Teacher Wang also rolled his eyes and complained: "Lao Liang, you are not kind! You are cheap and you still act like a good boy. What's wrong with low-level students? I don't believe you didn't prepare training resources for high-quality students."

Lao Liang showed a confused face and didn't know how to answer for a while.

At this time, the battle on the field was over, and Ding Jie won by relying on kite tactics.

The opponent was so aggrieved that he almost didn't cry, but was actually bullied by others.

Seeing this, Teacher Chen cast a contemptuous glance at Lao Liang and said.

"Such a good seedling, you don't want to give up, do you? If I hadn't tried my best to cultivate Hu Xinyan, I would have wanted to rob you if I didn't have extra resources."

Teacher Wang also echoed: "Why didn't you realize that you are so stingy before? If you cultivate a student from a first-class college, what is it worth to pay some resources? Will the school not reimburse you?"

Old Liang sighed: "I don't want to give up either! Although Ding Jie is excellent, he can't repeat his studies. I still have someone who is more optimistic. He is sure to enter the three colleges next year. Today, I plan to focus on observing him."

"who is it?"

"There are still good seedlings?"

Hearing that entering the three colleges is a sure thing, the two teachers are not calm.

Lao Liang glanced not far away, and said with a gleam in his eyes.

"It's called Yang Fan. He has just reached adulthood, and he has already acquired a kung fu. There is a high probability that it is also Xiongba's kung fu. He has steadily entered the top three. I want to see if I can make him go further with the resources in my hands this year and next."

hiss! !

The two teachers were shocked when they heard this.

Secretly thought that this little old man really has a big heart!

To actually want to cultivate a top talent in the Qianlong list, this is something they dare not even think about...

Teacher Wang showed a wry smile, and gave a thumbs up: "It's still Lao Liang, you are self-motivated, I feel ashamed."

Teacher Chen also shook his head, and asked curiously, "What if you miscalculate?"

Lao Liang thought about Yang Fan's cultivation speed and how it made him feel...

The corner of the mouth raised: "I won't miscalculate! You will know when he makes a move in a while."

Teacher Wang's curiosity was aroused, and he glanced carefully at the students who came out of the sprint class 3.

Finally stopped at Yang Fan.

Confused: "It's this boy? Are you sure he just came of age? This is so advanced..."

Lao Liang smiled and said, "It's him! He came of age at the end of April, and he didn't practice other exercises when he came here, so I said he is different!"

Teacher Chen also took a few more glances and said in surprise.

"The cultivation speed is so fast? Maybe you really picked up a treasure this time."

They have taught for many years, and they have taught many high-level students, even a few silver ones.

But it has never been seen that the cultivation speed is so fast.

And for those who came of age at the end of April, there were a total of three competitions, and the winners were Sha Wujing, Shan Xiongxin, and Xiongba.

Sha Wujing's exercises are impossible, they are gods, and even they cannot obtain them.

It depends on whose practice it is from the other two.

But the cultivation speed is so fast, how could it be the skill of Shan Xiongxin, a low-level martial artist?

The two teachers felt that Lao Liang had the right idea.

What Yang Fan obtained with a high probability was also Xiongba's skills.

His strength is much higher than Ding Jie's, and he has the opportunity to repeat his studies. No wonder this little old man wants to train with all his strength.

Maybe he can even make a top talent in the Qianlong list.

At that time, Lao Liang will be awesome, including the entire No. 8 Middle School.

Sighing each other's good luck...

They are very envious that this dry little old man still has such an opportunity.

Time passed by in a hurry, and students were discussing one after another.

Finally it's Yang Fan's turn, this time from the 26th to the 30th, and it's also the last batch.

After he came out, he reported his number.

I saw an unfriendly gaze staring at him, and turned around curiously.

It's Wu Yang from Sprint Class 1, he is also on the way, and I heard that Yang Fan is also number 26.

He stared at him with a sneer, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Seeing this, Yang Fan just smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously.

Wu Yang, he and Ding Jie used to be in the same class, because they came of age earlier, they entered the sprint class.

In the second year of high school, the three of them were in the same class for the first time, and there was a holiday.

The reason is that Wu Yang is used to being domineering in school because of his good family background, and he would bully other classmates from time to time.

At that time, he saw that Ding Jie had a strong figure and was a good fighter, so he wanted to take him as his younger brother.

Of course Ding Jie didn't buy it, he choked on him in front of many people.

He felt that Ding Jie had hurt his face.

When school was over, he brought a few attendants to block Ding Jie...

It happened that the original body was there, and they fought with Wu Yang and his gang.

Although Ding Jie was good at fighting, he couldn't stand up to the crowd, and he was no match for two fists and four hands.

Knocked down by Wu Yang and the other three, he struggled and couldn't get up.

Yuanshen also got into a fight with the two of them, and received a lot of punches and kicks.

Seeing his brother being beaten badly, he couldn't help himself.

Anxious in my heart, I was beaten, and gradually became ruthless.

He rushed towards Wu Yang who was kicking Ding Jie regardless.

His eyes were red, and he only wanted to kill the mastermind.

Original body, who had only two attendants to greet him, was so ruthless that he really rushed over.

The surprise attack succeeded, and he used his arm to strangle Wu Yang's neck from behind desperately.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best.

No matter how he was beaten, even when he was knocked down, he refused to let go.

In Yang Fan's memory, the original owner really wanted to strangle Wu Yang to death for the people.

It wasn't until a teacher suddenly appeared that the private fight ended.

At this time, Wu Yang was already unconscious, and the attendants were startled, thinking that he was strangled to death by the original body.

The teacher rushed him to the hospital for emergency treatment.

It's a pity that he was so lucky that he didn't die.

For a period of time since then, although the two sides were still tit-for-tat, there has been no fight again.

Maybe he was intimidated by Yang Fan's fighting style.

That is going to death, wanting to die with him...

It didn't take long for Yang Fan's parents and Ding Jie's father to become martyrs.

After Wu Yang entered the bronze as an adult, it was not easy to attack the two of them.

But Liang Zi has already been married, and now there is an opportunity to fight Yang Fan in a fair way, Wu Yang certainly will not miss it.

Yang Fan didn't expect such a coincidence, he met his old enemy in the first battle, and he was a rare bronze senior in the eighth middle school.

"Wu Yang has appeared, and his opponent seems to be from Class Three."

"It must be another instant kill. I can't see Wu Yang's strength at all. What an unlucky guy."

"Wu Yang's opponent is quite handsome!"

"It's good to be handsome. Blue Star is not popular with fresh meat. Strength is king!"

"I really want to see Wu Yang fight Long Jiang or Hu Xinyan!"

"Don't worry! We will definitely meet in a few more rounds."

"I'm really looking forward to the battle of the goddess. A goddess is a goddess. Fighting is like dancing."


Yang Fan looked at Wu Yang, who was sneering across his face, with a flat expression. This guy must really want to beat him up, right?

It's a pity to disappoint him...

As a champion candidate, he was eliminated in the first game, and he didn't know if his mentality would collapse.

The three teachers were also a little surprised, they didn't expect the two of them to meet each other.

As one of the two seed players in the first class, Wu Yang has already entered the advanced stage. Teacher Wang is full of confidence in him.

"Haha...Old Liang, it seems Yang Fan's luck is not very good!"

Teacher Liang also frowned, but soon let go...

He just wanted to confirm his guess, whether Yang Fan could get the amethyst honey was not that important.

I can give him a bottle in private.

He said indifferently: "It's not certain who is unlucky! Only after comparing."

The three teachers concentrated on looking at Yang Fan and Wu Yang.


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