It is rare in this world to say, "Wait until you develop well, then we will fight again." Primary school students know when playing MOBA games that they should get resources as soon as possible before the opponent develops, beat the opponent to the point where he has no power to fight back, and then dance in front of the opponent's fountain to show off. That must be when the opponent is half dead, preferably when the crystal has only a little blood left.

The Steel Scale Legion paid too much attention to what they wanted and ignored what others wanted, resulting in a strategic misjudgment.

Another legion in this county has begun to mobilize urgently.

Many counties in the south are panic-stricken, and a siege has been formed on the outer periphery. All kinds of traffic have been urgently stopped. It seems that the direction of the capital is ready to use a strong attitude to completely force the Steel Scale Legion back to its rightful position.

It is obvious that they are taking sides.

Regarding the evidence released by the Steel Scale Corps about some bureaucrats in Stirm causing and condoning human disasters, except for the mouthpieces controlled by the county, the public opinions in other places almost unanimously acted blind, only reporting the suspected rebellion of the Steel Scale Corps and the acts of harming gentlemen, calling on people to bring their own dry food to conquer this rebellious army like knights. The imagined situation of throwing out evidence and others joining in did not happen, and it seemed to be even worse.

Many people in the Steel Scale Corps were confused.

I felt that my three views were severely violated by the cruel reality. Did they do something wrong? Why did people outside the surrounding areas of Stirm not see the source of the human disaster and the procedures that needed to be held accountable, but stared at their emergency actions at this critical moment?

A feeling of grievance and confusion began to spread.

However, Lin En’s conversation with Brandy solved the doubts for the puzzled Steel Scale Corps.

When looking at things, we should not look at how fiercely people shout, but at their actual actions. The Steel Scale Corps incident has set a very bad precedent politically, and the emperor of the capital is probably having a headache now. If too much force is used, this incident will cause collective anxiety and anger in the military. After all, the political promises that should have been made after the continental war have not been fulfilled. This political rift is the reason why Steel Scale took the initiative.

If the capital does not appease and compensate afterwards, the military will definitely have problems.

And the current encirclement and logistics cutoff are actually more of a wait-and-see attitude by the military. Didn’t you see that the warships didn’t move much, not to mention the air force, it was just the army running around to pretend. In fact, this encirclement is more like separating the two sides when fighting, so as not to really kill people.

But now both sides are in a dilemma and don’t know how to solve it.

After Brandy spread some of Lin En’s remarks, the Steel Scale General soon asked him to ask Lin En if there was a good way to solve this situation at this time.

It's OK for the non-commissioned officers in the staff to formulate a battle plan, but it may be a bit difficult to deal with intrigue. After all, in an environment where soldiers gather together, even the smartest people may become straightforward.

Lin En's answer is to fight.

The army on the move in the north of Stim is obviously a test given by the capital. If Ganglin wins, the capital will give in appropriately, relax public opinion control, and justify Ganglin, while maintaining the original political framework, which means that the majesty of the capital will be sharply reduced. If Ganglin loses, there is nothing to say. If a soldier loses, he will lose his life.

General Ganglin was silent for a long time after hearing the news conveyed by Lin En.

Finally, he said something sullenly.

"Then let's fight. Don't think about change without bloodshed. We have fought so many battles, and there is still no student who can see clearly?"

In April 1919, the Steel Scale Corps and the Third Corps of the Internal Guard fought on the river beach. In modern terms, this was the last battle with chivalry after the firearms era. Both sides behaved very gentlemanly, and even brought out the military drums that had been abandoned for many years.

However, history is destined to be full of drama.

In the interval between the fourth battle between the two corps, the commander of the Third Corps of the Internal Guard and General Steel Scale were drinking and talking happily, when a sudden bullet opened General Steel Scale's skull on the spot. It turned out to be an unsuccessful royal nobleman. He looked at the traitor Steel Scale and liked it. In addition, with the instigation of some people, he suddenly jumped out at the happy banquet, fired three shots and killed Steel Scale in seconds, and then shouted: Kill the traitor!

Afterwards, he was very proud and said that he deserved to die. For Albion, everyone had the responsibility to kill the traitor.

The traitor died, in the most inappropriate way, and the central and local governments collectively lost their voices. Faced with this instantly corrupted situation, everyone panicked. The local government and the military were horrified. Using this method to eliminate the opponent was equivalent to being shot after shouting twice, and it was done by the royal children. Does this mean that the long-standing local freedom policy pursued by the capital of Albion has been destroyed?

The capital was even more terrified, and immediately took the young man back to house arrest to prevent him from punishing other traitors.

The storm was surging, and Albion, a country with a pseudo-central system, actually had cracks earlier than Hops. It was really a matter of karma, and no one was spared by heaven.



On the other side, in Stim, Linn, who was discussing with Bruno the strategy of completely strangling the power of the underground [Primarch] and preparing the secret ritual of the tantra chapter, couldn't help but fall into silence when he received the news.

"...It seems that the conditions for the secret ritual have been met, so we won't have to worry about it anymore."

"You want to join the war?"

Bruno heard Linn's intention to become a god.

One of the requirements of the great secret ceremony in the tantra chapter is that the executor will complete the supreme glorious military exploits with his own legion. To put it bluntly, he must defeat all other opponents.

"General Steel Scale is gone, and the remaining people are not qualified to talk to the capital. We will be abandoned and liquidated. If you don't want to wait to die, then you have to live standing. I am ready to become a god. "Lin En couldn't help but his eyes darkened when he said this. He originally wanted to fight to the end as a mortal and leave thoughts and hope to the world.


Natural and man-made disasters have come, and he has to take this step. If it is slower, the whole continent will flee, and he doesn't know when he will have such an opportunity.

But fortunately, he has passed all the backup data to Ziegler. Even if he unfortunately dies, there will be successors.

The context for Lynn and Bruno's conversation is the culmination of the Electromagnetic Energy Project.

The antenna codenamed [Thunder God's Spear], under the control of the domain, can carry out forbidden spell-level strikes. The young man jokingly called it a lightning storm.

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