"Today, I will pay my salary."

When Linn came to the bar, his face was red, his expression had lost his usual shrewd confidence, and he looked a little shy and silly. The smile on the beautiful young man's face seemed to have never been polluted by any secular world, with original innocence and beauty.

Sophia looked at Linn who seemed drunk and couldn't help but frown.

"Hey, watch it for me."

She asked the female worker next to her to look at the bar for her, and then among the lively and cheerful customers, Sophia grabbed Lin's hand and took him to the back door.

Once out the back door, the hustle and bustle in the bar was cut off.

The eldest sister pushed Lin En down on the steps unceremoniously, then turned around and went in to get a large glass of cold water. She sprinkled some water on her hands and patted Linn's face.

After several times, Linn grabbed Sophia's hand.

His blue eyes looked extremely bright under the light of the moth moon, without the confusion and confusion of a drunken person.

"I'm not drunk."

"Every drunk customer takes the opportunity to touch the girl's butt and says he is not drunk." Sophia said a little annoyed. She has worked here for a long time, and of course she can tell whether a person is really drunk. , or just using drunkenness as an excuse to do something.

Linn didn't rush to speak.

He asked Sophia to sit down while he took out his wallet. When the brand new gold pound glowed with a charming red ink luster under the moonlight, Linn smiled and burped, and then thrust it into Sophia's hand.

"I'll pay for the wine party with my colleagues today. In addition, I'll give you half of the rest, and the rest..."

Before Linn finished talking, Sophia couldn't help but interrupt him.

"Lynn, I know your job is very good, and I also want you to have a decent life, but now is no longer the time for you to be the son of a wealthy businessman, right? You have to plan carefully and prepare for your future life. . Do you know how much it will cost you in the future?”

"Hey, Sophia heard that I..."

"Let me calculate it for you. For the real estate fees in Zhongcheng, you have to maintain decent daily expenses, the salaries of servants, housekeepers, tutors, banquets and donations. Without these, you have no way to open up connections. Those gentlemen and gentlemen , you need to pay attention to style to be able to touch it." Sophia became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke. She had been thinking about what Lynn needed to go back to the past, and she knew better than Lynn that a quarter of a penny needed to be calculated carefully.

"Calm down, calm down, Sophia!" Linn grabbed her hands.


The eldest sister took a deep breath, and the peaks on her chest swelled a few points with her inhalation, emphasizing a different momentum from before, as if she wanted to run over Lin En.

Sensing that Sophia was getting serious, Linn hurriedly spoke before her mood got worse.

"It won't take me two weeks to earn £10 a week."

Sophia was stunned for a moment.

The rising aura in her body seemed to be frozen, and her emerald green eyes were full of doubts, as if she was saying, are you kidding me, my sister? A clerk who has only been working for a week is about to get a salary increase. What kind of fantasy novel plot is this? Is Linn trying his luck?

"Really! I will be promoted soon. Well, there are some confidentiality regulations that I can't tell you. Anyway, I will have a weekly salary of 10 pounds soon. I am sure of it because I have done something with my own hands. Then It's almost over." After the peace meeting, Lin En's promotion report will be submitted, and his treatment will naturally change accordingly.

Lynn's eyes were sparkling with excitement.

He took Sophia and wrote and drew on her palms with his fingers, telling her that he had made a plan. With a weekly salary of 10 pounds, in addition to expenses, he will definitely save money to start a business, just like his father opened a factory. Linn could fully predict that with the advent of peace, Albion would definitely vigorously revitalize the economy, and its market would be large enough to make everyone involved in it salivate.

Sophia was still immersed in the news that Lynn was about to receive a weekly salary of 10 pounds. She felt that all this was too easy and too easy, and seemed very unrealistic.

However, when she saw the confidence on Lin En's handsome face, she suddenly understood that Lin En must have made great efforts to achieve this goal.

Somewhat moved, Sophia realized that the goal she placed on Lin En was too strong.

"Actually...it's okay if you don't become like Mr. Moridia."

The eldest sister lowered her head and murmured in shame. She felt sorry for Lin En working so hard for her goal. In fact, what she really wanted was for Lin En to live happily.

That was the expectation they had made for each other in childhood.

"How can that be done? I want to get back everything my father lost." Lin En said without thinking. With the continuous improvement of his life prospects, in addition to his original big goals, he also spawned some small goals. "One day, I want this city to know that Lynn Moriarty has something to offer, and that his name will be engraved on the mechanical clock tower."

Mechanical Clock Tower, the landmark building of [Steam City].

Those who have made outstanding contributions to the city will have their names engraved on the huge dial. In this deserted alley, Lin En made a promise to her sister with high spirits.

"Mechanical clock tower, ha, I remember we went up there together when we were kids..." Sophia looked at how seriously Lin was writing on her hands, and her whole body softened.

Sophia couldn't help but reach out and touch Lin's neatly haired temples.

"When you become successful, sister, I will be your lover, and I will ensure that I will take care of all the trivial matters for you, so that you can climb up the ladder without any worries." Sophia's eyes were shining with hope.

"Okay, when the time comes, I will not only buy you a house, but also invest in you to be a nun in the monastery. We will run a charity in Xiacheng District, let you do what you have always wanted to do, and let those little bastards who are stealing on the streets have the opportunity to go to school. !”

Linn has entered the oral orgasm stage.

When he heard that Sophia was going to be his mistress, he thought that she was just joking around like him. Plus, the alcohol in his stomach started to take effect, and he was already talking a little too hard.

There must be someone to share the joy of success.

Lucky for Lynn, despite her misfortune, she was not alone. There are always people by his side, and the number is gradually increasing. Those will be his family and friends.

That night, Lin En talked a lot with Sophia in the back alley of the bar. He also drank a lot of wine in her company. In the end, he even forgot what he said. He only knew that it was a very happy vision. Finally, immersed in the softness of happiness, Linn was completely drunk. Drowsily, Linn felt that she had returned to the soft bed in the spacious rented room.

It seemed like someone was touching his face, which felt itchy and warm.

In such peace and happiness, Lin En fell deeply into a dream, and the bizarre astral brilliance once again enveloped him. In a daze, Linn seemed to hear the Black Holy Grail humming a song from before time travel. It was a heavenly sound, with a little sadness and infinite longing.

Lynn Moriarty is one small step closer to his goal of returning home.

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