The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 89 Before the Beginning

Lin En is a clerk, but not just a clerk.

From the moment he entered [Lamp Holder], what he did was not much different from that of an extraordinary person, and Lin En did it very seriously with goals in mind, and the results were excellent.

A perverted murder case involved the [Mainland Medical Association] and even the general trend of peace.

At the back, if he was not careful, he would be shattered into pieces.

The entire continent has longed for peace for too long, and the pattern of war has also changed. At this time, if anyone dares to go against the grain and stand in the way of the wheel of history, the only outcome will be to be crushed alive.

However, Lin En and the [Lamp Holder] cleverly avoided this trend, approached the incident from a unique angle, and also convinced the Medical Association. [Lamp Holder] No one regards Lin En as a simple clerk. Just like the applause in the conference room, everyone who knows the inside story of this incident is convinced.

Rest one day.

The little gentleman is full of energy, his brain is active, and his whole person is much more energetic. Compared to before, Lin En is more positioned as a composite young man now, and all of this is of course thanks to Sophia.

"Good morning, Mr. Bishop."

Taking off his hat and coat, he greeted the janitor as usual. Linn's warm smile added some brilliance to the bright hall.

"Good day, young gentleman." Bishop was reading the newspaper as always, and Linn's smile successfully infected him. This old and angry young man from Albion found Linn pleasing to the eye.

"Any news?"

"It's nothing important. The fools in the city government finally started to care about Xiacheng District and believed that people's health should be improved. The shipping company announced new ocean-going technology... In addition, early today, a letter was sent from the headquarters. ." Bishop was disappointed. There were no reports in the newspapers about the military leaping on horses and whipping their whips, killing all directions.


Linn's movements paused. This was the first time he heard information about the headquarters. At this point in time, the headquarters sent a letter. The young gentleman's first reaction was that the headquarters knew that the branch planned to do something big and issued an administrative order.

"Old Bishop doesn't know." How could a janitor know so much?

"Thank you." Lin En went upstairs after reading the steam daily newspaper.

What are you thinking at the headquarters?

As soon as he arrived at the clerk's office, Lin En noticed that the clerk's office was relatively deserted today, and a few people seemed to be in a hurry. As soon as he saw Linn, Mr. Clark stood up immediately.

"You're here." The tone seemed to say that you came a little late.

In fact, there is still an hour and a half before the official working time.

"what happened?"

"The minister came back yesterday and had a long chat with the two team leaders and the minister, Alvin and Yevni." Clark did not take any leave yesterday, and the rotation system always kept the [Lamp Holder] responsive. "Today we received a letter from the headquarters. Inspector Alfred authorized the branch and asked us to investigate the peace meeting."

Lin En's expression turned strange for a moment.

The reason for his weirdness was not that he recognized Alfred, the man who saw himself brutally killing members of the [Gem Society] on the Astral Taime Bridge. But the headquarters issued this order at this time. It was obvious that other forces interfered, prompting the headquarters and branches to move in step.

Linn's first thought was that someone had tipped him off.

But he quickly rejected his speculation, because the only control of the headquarters lies with the logistics side, and the logistics side has no idea what the branch wants to do. It should be that the headquarters agency smelled something, happened to notice that there was an intention in this regard, and simply authorized it.

In fact, Linn thinks too much and is used to thinking carefully.

The real reason is simple. On the Astral Taime Bridge, when Linn and Alfred were talking in the form of the Black Holy Grail, they accidentally mentioned peace. For Alfred, it was the instruction of an angel, and he happened to have some rights in his hands, so he took care of it and gave the angel enough attention and respect.

Things just came together full of coincidence and drama.

"In a while, the minister and the others will hold a meeting to arrange work. Eveni asked me to inform you that when you come, don't do these trivial matters and go directly to the conference room. You also have a share in the arrangements for the peace meeting."

Clark was used to Lynn being a busy person.


Linn nodded immediately and hurriedly picked up the paperwork and pen. Looking at Linn's leaving figure, Clark took off his glasses and sighed with some meaning.

The middle-aged gentleman's expression was slightly lowered.

He had already sensed that Linn's time was getting less and less, but he had not been able to teach him everything that a clerk should do. Mr. Clark's obsessive-compulsive disorder is also reflected in his teaching.



This time, there were more people sitting in the conference room than last time, including old faces and new faces. Lin En's arrival did not cause any disturbance. After he came in, he slipped behind Yevni like a little transparent person.

But his move made those who were interested smile knowingly.

"Come with me to the armory later to get a gun." Bill whispered, confirming that Lynn needed to be present at the peace meeting.

"I can't do it." Lin En had fired five shots at eighty-one bars in his previous life, and the soldier next to him at that time had a look of disgust on his face. Apparently all five shots missed the target.

Linn felt that not only his enemies might be frightened if he touched a gun.

"I won't give you a chance to shoot. I brought you there because of your flexible little brain." Bill would not regard the current Lynn as a combatant. Giving him a gun was also a status symbol and to avoid unexpected situations.

What they valued more was Lin En's communication skills. He was handsome, eloquent and able to analyze pros and cons. When there is a dispute over interests, push Lin En away and solve the problem easily.

Now [Lamp Holder] Team Three is using Lin En as a staff officer.

They are also looking forward to what kind of extraordinary profession Linn will choose after this time is over. After all, Linn's position is not suitable for the main combatant.

"I have to tell you something. There is news from headquarters."

Here Eveni took out a piece of paper.

"This is an unidentified extraordinary person. If you see her, report her immediately. No contact of any kind is allowed."

The next moment, Lin En's expression couldn't help but be surprised.

Although the sketch on the paper was a little unrealistic, he could still easily identify who it was. That is clearly himself in the form of the Black Holy Grail! [Suppression Bureau] Looking for yourself? ! Why?

‘Oops, Bill’s here! ’

In an instant, Lin En realized that there was a smart man beside him. The expression on his face changed from surprise to fascination and intoxication, looking like a young man Mu Ai.

Bill looked at Linn here, laughing secretly in his heart that even a young gentleman cannot escape the temptation of beauty. The Black Holy Grail's beautiful appearance and temperament are a disaster for the country and the people. Even the portrait is enough to make people intoxicated.

"Ready to start the meeting."

Following the instructions of Minister Aqil, the pre-mission meeting was officially held, and Linn also took out a pen and paper to concentrate on the paperwork.

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