one by one, the speed of climbing seems to be accelerating. of wheels.

Exercise methods have begun to be promoted.

And the standard model of the spirit child began to be collectively deduced. Under the temptation of the extraordinary, the number of new extraordinary people increased, reaching a very terrifying speed compared to the traditional extraordinary people.

In one month, just one month, the association already has more than 500 new extraordinary people.

Perhaps Linn underestimated the enthusiasm and energy that people in this world burst out when they realized that hope could be grasped in their hands. To put it bluntly, after barely keeping up with the welfare side, the association controlled the area People inside may be holding a textbook in their hands and reciting silently even when they are squatting in the toilet.

As the sample continues to expand, new adapted production lines are also increasing.

In this month of development, Liaoyuan has already controlled all the transportation and logistics in Xiacheng District. A team of cheap and solid dump trucks, a handsome Tomahawk motorcycle patrol team, a team that has been trained and trained, and has full endurance. Many aristocratic children came to join the team in order to obtain a uniquely designed motorcycle. These people had as many bald heads as they wanted, and they were recruited into the new Beyonder project to hone their skills.

I don’t say whether you are strong or not, but being handsome is a lifelong thing.

Unmanned combat systems, urban anti-riot weapons, new concept ceramic armor, automated information platforms, etc. These scenes in this world are like science fiction, which directly makes these young men fall into the trap. Knights in the new era, fighting an enemy with one man, no longer seem to be a dream.

Among them, the base vehicle project currently being implemented by Bill and his fellows is the largest.

But the most shocking thing...

It should be an energy project hosted by a student. The purpose of this project is to draw lightning directly from the special ionosphere and obtain electrical energy through two metal pencil-like metal pencils that stand up high and point to the sky to cut magnetic field lines. This kind of crazy idea can theoretically obtain unlimited energy.

Its conductive storage and release, coupled with the superfluid crystal battery brought out by the scholars here, this kind of object that can only be produced by extraordinary people at present, made Linn fall into silence when he saw it.

The energy crystal that was then photographed on his face gave him the illusion that dreamy technology was shining into reality, and he wondered if he had traveled to the protoss predecessor of StarCraft. However, for the current silly and thick style, it should be said that Red Alert's magnetic storm infantry plus electromagnetic coil is more suitable.

The relatively unlimited energy in the surface world has begun to see the light. As for whether doing so will trigger a super weapon lightning storm, it is not something that needs to be considered in the short term.

With unlimited energy, Lin En wants to consider unlimited population and unlimited supplies.

The Star Boundary Development Project was put on the agenda.

A large network with the [Steam City] as a node and various transportation roads as a network began to control this southern county. The swollen Liaoyuan inevitably has a slightly unique atmosphere in its thoughts and actions. But the problem is not big, there is no change in the general direction.

And in this month.

People from the three teams are being promoted one after another. Yefenni was the first to be promoted to Sequence 7. As a half-new Beyonder, she was almost unrestricted. Once she got to Level 7, she started sprinting towards Level 6. The new-style Beyonder cluster environment gave gave her this courage. And Bill was subsequently promoted to Sequence 7.

The most exaggerated one is probably Lin En. After giving up the traditional extraordinary path and adopting the physical training method and the spirit child model standard, his sprint speed suddenly jumped from 8 to 6. In a spirit child model duel with Yevni A complete victory, revealing to everyone what is called the mid-sequence spirit child model.

Its complexity is like a lotus floating above the head, and its geometric opening and closing beauty is unparalleled.

In fact, Linn was also frightened by his exaggerated speed.

He felt that this path might be more suitable for him, because he had the Black Holy Grail, which meant that as long as Lin En was willing, he could perform what it means to ascend by day.

Knowledge, information, wisdom.

As long as it's enough, he can go all the way. And the reason why it was so smooth was entirely because he was the first foreign visitor in this world. He filled in the missing link in this world, so he should have been treated like this. Linn began to feel a little confused, like a person who suddenly picked up five million and didn't know how to spend it.

But Linn, who soon began to lead the project promotion, devoted himself to the work.

If he walks in front, he has the obligation to leave a way and some help for future generations.

There was no war on the Western Front, and there was no smoke in Stim.

But the outside world is not so peaceful. It is said that an attack took place in a certain city in Goun, with the purpose of destroying the post-war financial order. A timely telegram from the Countess dispelled Lynn's worries. She was safe and sound, and the attack seemed to have been deliberately arranged.

At this point, the Hope Federation has completely become an orphan in the international community.

"In the next ten years, Hope can remain relatively intact, and even most of its industrial base and military can be retained. But once the warm-up is completed, the country will definitely fall apart."

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