Yang Fan and Hu Xinyan were taken aback when they heard this!

Drugs to increase life expectancy, no charge?

This business is doing a little bit...

Feng Yuting heard Liu Lao's very suggestive words.

This natural treasure is fake, or it can't achieve the effect the seller said.

She frowned slightly and looked at Hu Xinyan...

I thought to myself, what's going on with this little girl?

What kind of friends are you making, and you actually come to auction fakes here?

Want to smash the signboard of my boutique auction house?

Hu Xinyan also asked inexplicably, "Reject?"

Seeing Feng Yuting's eyes also reacted somewhat.

Then he looked at Yang Fan in a daze...

She knows more or less about the auction house.

This thing can't be a fake, right?

By the way, I bought one too!

no! I have to ask in a while...

Yang Fan didn't understand the meaning inside.

Although he was also surprised why the other party didn't accept it, it didn't matter.

He nodded and said, "Okay! Then I won't shoot..."

After speaking, he reached out to pick up the blood spirit ginseng.

Who knew that Mr. Liu flipped his palm and had no intention of returning him at all.

He sneered and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand the rules of boutique auction houses, right?"

Yang Fan was startled, and asked in confusion, "What rules?"

Old Liu smiled disdainfully.

"You want to bring fake goods to my boutique auction house to smash the signboards, and after being found out, you still want to get away with the things? Humph... Isn't it a little bit prettier?"

Although he failed to recognize the ginseng, but based on his intuition, he thought it might be a good thing.

He wanted to forcibly blacken Yang Fan's ginseng for research, and if it is really effective, he can also study the cultivation method.

He was sure that even if the other party had a small amount of silver, he would not dare to go against the Feng family in Dongyang City.

If you say that Yang Fan is a silver-ranked person at a young age, he is considered a person with good talent, but he will not take it too seriously. Feng Yuting is a gold-ranked person at a young age, and she is the top of the Qianlong list.

At this time, Feng Yuting also showed a bad face.

"Xinyan, for your sake today, I won't embarrass your friend, take him away! From now on, he is prohibited from appearing in any store that Jinpin Pavilion belongs to..."

Just like using fake money, if the fake goods sold by the auction house are identified, they will be confiscated and held accountable.

At this time, Yang Fan also understood what the other party meant.


I pretended to be your grandma...

I ate a few of them myself!

At this time, his expression was not good.

"You say I'm a fake? Where's the evidence?"

Mr. Liu smiled proudly: "I am the evidence. I, Liu Yishou, have been in the treasure appraisal industry for 30 years. I have appraised tens of thousands of treasures from heaven and earth. As long as I have tried the things in my hands, I have never made a mistake."

Is this trying to rob?

Although Yang Fan doesn't care about a blood spirit ginseng.

For him, it is dispensable.

But anyway, this is his stuff.

Whether it is lost or given away, it is up to him.

But if he doesn't give it, others can't steal it...

Now it's not about a blood spirit ginseng, it's about someone else trying to ride a shit on his head.

Yang Fan sneered when he heard this.

"You can't even produce any evidence, so you forcefully slander other people's things as fakes? A boutique auction house? Hehe... So it's a big deal like this."

Feng Yuting was furious when she heard the words: "Shut up! How can the boutique auction house allow you to slander? I wanted to give Xinyan a face and let you go. Since you don't know how to flatter, don't blame my auction house for being rude... "

Mr. Liu has been working in her Feng family for many years, and he really does everything, and has never made any mistakes.

Moreover, he has a good reputation, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most experienced treasure appraiser in Dongyang City.

So she still trusts each other very much.

I feel like this guy is just being a jerk.

He didn't want to hold him accountable, yet he actually wanted to slander his own auction house.

After Yang Fan was ready to do something, he laughed angrily.

"What? Still want to kill people and get more money?"

"Do you really think that everyone in the world is your father? Have to spoil you? Come on!!"

The highest combat power stationed in Dongyang City is the Baijin class, and the number is still very small.

Anyway, there is absolutely no occupation in it that is a treasurer.

The only diamond-level powerhouse who has been suppressing alien races in the wind-cut domain.

Since it is at most gold level, why can't it be just a little bit?

He has a hole card. After opening the Eight Inner Gates, even if he can't win, he can run out, and he won't be used to the opponent...

Hu Xinyan was completely stunned, why did she almost get into a fight when she came to sell something?

One side is my sister's best friend, and the other side is a classmate I brought, what should I do?

Hastily shouted anxiously.

"Don't do it! There must be a misunderstanding!"

Although Feng Yuting was angry, she wanted to teach her a lesson, this ignorant fellow.

But when he saw Hu Xinyan in front of him, he hesitated.

When Mr. Liu saw that this little guy dared to blow his hair in front of him, he sneered in his heart, and secretly sighed that the other party wanted to die.

He knew very well that even if he killed Yang Fan, it was impossible for the Hu family to turn against the Feng family for a dead person.

I saw him running his spiritual power to suddenly surge, rushing towards Yang Fan...

However, Yang Fan is already ready to do it.

"Open the door!"

(Open the door: remove the limitation of the brain domain, exert the physical ability of 100, overload the body energy to increase the attack and speed. After opening, you can use [Biaolianhua].)

"Shut up!!"

(Shut the door: lift the restriction of physical fatigue, overload the body energy to restore physical strength, and offset the energy consumption of opening the door.)

"The gate of life...open!!"

(Shengmen: Further increase the attack and speed, the body begins to congest and turn red, and the body begins to emit green energy.)

Yang Fan knew that his silver rank was not Liu Lao's opponent, so he opened the third gate instantly, and his attack and speed increased exponentially.

This is an overall improvement, including spiritual power and the speed and power of moves.

It shows the awesomeness of Eight Inner Gates.

Facing and even the old Liu in front of him, Yang Fan showed no mercy and directly resorted to his unique trick.

Gathering strength with both palms, it attracted a large amount of spiritual energy nearby, blasting out in an instant.

"Three Elements Return to One"! !

It would be really stupid to be tempted in the face of someone stronger than yourself.

If you don't pay attention, you will try to cool yourself...

When Mr. Liu saw the guy in front of him, his momentum rose instantly, and green steam was emitting from his whole body.

Head full of question marks...

This move is so weird!

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, and he punched the opponent.

Although this blow was useless, he still used 70% or 80% of his strength, which was enough to kill a high-ranking silver man.

The other party made trouble in the boutique auction house, and even insulted people who were stronger than him. Even if he killed him here, the Hu family would have nothing to say, and the Feng family would come forward to solve it.

A high-ranking silver really thinks he is great?

Dare to challenge myself...

Miss Feng's family is still a gold-ranked lady, and she is a top talent on the Qianlong list. Isn't she also quite respectful to herself?

The spiritual power of the two sides collided, fists and palms intersected, creating a huge air current.


The spiritual power exploded, and the two flew out together.

After Yang Fan tossed in the air, he landed and slid a few meters, hitting the wall before he stopped retreating.

Mr. Liu was closer to the wall, and flew directly into it. After a loud noise, a large part of the wall was dented.

He was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, holding his chest and panting continuously, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The three people in the room couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the result.

The expression on his face that he saw a ghost...

Hu Xinyan was slightly relieved after being shocked.

Seeing that the people I brought were attacked here, I felt very angry.

Am I, Hu Xinyan, shameless?

The people I brought, you just beat them if you say so?

After checking Yang Fan's situation, he stood beside him with an angry face, looking at Feng Yuting.

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