After the venue was decorated, everyone took their seats and found their seats one after another.

Those who have a good reputation naturally have their own seats, but there are more people, more people who come uninvited, and more people who long for peace, but there are no seats.

After they poured into the venue, it was crowded and eagerly awaiting. They had to stand around the main venue, which undoubtedly increased the burden on security. The military police could only drive a group of people outside the venue to wait for news, but after all, the square outside the venue was densely packed with people.

Lynn shuddered a little.

Only when you face the power of the collective, that overwhelming force is either silent, enthusiastic, or angry, can you experience that unparalleled feeling of suffocation. It is both destructive and miraculous. The name of this force is: public opinion.

The poor gendarmes were almost completely overwhelmed by the crowd.

With steel helmets on their heads, they could only hold their long steam rifles erect. In such a crowded venue, the consequences of a gunshot would be absolutely disastrous.

[Lamp Holder] It's not so bad here.

Even if there are people around, they will automatically create a safe distance in a large circle. Lynn and Bill are more comfortable and directly find a large pillar next to the podium.

This kind of large pillar surrounded by four people, with a solemn golden and red curtain hanging on it, not only avoids the pain of crowding, but also provides an extremely wide field of vision. Lynn and Bill were responsible for the front half of the field of view, and no movement in the front could escape their eyes.

The only worry is the camera in the reporter's hand.

From time to time, there would be a flare-level flash, and as the meeting officially began, the frequency of flashes would become more intense, blinding even a titanium alloy dog's eyes.

"I swear I will wear sunglasses next time." Linn's eyes have been caught off guard and severely injured several times. He has no experience in dealing with a large number of reporters. Seat direction.

"It'll be fine in a while, Mr. Bear with it."

Bill couldn't help but look at his young colleague with a pained face. He was born with squinty eyes and was extremely resistant to flash lights. In addition, he had experience and was not as unlucky as Lin En.

"That's not fair."

Depressed Lin rubbed his eyes and lamented why God gave Bill such a pair of eyes.

"Okay, look, the meeting has begun."

The prop used to silence the venue was actually a whistle. A man with excellent lung capacity stood on the podium and successfully silenced everyone with a sharp whistle that lasted for nearly two minutes. The whistler's face turned red before he straightened up his appearance on the large podium with good lighting conditions and began to introduce everyone.

There were more than twenty people sitting on the stage at the moment.

All of these people are dignitaries or wealthy businessmen in the Steam City, foreign envoys and nobles, and the connections of the Medical Association are clearly displayed here.

But here's the interesting thing.

Dr. Ziegler, whom Linn had previously identified as a suspect, was actually on stage and was the keynote speaker.

According to the introduction, Linn knew about Dr. Ziegler's achievements. This doctor once called on doctors to go to the battlefield to rescue the wounded regardless of national boundaries, and was active on the fierce northern battlefield most of the time. Therefore, she was also affectionately called the Goddess of the Morning by the soldiers, who would secretly kiss her shadow.

After listening to the introduction on stage, Lynn's impression of Dr. Ziegler immediately changed from a hunched-over ocean horse to a moving red cross. It was indeed very convincing for such a figure to come forward to call for peace.

No matter what, people go to the battlefield where bullets are flying and artillery fire is flying to save people. Even the Holy Mother will risk her own life to go to the Holy Mother. It is better than the Holy Mother bitch.

Based on this, Lynn respects Ziegler from the bottom of his heart.

No matter how difficult the times are, there will always be some people in every era who are not afraid of hardship and darkness and stand up to show that precious golden spirit. This little frustrated person cannot be defined purely from the perspective of country and nation, otherwise Lin En would feel that it is too narrow. There are still things in the two worlds that can give him emotional resonance.

When the whistleblower introduced the third princess of Gao En, Lin En took another look at this famous person.

Marie Theresia.

Her dress is easily distinguished from that of Albion women. Albion's clothing is more luxurious and solemn, and tailors often show off their skills on clothes, making decent and eye-catching needlework. Princess Mary's clothes are not like this. They are simple and elegant, elegant and natural, and there is always a touch of admirable nonchalance in her expression. People will know at a glance that this is nobility, this is the royal family, it should be so elegant and beautiful.

Because in the audience, Lin En's gaze on the stage was a bit direct. In his mind, he was commenting on Princess Mary, thinking that under her simple elegance, she was an exquisite beauty no less than Count Amiste. .

The third princess on the stage seemed to notice Lin En's rude gaze and glanced in his direction.

This frightened Lin En so much that he straightened his eyes immediately.

Fortunately, Princess Mary only seemed to glance around habitually, and her eyes with a bit of natural maternal love turned elsewhere.

'This little guy...'

On the stage, Mary, who was invited and sat down dignifiedly, had a smile on her face. At least, she now knows what he looks like. The feeling of secretly meeting with netizens made Her Royal Highness inadvertently nod her head in approval. In this regard, what Qin did was very satisfactory to her.

The beauty in men's clothing, who was standing quietly behind Her Royal Highness, was keenly aware of Mary's approval.

"Your Highness, do you want me to..." Qin leaned slightly and asked.

"No, today we are here to express Gao En's support for peace. As for the others, don't worry about them before they show up, in case some people's arrangements go wrong." Mary's voice was inaudible, and she raised her hand to be friendly I have to say hello to the foreign people in the audience.


Qin nodded immediately and said nothing. They all knew that there was something wrong with this peace meeting.

Some people are plotting and others are participating in the game. Everyone is looking forward to getting what they want from peace. Under the high-sounding name, it is full of intrigues and competition for interests.

Bathed in the light of the flashing lights, Dr. Ziegler, who has the respectful title of the Goddess of the Morning, began to speak.

"This bloody war has lasted for four years across the entire continent. Over the past four years, I have been helping every soldier on the northern battlefield where shells are raining down. Some of them had their hands and feet cut off by shells, and some were injured. Bullets tore apart bodies, some lost their eyes, some lost their ears. More men, who should have been tailors, farmers, workers, and the fathers, brothers, and sons of our compatriots, became corpses. A cold corpse."

Under Dr. Ziegler's honey-colored hair, there is a deep and beautiful face.

For other people, war may be passionate and romantic, but for her, the war in newspapers and the real war are completely different things.

The various weapons spurred by the steam revolution directly turned the battlefield into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Literally, corpses piled up and burned on hills, and bright red blood gathered in low-lying areas to form rivers.

Thank you Xiaolu Leisurely, Luo Wu Regrets, Farewell Under the Cherry Blossom Tree, Good and Evil Are All Teachers, Clas Fen, FireYujie, Wei Yan, Yang Yang 810522, Book Friends 141123134359940, Jun Qingyi, Can I complain, Li Kongzhi Jin, Weak Wrist, Ice and Fire Dragon King, Salted Fish Fish Fish Fish Salted, Cool Breeze and Bright Moon are accompanied by monthly tickets. Thanks to FireYujie, 408586.qdcn for the reward.

I wish all readers a happy National Day and have a good rest and a comfortable holiday!

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