The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 772 I am here

War is a continuation of politics. When the war is over, it proves that a political compromise has been reached, otherwise the war will continue. Just like the history of modern wars on Blue Star, there are many wars in which no political compromise was reached, and then they ended up showing off their muscles. As a result, many wars were lost.

enough! You win this one!

When the lightning storm of the super weapon melted the plains on the outskirts of the royal capital like burning glass, the messenger princess could no longer maintain her calm demeanor. She hurried over and raised her hands to signal that the war was almost over. The royal capital had already Acknowledging Qianlin's strength, now it is no longer a matter of face, but a question of whether they can appease this group of stupid green people who are making a big fuss. What's terrible is that these stupid green people who are shouting that justice will win still have the massacre in their hands. level of destructive power.

If only when the lightning storm was falling, if nothing else, it would just tilt towards the capital.

Probably more than 90% of the area will be wiped out.

Only some special areas and extraordinary people can survive. This kind of man-made devastating natural disaster in Albion is enough for everyone to ignore the age and slogans of these controllers. In their atmosphere of group panic, Before going down, I would basically agree to any request as long as my survival was not deprived of me.

In the autumn of 1919, the Royal Capital recognized the control and transformation of the four southern counties by the Liaoyuan Heavy Industries and the Hidden Scale Corps. This was a compromise by the politicians.

At the same time, correspondingly, Liaoyuan and Qianlin both need to open up most non-sensitive project information for cooperation.

Regarding this resolution, Linn stepped down from all responsibilities after the war, which led to a conflict between Achilles and Yuri at the meeting. Some people think that we should not compromise on the operating model of the old society. It is like a hammer hitting a red-hot iron plate. It can only be made into steel after a lot of tempering. If you put the hammer on it halfway through, it will stick to it. Nondescript stuff. The other group believes that there should be no more sacrifices, and there is no need to be alarmist. They believe that everything in the past is evil, and that the war is for a better life, and now they have achieved it.

The battle between these two factions is actually a battle between human nature.

During this process, Liaoyuan Heavy Industries maintained the purity of the organization and elaborated objective facts. Yuri held multiple meetings in succession to explain the operation of this social financial capital and the essence behind its complexity.

But Qian Lin split into two groups ideologically.

In the end, a small number of people who advocated continuing the struggle arranged for Linn to take a boat to Hopes to continue their ideals. At this point, the era of electrification has arrived in which new types of extraordinary people are rapidly pushing the entire society to enter. Starting from the autumn of 1919, the world is no longer the age of steam, but should be called the age of electricity.

With the continuous and cheap acquisition of electric energy from the ionosphere in the sky, a variety of electrical equipment and furniture based on electric energy began to become popular. For a time, the "Steam City" was transformed into the "Electric City".

And at this moment of great vitality when all things are competing, Lin En also held a wedding.

He took Evene as his wife.

The wedding was very low-key, but many people still came to visit. The guests were a little surprised to find that several of Linn's confidantes were actually gathered together. They were all very happy about his marriage. Sophia, Mary, and Amiste had aunty smiles on their faces.

can only say……

What a strange relationship.

But it seemed like everyone got what they wanted, including a certain elf nerd who ate and drank with Leticia at the wedding.

In the autumn of 1919, this wedding was ordinary, except that the king-size bed customized by someone was particularly intriguing.

On the night of the wedding, Lin En and Amiste had a good talk about the issue of heirs. Without interference, it shouldn't be that difficult for him to have natural heirs. Before, it could only be said that the countess, a well-hidden old fox, did a good job in family planning.

The women of Mr. Xiao realized that Lin En would often be in a daze after marriage.

Sitting alone among the flowers in the small garden of a small house, I would often feel in an inexplicable daze, as if I had lost all awareness of everything around me, with a dull look on my eyebrows with a bit of sadness. Women's intuition is keen. Although Linn didn't say it, she could feel the feeling of almost disappearing from the world.

What happened to Lynn?

Lin En has completed the Great Secret Ritual, or Lin En is still in the outer world. At this time, he is the remnant of a human being. If there is anything he regrets in this life... it is that he may not be able to see it with his own eyes. By the time my child was born, this residue was quickly fading away.

But he is still alive, but it is difficult for ordinary people to be aware of him.

"I'm not a qualified father."

On a certain autumn morning, Lin En sighed quietly, and behind him came the Black Holy Grail's smug chuckle, and then a pair of snow-white traceless hands covered his eyes, slowly dragging him backwards. go.

Linn as a human is struggling, the Black Holy Grail as an anomaly is still seeking, and the [Crown of Evil] as a god is rising amid the eternal tearing of the Trinity. When the existence named [Crown of Evil] shined like a star at the origin of the star world, this perfect but incomplete contradiction suddenly opened its eyes.

The existence of the righteous God is overriding, but it is not overriding everything.

He was like a baby bird that had just come out of its shell, looking at all the scenery from a new perspective with confusion, and carefully examining his own form of existence.

Well, the righteous god is also a life, and there are still simple social structural relationships here.

At the moment when [Crown of Evil] completely reached the top and achieved immortality, other righteous gods were more or less affected. After all, his birth would definitely interfere with the interpretation of concepts and the world. Just when the other righteous gods were about to explain something, a golden sun suddenly flashed behind [Crown of Evil]'s head.

After glancing around with some confusion, he suddenly showed a magical smile.

While [Crane with the Crown] smiled, all the righteous gods felt something was wrong. It seemed that [Crane with the Crown] was no stranger to the posture of the righteous god?

"Everyone, the human war is over."

At the moment when the gods were in doubt, [Crown of the Crown] suddenly clapped his hands and said.

"Next, it's the war of the gods. I, [Crown of the Crown], a visitor from another world, am here, and I am ordered to snipe you according to my own will. For forty million years, the gods will not be able to pass through, because I am here!"

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