"No one likes war, no one likes death."

A team of 500 people went up to a high ground singing military songs and shouting "Long Live the King."

Under the bombardment of heavy iron rain, less than 50 people were left injured and evacuated in less than two hours.

"Everyone, open your eyes and take a look. The blood of an entire generation of men in mainland China is almost drained. Wives, mothers, and children are all looking forward to the return of their relatives."

Men have too much that cannot be returned intact, only a box of ashes or a medal.

The trauma soldiers suffer on the battlefield is likely to stay with them throughout their lives. Watching their comrades who live and die together, turned into broken limbs in the artillery fire, and turned into tattered blood bags in the rain of bullets, when a war has become a matter of life and death, the soldiers will ask themselves why they are fighting. ?

Punish injustice.

This reason for starting a war has gone as far as it can go. If military law is used to force the officers again, the officers will have to guard against a dirty weapon.

Ziegler witnessed all this with her own eyes, and she realized that she could help those suffering soldiers far more than staying on the battlefield by returning to the [Steam City] to appeal. The honey-haired doctor stood on the podium, clenched his fists and waved his hands, speaking out the voice of people in this era.

"End this war! Welcome peace!"

The next moment, the uniform sound was like a huge wave roaring to meet Ziegler's slogan.

"End this war! Welcome peace!" The sound seemed to overthrow the dome of the venue. People who had also suffered from the war and the economic downturn finally found a way to solve their suffering and issued a deafening collective cry. roar.

"End this war! Welcome peace!"

Bill clenched his fist, and the members of the [Lamp Holder] station also shouted selflessly at this moment.

"End this war! Welcome peace!"

Amiste also joined in the fun. She held Linn's hand and smiled like a little girl, with bright eyes. "Come on, Lynn, shout after me."

In this situation, Lin En certainly chose not to stand out and joined in the shouting of slogans. However, he always seemed a little unmotivated by the shouting of slogans.

The Expo venue was boiling with excitement, and those who were standing outside but could not enter were also shouting and roaring. The overwhelming slogans were the strongest voice of this era and came from the simplest wishes in the hearts of the people.

Ziegler's eyes were red with excitement on the podium, and tears were falling down her cheeks. His expression is sacred and touching. It is the happiness when a person finally finds the direction for his life and strives for it with results. Lin En noticed this happiness and was filled with emotion.

Dr. Ziegler made a perfect start to his speech at the peace conference.

The next step is to respond to reporters’ questions and then put forward their own demands. In fact, the reporter has arranged this very poorly, and it is a matter of process.

How can we create public opinion without newspapers?

Off the stage, Lin En held the countess's hand. Lin En commented that the soft, boneless and delicate hands felt excellent, even with a thin layer of stockings.

The Countess had shouted so loudly that she almost fell down.

Lin En could only hold her waist. With this support, Amiste was so charming that she handed the weight of her body to Lin En. She was so angry that she obviously did it on purpose.

"Is he very heavy?" Looking at the little gentleman who was a little cramped and breathing heavily, Amist narrowed her eyes narrowly.

"You are very light." Even if Linn was kicked in the head by a donkey, it would be impossible to say a topic to a countess that would 100% anger her.

"Then why are you so nervous~~?" The assignment began. This woman never tired of teasing Lin En.

"It would be an insult to you if I wasn't careful."

Lin En did not continue to bicker this time. He had slowly figured out the character of the countess. At some point, a small step back, or a generous admission that you are indeed interested, giving her a small advantage can further promote the relationship between the two. The countess just liked to press him.

The effect of this was indeed good, and Amiste's eyes immediately turned into a pair of beautiful crescents when she smiled.

The Countess was not stingy and moved a few times against Linn's delicate body to give him greater rewards and benefits. The Black Holy Grail, unwilling to be lonely, also allowed the young gentleman to enjoy what is called the blessing of a king.

It was difficult for Lin En to bear the beauty's kindness. The [Lamp Holder] was mostly distracted watching someone's show. When the princess had a panoramic view of everything on the podium, the questions from the reporters present seemed to have changed.

The person who took the question was Sir Wilson.

This arrogant gentleman was neither as eloquent nor as good-looking as Ziegler. His answers were quite satisfactory at first, but when the questions became more acute, Sir Wilson had some problems with his answers.

Linn, who was being flirted with in the audience, was keenly aware of this problem. He patted Amiste's snowy back. The countess understood that the young gentleman had something serious to do and no longer deliberately twisted his body, but accompanied Linn to observe carefully.

"When the Medical Association submitted a peace proposal, did they consult with the military? Will the achievements of frontline soldiers who sacrificed their lives be regarded as a bargaining chip that can be discarded for peace?"

"Peace is peace for the entire continent, and the people of Albion are not the only ones here today. As for the issues that need to be recognized in peace, are the ambassadors of various countries willing to recognize them?"

"It is said that the Medical Association has many contacts with the [Suppression Bureau]. Can you give an explanation?"

"The Medical Association seeks peace and calls on soldiers to lay down their weapons and stop committing legal killings. However, members of your association have recently been involved in a perverted murder case. Can this convince everyone that you desire peace and are not hypocritical? Where are the lies?”

The questions became more acute than the last, and the originally lively venue was rapidly cooling down.

These reporters were obviously well prepared.

Lin En became much more excited from the initial lack of enthusiasm. The questions asked by reporters before were obviously arranged. At first glance, it was arranged by the Medical Association itself, and there was no useful information at all.

These were different now, and Lynn realized that someone was looking for trouble.

Even the case with the [Suppression Bureau] can be revealed. If the Medical Association does not handle it well today, there will be great fun. Lin En is excited because he is thinking about how to break the situation.

"There seems to be something wrong with these people." Amiste also saw that something was wrong with the reporters, and approached Linn and asked curiously.

"One thing to say, that's true."

At this moment, something was wrong both up and down the podium, and the monitors of the [Lamp Holder] were also very alert. Sir Wilson could no longer hold on to the situation, and that [psychiatrist] Logarius stepped forward. Lynn noticed that Logarius looked at Willy as if he were looking at a dead man.

‘A strong man breaks his wrist? ’

The Doctors Association is really good at this, Lin En praised in his heart.

boom! ! !

The next moment, Willy's head on the podium exploded like a watermelon, with red and white splashing everywhere. Everyone was stunned. The belated gunfire outside the venue directly plunged the situation into a chaotic scene.

Thanks to Yebilouke, lennon, Xianyuyuyuyuyuyuxian, SsdowKing, Clasfen,

Xiaolu Youran, Chanxiao’s monthly ticket, thank Chanxiao’s, Lennon’s reward, thank you all for your support and encouragement~~

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