Mary Theresia, the third princess of Goun.

The life of Princess Goeun was particularly legendary.

She was originally a strong contender for Gao En's next successor and enjoyed a high reputation in Gao En's country. However, due to the political turmoil in the palace, he lost his husband and son and left the political arena in despair. Then she started doing business. In just two years, Albion's space on the Sea of ​​Plank Road was squeezed out by her Chamber of Commerce. As a result, due to the outbreak of the war, the businesses under his name went bankrupt one after another and had to be confiscated.

Then Princess Mary chose to become an extraordinary person out of anger after failing in both business and politics.

In less than a year, she has become a mid-level extraordinary.

On the day she achieved her mid-level achievements, an assassination attempt on Emperor Goun broke out due to a cruel war. A large number of Extraordinaries in Goun were censored, and Mary Theresia was unfortunately involved in it. .

Her life was full of sunshine three times, but it also ushered in sunset three times.

In the end, the third princess was tired of this ups and downs of life, and chose to self-exile overseas. Frustrated, she even cut off contact with the Goeun royal family and became a pure free diplomat.

Unexpectedly, this move of the third princess made her very popular among people from all over the world.

And Marie Theresia has repeatedly called on all countries in the mainland to stop this war, stop letting the men of this generation in the mainland bleed, and restore the order before the war.

Compared with the authorities of various countries who rarely interact with people they consider to be inferior.

There is no doubt that Mary, who often travels across the continent, is more able to understand how the lower class people are tortured by war. Not to mention the lifeless ruins in the war zone, but in this prosperous city, there are shocking scenes due to economic collapse. Therefore, the third princess has been working hard to make a voice of peace.

When the [Mainland Medical Association] held a peace conference, she was also on their list.

"Your Highness, according to the telegram from Bai Maple Palace, you still represent the royal family and have full authority to make decisions."

Ambassador Goun took the telegram sent by the adjutant. The reply from Bai Maple Palace obviously supported the third princess's actions in the [Steam City]. Ambassador Goun knew in his heart that the country's patience with this protracted and rotten war had reached its limit. The people were filled with complaints and the royal family had decided to withdraw.

But war is not a horse race that can be stopped by blowing a whistle.

How to end the war decently has become a headache for the Goun royal family. At this time, the peace conference that the third princess participated in in Stim was obviously an opportunity.

Full discretion.

Generally speaking, the appearance of these four characters in a government order, in addition to delegating power, also means that the party issuing the order has decided to bear all consequences. When the time comes to hold people accountable, it will definitely not have anything to do with the executors.

On the contrary, if the decree is ambiguous and does not have any mandatory affirmative words, then the executor must take it easy. If you do a good job, you will be rewarded, but if you fail, you will definitely not be able to escape if the responsibility is held.

"Go down."

The soft-faced Mary raised her hand gracefully, and Ambassador Gao En bowed his head respectfully and left the room.

"Huh..." After the door closed, the princess felt a little tired and relaxed, and the beauty dressed in men's clothing took two steps forward and massaged Mary's temples.

"Your Highness, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not bad. Compared to the soldiers rolling around in the craters on the front line, I'm nothing." Mary enjoyed the massage from the beauty in men's clothing. She closed her beautiful eyes and wondered what she was thinking.

"You are so kind. This shouldn't be a burden you have to bear." The beauty in men's clothing sighed, but the princess's kindness was also the reason why she followed her loyally after she was rescued.

What she can do is serve Her Royal Highness as much as possible so that she can work less.

"Qin, you know, I met a very special little guy in the star realm. I initially thought that he would disappoint me like everyone else, but that little guy impressed me with his excellent speaking skills." When she saw a certain young gentleman, the princess's tiredness immediately dissipated, and her beautiful and delicate face was filled with smiles.

"Your charity." Qin whispered respectfully, and there seemed to be a tail wagging violently behind her butt.

"No, I didn't give him alms, and no one can give him alms, because his intelligence determines what kind of person he is."

Mary suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, her light blue eyes sparkling with deep appreciation. She liked all the qualities that the little guy showed during the conversation. Facing such a person, she could not be condescending and give alms. She could only trade with equal importance.

Although I don't know his name yet, that little guy has touched the heart of the princess.

If my child had not left...

Can he be as good and lovable as that little guy? Just thinking about it made the princess a little obsessed. One of her biggest regrets in her life was that she could not properly shoulder the responsibility of being a mother.

"If you like him, why not take care of him?"

Qin noticed the tears in Mary's eyes, and knowing the sadness of the person being served, she quickly changed the subject.

"Well, you're right, but I don't want that cute little guy to feel like I'm being cared for. Smart people are always a little arrogant. What's a bit troublesome is that he's still a member of the [Suppression Bureau]."

"Perhaps you could write a letter to the [Suppression Bureau]."

The princess's eyes lit up when she heard this, and her mature and delicate body hidden under her dress also trembled. This young and beautiful young woman waved her hands happily, and the round wavy scenery caused by it can be said to be deeply hidden.

"Yes I should write a letter, Jean, go get the letter paper."

The men's beauty Qin immediately went to take out the pen and paper.

"I have to tell the [Suppression Bureau] that when they were worried about the turmoil caused by the peace trend, they happened to have a smart, polite, sensible and grateful little guy under their command. This little guy happened to be able to solve their problems. . Well, I have to remind you not to take too much care of him. He needs both sunshine and wind and rain, so that he can thrive. "

Her Royal Highness was writing excitedly, and Qin, who knew her very well, realized that in her words, the Princess had vaguely regarded this little guy as one of her own.

Qin couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Because this was the first time she saw Princess Mary, who was always a little melancholy on weekdays, so happy. Her Royal Highness was happy, so Qin was naturally happy about it, and by the way, her affection for this little guy she had never met increased sharply.

"After all, I owe this little guy a favor." Looking at this care letter that seemed to show off a particularly talented student or child, Mary, who couldn't calm down for a while, couldn't help but sigh, she had never dreamed of it. I thought I would still have this day.

After sealing it with the lacquer seal, Qin took the envelope and left the room respectfully.

The beauty in men's clothing closed the door and put the letter away carefully.

‘It seems that Your Majesty the Princess wants to just let things go. I’d better get some information about that little guy in advance. Maybe it will come in handy one day. ’

Thanks to book friend 20191024225507684 for the monthly ticket, and thanks to book friend 20210609235654862 for the reward.

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