The silver hungry ghost that was hit never got up again.

Yang Fan no longer held back his hands, leaving the bronze-level miscellaneous soldiers alone, and directly used "Catching the Wind and Shadow" to leap forward.

Chasing after the two silvers that matched each other.

Soaring in the air, with the help of the heads of the miscellaneous soldiers, quickly approach one of them.

Gathering strength in both palms, he slapped the opponent's chest with a move of "Overturning Mountains and Overturning Seas".

The hungry ghost vomited blood and fell limp to the ground, seeing that he could not survive.

After turning around, use the third form of the cloud-dispelling palm "turning clouds and raining" to clean up the nearby miscellaneous soldiers.

Attack the enemy with extremely fast palms, like turning clouds and rain.

Almost every slap can clean up a miscellaneous soldier.

The last silver hungry ghost rushed to Yang Fan without fear of death.

This IQ is really worrying...

Jump up and hit the hungry ghost's head with the fourth move of Fengshen legs "Thunder and Resolute Wind", with the strength like thunder, and the legs are as fast as the wind.

In an instant, the hungry ghost bleeds from seven holes, and the neck bone is broken.

After taking the time to harvest the remaining miscellaneous soldiers, Yang Fan gasped slightly.

Before I had time to pack up the materials, I only heard a burst of applause, "Papa...".


Behind a big tree not far away, a man and a woman walked out, who seemed to be about the same age as Yang Fan.

There was no trace of fighting on the two of them, and their clothes were extremely neat.

The handsome man, with a smile on his face, was clapping and applauding.

The woman has a beautiful appearance, a melon-seeded face with big eyes, and a hot body, resembling an internet celebrity from her previous life.

After seeing the two, Yang Fan became vigilant and stared at each other with burning eyes.

It's not safe in the dimension, people here can't be trusted.

It is common to kill people inside for various reasons.

No one cares about killing people here.

In the dimensional space, the number of people who died at the hands of the same kind was no less than those who died at the hands of other races.

After all, people who are below the level cannot enter.

Therefore, the human beings who come in have a certain degree of security in the face of alien races.

Generally, they don't encounter beast hordes and a few powerful alien races, and the death rate is not too high.

The beast tide is not so easy to meet.

There are three phenomena that cause the most deaths. One is that people kill people.

The second is someone who wants to die by himself, who is obviously not strong enough but likes to make waves.

The third is to meet aliens in the space who have been promoted independently and surpassed the level of the space.

For example, after investigation in the space, there are only silver-level aliens at the highest.

classified as Silver.

But just for investigation, who can guarantee that there are no stronger aliens?

It is also possible that after a few years, a few gold-ranked ones will be promoted.

If met by a silver-level human being, it is almost certain to die.

Although every year the guardians check it out.

But there are not many of them, and the space is too large, there are always fish that slip through the net.

Without being met by human beings, no one knows that a foreign race has been promoted.

Many years ago, it even happened that Baijin-level aliens appeared in the silver space.

At that time, even the guardians who were guarding were wiped out.

The two had obviously been hiding there when they were fighting.

Yang Fan didn't know what was on his mind, so he couldn't help being careless.

Seeing Yang Fan's gaze, the boy smiled kindly and said slowly.

"My name is Cao Yong, a student from No. 1 Middle School, don't get me wrong! We don't have any malicious intentions. We heard that there was a battle here, so we came to take a look. I didn't expect you to be so strong, so I couldn't help but applaud."

The girl also said in surprise: "My name is Duan Jinjin, and I'm also a student in No. 1 middle school. The little big brother is so good. What middle school did you go to?"

It turned out to be a...

The students in Dongyang City's three key middle schools, No. 1 Middle School, No. 6 Middle School and No. 8 Middle School, represent the group of people who are most likely to be admitted to the three colleges in Dongyang City.

The three schools are in a competitive relationship, and No. 1 Middle School is the strongest, and its results every year have an absolute advantage.

Being able to enter this space means that both of them are silver-ranked.

No. 8 Middle School is not counted as Yang Fan, only Hu Xinyan is a silver student until now.

This time I met two, and the quality of No. 1 middle school students can be imagined.

This year is sure to be another year of pressing the No. 8 Middle School.

"My name is Wu Yang, from No. 8 Middle School, you guys are overrated."

? ?

The two looked at Yang Fan in shock, with extremely strange expressions.

Duan Jinjin laughed out loud.

Covering her small mouth, she shrugged her shoulders and kept laughing coquettishly.

Cao Yong stared at Yang Fan dumbfounded, with a look of caring for the mentally retarded in his eyes...

Seeing the expressions of the two, Yang Fan was taken aback!

Touching his nose, he asked innocently.

"What's the matter?"

Duan Jinjin laughed even louder when he heard the words, and the flowers and branches trembled.

Cao Yong said a little funny.

"That, brother! Wu Yang from No. 8 Middle School, we know each other... What a coincidence! How change your name?"


Only then did Yang Fan react.

Dare to be exposed just as soon as she pretended to be...

Not embarrassed, but serious.

"Oh! The Wu Yang you know is Yang Yang from Haiyang, right? I know him, I am Yang from Yangshu, Wu Yang..."

! !

The two stared at him incredulously.

I feel like I have never seen such a shameless person...

It's all been exposed, and you're still so confident and bullshit!

Since the other party is unwilling to reveal their real names, it is not easy for the two to force them.

Secretly said: How cautious...I learned it, I learned it!

Cao Yong said: "It turned out to be Wu Yang's classmate, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Yang Fan didn't reveal it: "Student Cao Yong, I've admired him for a long time!"

Cao Yong didn't want to compliment each other with him, so he went straight to the point.

"We found a place with a lot of fragrant grasses. I wonder if student Wu Yang is interested?"

Fragrant Grass is one of the main materials for refining Peiyuan Pill.

The quantity is rare and the value is very high, not comparable to the Hungry Ghost Claw.

If the quantity is large enough, it can even be exchanged for Peiyuan Pill.

But Yang Fan is not very interested in Pei Yuan Dan.

"Why don't you pick them yourself?"

"To tell you the truth, there are many silver hungry ghosts there, and there are also middle-level ghosts haunting them. The two of us dare not act rashly, so we came here to find helpers."

"But I'm only at the beginning level of silver! I'm afraid I can't help much."

Duan Jinjin interjected: "Little big brother is being modest, you have dealt with three silver hungry ghosts in such an understatement, and there are many bronzes, much stronger than us!"

Cao Yong also laughed and said, "Why should Wu belittle himself? We are in charge of blocking the enemy, and you are in charge of picking. With your speed, it's easy."

Duan Jinjin said with starry eyes: "That's right! With your speed, no middle-level silver ghost can catch up with you. At worst, you can get 40% of Fragrant Grass, little big brother, please help!"

Yang Fan thought for a while, the two of them wanted to go by themselves so much, maybe there was something wrong with them?

And just risking it because of some fenugreek?

I'm afraid it won't happen, right?

The two must have hidden some real purpose.

Now he is interested...

If there is something really wrong, no matter if it is Fragrant Grass or your target, including the things on your body, I will accept it with a smile.

With his own strength, as long as he stays vigilant, he is really not afraid of these two people.

"Okay! Let me clean up first."

After speaking, he began to pack up the materials, only the silver claws of the hungry ghost, and the bronze ones were ignored.

Too many to fit in your pocket.

Cao Yong also took out a dagger and walked over.

"Let me help you!"

After speaking, he joined the ranks of cutting claws.

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