The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 87 Resonance

Sophia raised her eyebrows when Lin En questioned her, and her emerald eyes instantly became sharp.

"Don't you think of me as a woman?"

Judging from the shape of her mouth, Sophia should have wanted to say a relatively vulgar word like "Mother", but looking at Linn, she changed it abruptly. When getting along with Lin En, she always deliberately restrained the fangs she sharpened on the streets, because it was not at all compatible with a gentleman.

And Linn is even more incompatible.


Linn couldn't answer Sophia's tough question directly, but his eyes fell on Sophia.

The loose work clothes can't hide the streamlined body like a cheetah. It's convex where it should be, and it's curved where it should be. It has a healthy wheat complexion, and the facial features match a wild and confident face, and the scars on the face are even more... She adds a touch of originality.

It's beautiful, a kind of beauty without any refinement.

Although the image of Sophia does not fit the aesthetics of this era, for Linn, a time traveler who has read countless films, she is a completely sassy beauty. After all, Lin En had taken advantage of Sophia a lot, so he couldn't say that Sophia was not beautiful without conscience.

Sophia noticed Lin En's warm gaze, and her red lips immediately curled up.

She knew she wasn't attracted to men and had always had a headache about it.

But from Lin En's eyes, she was pleasantly surprised to find that Lin En not only regarded her as a woman, but was also very sexually interesting. In this way, Sophia felt much more at ease.

"Come, little boy, let me teach you how to write a love letter." Lying on the table, Sophia happily waved to her brother.

"Please..." Lin En laughed helplessly. He really had a headache now. Sophia was still trying to make things worse. This day off was really not good.

"Hmph, don't underestimate sister. You must know that solving trivial matters skillfully is also a lesson that lovers need to learn."

Sophia couldn't help but reach out and mess up Lynn's neatly short hair. The metallic hair felt extremely soft, almost like fine silk.

Sophia asked before Linn could open his mouth.

"Who are you going to write your love letter to?"

Linn, who was interrupted by Sophia, subconsciously ignored the question of his lover.

"Amiste Russell."

"Ah!? Say it again! Who is it?!" Sophia's voice immediately raised an octave after hearing that name. She was a little excited and grabbed Lin En's collar. Her eyes widened as if Angry, the scars on his face were twitching.

"Amiste, that countess." Linn raised his head with difficulty because Sophia was almost kissing him.

"Oh my God, Lynn, how dare you think of writing a love letter to that count? Do you know that her suitors can fill half the city? The letters you write to her will be drowned in the mountain of love letters! God, please give up this terrible idea, the countess is too close to the sun, too far away from us."

Although Sophia thought Linn was very good, she didn't fly to the level of being shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

In the entire [Steam City], who doesn't know that Amiste's beauty and wealth are the brightest pearl in this county, and how many people dream of having a romantic night with her. One look from her can make a romantic poet burst with inspiration, and one look of anger can make a heroic knight die generously.

Lin En actually wanted to pursue such a rose that could not be picked. Sophia felt that she should persuade Lin En to change his goal.

It is not that there are beautiful aristocratic ladies with poor families. With Lin En's appearance and work, she can easily win the title of aristocrat.

Why bother trying to compete with a hammer with your head?

"Listen to me, listen to me Sophia, there are some complications here, but I didn't write a love letter just to... Damn it, how can I tell you, in short, Amiste and I have something to do." Lin En lost his ability to speak eloquently in front of Sophia, and he scratched his head in pain.

"You hooked up with the richest female noble?"

Sophia, on the other hand, was very concise and hit the mark immediately, but her wording was a bit strange.

"Although she is a widow, she is indeed beautiful and rich. She can give birth to an heir as soon as possible..." The eldest sister suddenly became excited. If Lin En really hooked up with the famous countess, it would be terrible. .

"Stop, Sophia."

Lin really wanted to pry open her brain and see what was inside. How to have a good communication, when it comes out of her mouth, it immediately turns into a dispute between wealthy families. Are these things in the minds of people in this era?

"Why stop? You fool! She doesn't have a child yet, isn't this the perfect time?" Sophia's eyes seemed to have seen Lin En reach the peak of his life.

"Then at least I have to write that damn love letter!"

Rarely, Linn grabbed Sophia's shoulders angrily and shook her. The loose overalls immediately slid down, revealing her delicate collarbones and shoulders.

Lynn had given up arguing with her sister who was stuck in some weird paranoia.

"Such a woman must be lonely and empty all the time. Be brave and enthusiastic, and I guarantee that there will be no problem." Sophia paid attention enthusiastically, mentally calculating how much of Amiste's property in Stim.

"Wait a minute, you just said empty and lonely..."

Lin En, who was holding the pen, suddenly thought of something.

A very melodious song melody automatically sounded in his mind before traveling through time, the famous song "The Great Gatsby". In a sense, the artistic conception of this song is still very appropriate for Amiste.

Although he didn't remember all the lyrics, Lin clearly remembered the feeling of seeing all the glitz.

Inspiration suddenly struck, and Linn began to write down the words that came to his mind.

"You have seen the prosperity, you have thousands of people, and you have countless admirers. In the dead of night, do you have doubts: 'When I grow old and my face fades, will you still love me?'" When all I have left is a wounded soul. , will you still love me? ', can you allow someone to say when you are so confused and ask, I will! "

It was a very short love letter, but Linn just felt that it was unexpectedly suitable for Amiste, the graceful lady sitting in the pavilion in the flower field.

Loneliness and loneliness are all after seeing the prosperity.

The count has seen too much, and this is what she needs. A word of mine will touch her heart more than any treasure.

"let me see."

As soon as Lin stopped writing, Sophia couldn't wait to pick up the love letter that inspired her.

Immediately, the carefree girl froze.

The emotional resonance hit her heart hard. From this love letter, a kind of low decadence that had experienced everything and turned it into ashes immediately highlighted the priceless love that was left in the end. Sophia's beautiful eyes turned red quickly, and she didn't know why, and her open lips were unable to speak.

Unable to explain why she suddenly choked up, Sophia suddenly became extremely jealous of Amiste.

Thanks to book friend 20180730224430444, Bagui, like ghs, cricket, how long does it take to get a lasting monthly pass~

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