In the silent place, thunder breaks out.

This sentence may be very suitable for Lynn and Willie in the corner of the venue at this moment. The rolling wave of the times is called peace, and under the wave are countless disputes. When the pervert he had targeted stood there, the stimulation of walking on a tightrope made Linn's fingers numb, as if he were stroking a surging river.

He is smarter and calmer than he expected.

When facing threats from law enforcement agencies, ordinary prisoners will show a tendency to escape or attack unless they have extremely strong psychological qualities.

But this man is different.

After Willy realized that Linn was the trump card in the game, his reaction was that his pupils dilated, and he faced Linn head-on without retreating. His body language seemed to say: Come on, who is afraid of whom?

Linn smirked, the desire to win in his heart became even higher.

"You don't look scared at all."

Not being able to test his baseline in a step-by-step manner when dealing with perverts, Linn lowered the brim of his hat to slightly block his sharp sight, and said with a strange air.

"I am a citizen of the kingdom who abides by the law. Why should I be afraid? Even you [Suppression Bureau] have to pay attention to evidence." Willy faced the lively venue like Linn. There was a strange feeling in this man's smile. The charm seems to catch your heart inadvertently and make it beat faster.

That's instinctive fear.

Human beings will be extremely frightened when faced with creatures that look very similar to themselves but are different in subtle ways, even if the subtleties are psychological.

"A law-abiding citizen of the kingdom spontaneously rescues doctors who help the lower class people, and does not refuse treatment even for the lowest-grade filthy prostitutes. I am so moved." Lin En deliberately used the word "prostitutes" when referring to prostitutes. A relatively vague and vulgar term, it refers not only to prostitutes, but also to dancing girls.

An artist will not allow outsiders to tarnish his work.

As expected, a trace of contempt and anger quickly flashed across Willy's smile. This fleeting mixed expression made Lynn's professional fake smile become even brighter and brighter. The beautiful Victoria boy always made people feel relaxed and happy when they were happy.

"Why are you angry?" Taking advantage of the victory, Linn felt that the stimulation was not enough.

Or maybe Lynn wanted to know more about this pervert.

"When a gentleman is slandered, he has the right to be angry and protest."

Willy glanced at Lin En. When he saw Lin En's overly handsome face, there was suddenly a desire flowing slowly underneath his anger.

"No, no, no, your anger is not about my rudeness, but something deeper... Let me guess, failure? Well, no, guilt? Haha, a little bit. Illicit, yes, that's it!" Having gradually mastered this perverted emotional baseline, Linn tried out several directions in succession.

It was smoother than expected, and it's intriguing that this pervert didn't turn out and leave on the spot.

"Do you think you can completely read a person's mind? Mr. Clerk?"

This time, he did not continue to follow Linn's words, but started to ask rhetorical questions.

"Do you know my profession? [Psychiatrist], when you stand in front of me, you are not actually facing me, but you are facing the me in your imagination. That me is the projection of your own heart. ." Willy's eyes shone with warmth, and his voice seemed to have magic power, making Linn subconsciously want to say something.

"You, what you said makes sense."

As soon as Lin En finished speaking, his whole body suddenly shook and broke away from the strange affinity.

For a few short seconds, he actually agreed with Willy's words! This sense of threat from the dark made Linn like a frightened hedgehog, showing the aggression under his soft appearance. The young gentleman stared at the psychiatrist warily.

"You used your powers on me."

"Yes, but this is just the simplest quick hypnosis. If you don't agree with me, then you won't think what I said is correct."

Willie evened the fight against Lynn.

He took two steps closer, his condescending posture as if he wanted to completely wrap the little gentleman in. Willy seemed to smell something different under Lynn's sunny and gentle appearance.

"The human heart is like a mirror. When you doubt someone, you will think about what I would think and do if it were me. Mr. Clerk, I hope to become friends with you. You need guidance instead of suppression."

"..." Linn fell silent for some reason.

"You are like a raging river. What makes you so noisy?" Willy, smiling with satisfaction, seemed to be taking care of a patient, with a very gentle tone.

"I...I hate those noisy women. They should be quiet, like sculptures..." Linn's breathing gradually became heavier, and he clenched his fists and trembled slightly, as if suppressing the demon in his body.

The devil was laughing happily, grinning his bright red lips, mocking the overestimating reason and trying to block the rolling torrent of desire. Everything in this world cannot escape desire!

Lynn is no exception.

This time traveler seems to have little desire, but in fact his desire is the biggest.

"Yes, they should be quiet, like furniture, sculptures, and portraits. They are the most beautiful like that. Have you ever thought about this and want to realize it?" Willy's voice was like a devil's whisper. , making Linn's heavy breathing become more intense.

"..." The young man was silent, but his eyes were filled with mist due to excitement.

"Mr. Clerk, you are in danger."

He raised his hand and gently put it on Lin En's shoulder, his tone was like a shepherd instructing a lost lamb, rescuing him from his confusion. The impeccable tone and convincing words came out of his mouth, and Willy could feel the boy's tenseness to relaxation under his palm.

His own words were extremely effective, and at the same time, the rotten heart of this handsome young man was at work.

They are the same kind.

"When we stand on the edge of the abyss of the soul and look at the scenery that is impossible for ordinary people to touch, we will find that we are so lonely. Lonelier than the thorn bird, and no one knows the song he sings. You need Treatment, Mr. Clerk, it is a terrible and terrible thing for you to bring symptoms into your work.”

"If you don't get treatment in time..."

"Trust me, the smarter you are the more likely you are to destroy yourself!"

Lin En's original worry and nervousness suddenly dissipated, and the young gentleman returned to his previous confident and sunny appearance. Turning his head little by little, Linn's clear blue eyes reflected Willy's somewhat funny expression, as if he was admiring a piece of art.

"The human heart is like a mirror. When you doubt someone, you will think about what you would think and do if it were me. Mr. Willy, when you look at me, what are you looking at?"

There seemed to be a silent move, and the chess player said lightly: General!

Thanks to Luo Wuhui, onlysystem, Lamb World, thiS~Xiao Lei, Qing Feng Chu Sheath, book friend 20171116210527657 for the monthly pass, and thanks to Shang Li_miao for the reward.

ps: I’m in a bad mood, so I’ll just update it today.

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