The Sixth Child Is Hanging Up, God Is Afraid When He Sees It

Chapter 90 Origin Of Abyssal Organization

Yang Fan looked at the flight attendant's strange eyes, and barely explained.

"I just received a call. The matter is over, and I can continue to fly to Longdu."

"Oh! That's very good, please take a seat."

Yang Fan glanced at the two of them.

This is the person who came to protect me?

Tell yourself in advance, you won't make yourself worry for a long time!

It's not that I don't want you to protect me, but I also secretly protect it, so I have to make it so mysterious.

Seeing Yang Fan's gaze, the two smiled at him, nodded, and did not speak.

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to communicate with him, Yang Fan went back to his seat and asked the flight attendant for a book to pass the time.

hours later...

Longdu Airport...

Yang Fan came to the gate empty-handed.

The two people on the plane had disappeared at this time.

Maybe in the dark, but he couldn't find it.

Follow the message sent by Su Xiyu to the designated location.

Soon an off-road vehicle stopped in front of him.


It turned out to be the tutor Su Xiyu, dressed in casual clothes, with long hair and shawls, still so charming and charming.

Yang Fan asked impatiently in the car.

"Mr. Su, what kind of organization is the abyss you're talking about? Why did you attack me repeatedly?"

Su Xiyu felt that Yang Fan was the victim after all, and he might confront him in the future, so it was necessary to know the truth.

"The rudiment of this organization appeared hundreds of years ago. During the two or three hundred years when the aura just recovered, when human beings worked together to fight against alien races, everyone was very united."

"At that time, there were twelve holy-level powerhouses in human beings, and they were also the first batch of holy-level powerhouses. They were very powerful and led human beings to fight against alien races, gradually turning the tide of the battle. Capital."

Yang Fan was taken aback when he heard this. He knew about this period. It was written in the textbook that it was called the dawn period.

But the textbook only records the Nine Saints of Dawn, but Su Xiyu said that there were twelve leaders at that time.

But he didn't ask the question, but listened to Su Xiyu continue talking.

"Humanity gradually settled down, but when the Twelve Holy Ranks were preparing to allocate regions as their garrison territories, differences arose. Some people suggested that they join forces to rule Blue Star, make it unified, and form a World government to continue leading humans against alien races."

"Some suggested the division of territory, forming a federation of small countries that are close together, and several countries together, becoming a holy-level territory, with various garrisons, and the same is true for all parties to support when one party is in trouble."

"At that time, there were four people who supported the reunification of Blue Star, five people who supported the division of territories, and three people who remained neutral, saying that either plan was acceptable."

World government?

Yang Fan unconsciously remembered the anime from his previous life, One Piece. Is this trying to come up with Celestial Dragons?

Su Xiyu continued.

"When the two sides were at a stalemate, and no one was willing to give in, an accident happened not long after. The leader who supported the unification of Blue Star died inexplicably in a dimensional space, and the level of that space was only extraordinary."

"Now the other three saint-level powerhouses who supported the unification are blown up. How could they accept the fact that a saint-level powerhouse died in the extraordinary dimensional space? They all suspected that it was the other party's hand."

"In particular, one of them is a life-and-death brother to the deceased, and has a very good relationship. He wants to seek justice for the brothers, but their number is small, and now one of them has died, so they want to win over the neutral faction."

"The three of the neutral faction don't want the top human powerhouses to kill each other when human beings have just gained a respite, and even if they all fall to the unification faction, it will only be a six-v-five situation. That's the end of it, so I resolutely refuse."

"In desperation, the brother of the deceased wanted to encourage the other two companions to attack the other party. The plan was for the three of them to ambush the leader of the other party. But after hearing the plan, one of them felt that it was really necessary to do this. It was hard for human beings to obtain The power of self-preservation may slowly dissipate."

"Although he supports the reunification of Blue Star, he also clearly knows that the foreign race is the enemy. They, the top powerhouses, really can't kill each other."

"I felt that this idea was too extreme, so I rejected the proposal, and even gradually fell to the other side. Now the only two remaining members of the Unification faction were dumbfounded. They were weak and chose to leave."

"Decades later, an organization called Abyss appeared. It was established by these two people. They preached that the greatest enemy of human beings is always their own kind. The same kind is more sinister and cunning than the alien race. Those hypocrites who stabbed the same kind of knife in the back, It is more hateful than the aliens who fight with you head-on."

"It's such an extreme idea that unexpectedly gained many ambitious people from various countries and human beings who have suffered from the same kind of harm, and gradually grew stronger."

"For hundreds of years, they have been encircled and suppressed countless times, but they have always existed, and they only operate in the dark. Many people from various countries on the surface are their members, such as those who attacked you."

"For a talent with great potential like you, they generally have two ways to deal with it. One is to launch an attack and kill you in the cradle, and the other is to try to absorb you into the abyss. Unfortunately, for you, they adopted the first method. "

"It's roughly like this, but all countries regard them as thorns in the eyes and thorns in the flesh. Over the years, they have been caught and killed one by one. Gradually, once they are caught, they never have hope of surviving, so their activities are not very serious. Rampant, I didn't expect Baijin high-ranking to attack you, but luckily you're fine..."

"After entering [War God Academy], you will be safe. There are many strong people in the top ten academies, and people from the abyss dare not come to give away their heads."

These Yang Fans understand that the abyss is an extremist organization that has existed for hundreds of years and is anti-human.

But this strength is too strong, right?

It's not just about fighting against the Dragon Kingdom...

This is an organization that fights against the whole world, how powerful is this?

At this time, I was a little lucky that the other party didn't directly send a boss to kill me, otherwise I would definitely bury the mountain.

This is really Yang Fan worrying too much...

Tianjiao is just a group of people who are likely to become strong in the future, and big bosses are used to deal with those who have already become strong.

Sending a high-ranking Baijin is already very important to him. After all, the world is so big and people's hands are limited.

Moreover, it is quite dangerous to reveal one's identity in Dragon Country. For Blue Star as a whole, Dragon Country's strength is also one of the best.

At this time, the car drove to a hotel, and Su Xiyu handed him a room card.

"You stay here. The Riding the Wind and Waves competition starts tomorrow. You are a seed player. You don't need to participate in the three-day preliminary competition. You can just participate in the qualifying competition. If you want to go to the competition, you can arrange it yourself."

Yang Fan nodded and took the key card.

"Then I'll go up first..."

He is happy to relax without having to participate in the preliminary round.

Sure enough, being strong is good, just participate in the qualifying competition and go to [Academy of War God] with a champion.

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