There is a saying in this world that if the agency is too clever, it will cost you your life.

After General Steel Scale was shot to death, the royal capital, which felt that it was severely torn politically, was making final remedies. The royal capital first arrested the murderer overnight and kept him under strict supervision to prevent him from committing suicide. His life no longer belonged to him. Then he urgently contacted the internal guards and the commanders of various legions, especially the friends of Steel Scale, and explained to them the cause of the incident, and promised that such a thing would never happen again, and that the king would severely punish the murderer.

There was a wave of emergency political rescue, and the royal capital, which was both benevolent and powerful, decided to go to the end at this time, completely ending the Steel Scale Legion, disbanding it, and at the same time allowing the county and local forces represented by Stim to return.

Otherwise, you will suffer a big loss!

The Qiu Ba people were all eager to give it a try. They obviously wanted to use the topic to make up for what they had not gained in the war. The royal capital did not want to give them this opportunity.

But the order to the Third Internal Guard Corps has not yet been issued.

The remaining Steel Scale Legion on Stim's side suddenly sent out a message that they would fight injustice to the end, and stated that they would never compromise until justice was revealed. This would push the Royal Capital's face into the stinking ditch.

This telegram can be described as an uproar.

Many legions who have a good relationship with Steel Scale have stated on many public occasions that justice will definitely defeat evil. As for who is righteous and who is evil, it is unknown. It can only be said that the military is now very happy to see the political rift, and Steel Scales continues to fight against Wangdu.

The more fierce the fight, the happier the place will be, and you, the king, have treated them badly.

Someone is making trouble now, let's see how you end it.

Of course, not many people really paid attention to the incompetent and furious accusations of the Steel Scale Legion. After all, they were just the remnants of a legion, and most of the elites were under control. Could they still be able to defy the odds?

April 2nd.

When the Third Internal Guard Corps was busy disarming and relocating the elite Steel Scales, and preparing to mobilize all their troops to defeat the last stubborn resistance of Steel Scales in Stim, something unexpected happened to them. At the junction of the two counties, the rumbling train was like a black dragon on the earth, winding and charging.

Some of the roofs of the modified trains have been removed.

This is where the large rockets are placed.

At this moment, rockets with a height of three people were erected. Next to them, the staff of Liaoyuan Heavy Industry were conducting maintenance and docking the spirit model in an intense and orderly manner. It was their first time to go into battle with such a large unmanned control device. If Linn's field was not constantly radiating, all their docking would be inconsistent in scope and unable to be debugged.

With the Magic Power Train as the center and radiating backwards in a fan shape within a radius of fifty kilometers, there are six airships serving as communication nodes, seamlessly connecting the spirit child models.

The main job of these airships is to connect ground-to-air information and release different types of drones for combat when necessary. The airships maneuver slowly, which is certainly not suitable for them to fight on the ground without air superiority. In this era, there were no airplanes yet. Airships were very safe if they did not directly participate in ground operations. There was no need to worry about being beaten down directly.

"The heavy rocket inspection has been completed and the emergency launch can be completed within five minutes. Defective products found during the inspection are being replaced."

A new type of extraordinary person reports to the field.

"Pay attention to safety procedures."

Linn's voice echoed in the field. His field was like a radar at the moment, sweeping the center of the circle at a straight line distance of 10,000 meters. This is not his ultimate distance. With the support of some devices and at the expense of accuracy, he can scan beyond the limit of the horizon, but that is basically meaningless.

Lin En is standing in the command car.

He was dressed in a black military uniform with an impressive figure. He didn't look like a newbie on the battlefield for the first time. He was direct and direct to the young people around him.

"The third internal defense army must be contained in advance from a direction perspective. If this army cannot be beaten down, then the interference force from the direction of the royal capital will not temporarily stop. Beat the third army first, Then follow the railway to get our justice!"

On the battlefield, Lin En no longer concealed his strategic goals.

He was going to open the eyes of these thugs who were still in the artillery destruction and infantry occupation. What was unfair fighting? Even if there was a fortress in front of them, Linn was confident that he could penetrate them! Despise the enemy strategically, pay attention to the enemy tactically, seize every opportunity, and take the initiative to crush them!

"Are you going to smash the King's window?"

A young staff officer made a witty joke.

"That's right, we are just a bunch of wild kids, and now we are going to smash their windows." Lin En raised his head proudly, with a look of disdain in his eyes. For a while, no one dared to look at him.



The Steel Scale Army soon encountered the outbound scouts of the Third Internal Guard Corps. Seeing the murderous magic power train, this scout troop immediately rushed up and tried to stop the train. But this modified train's armor is comparable to the Wall of Sighs, and its firepower can match a legion 50-50.

For the first time, people saw the terrifying accuracy of the combination of the cannon and the field.

The scouts on horseback had not even gotten within a kilometer of the train when small rockets dropped from the sky, as if they had eyes, drawing several beautiful arcs in the blue sky, followed by a miserable bombing with people on their backs and horses on their backs. scene.

One of the rockets diving at subsonic speed was detonated by a scout in the air, but the rest were too late.

It’s like a scene of birds returning to their nests!

A twenty-man scout team turned into a pile of charred debris, while the scout cavalry further away were frightened into silence for two seconds, but more rockets swooping down with death screams made them realize I am equally unsafe.

The emergency information was transmitted to the center of the Third Internal Guard Corps.

The legion commander scratched his head.

I thought the cavalrymen were drunk, and how could they detect such outrageous information? I didn't take it to heart at first, and I didn't realize the concept of a fifteen-kilometer firepower confrontation. It wasn't until reports of casualties and emergencies came in one after another that the legion commander realized that there was a bold guy riding a magic-powered train, fighting all the way up, and his target was only the headquarters.

Just like a cavalry charge, the sharp spearhead in the roaring figure has been pointed at the vital point of the throat!

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