Yang Fan heard the staff's order to start the competition, instantly opened the third gate, and rushed towards Xie Yingtao.

He intends to make a quick decision, although the opponent's spear looks good.

But he didn't take it seriously at all, the hard power is here!

Seeing Yang Fan rushing towards him, Xie Yingtao narrowed his eyes and charged up a shot.

An unknown marksmanship, aimed directly at him and stabbed out.

This spear was drawn by an uncle of his clan, and he had the cheek to borrow it for this battle.

With the power halved, it was also much stronger than his previous weapon, which greatly boosted his confidence.

However, he still underestimated the gap between Yang Fan and Yang Fan. He just fired his gun and was about to hit it.

Suddenly seeing Yang Fan rushing towards him, he moved sideways and flashed out of his attack range in an instant.

"So fast!"

Xie Yingtao was a little surprised, but he didn't dare to neglect, the spear swept out towards the opponent's position.

Unexpectedly, it was a step too late. I felt a pain in my waist, flew out sideways with great inertia, and fell to the ground.

But he didn't suffer any injuries, all because he wore a similarly borrowed soft metal inner armor under his coat, and an armor on his lower body, both of which were quite extraordinary.

Helped him largely resist the damage.

After Yang Fan kicked the opponent, he also felt the opponent's metal armor.

But he didn't give up, and immediately chased down the opponent who fell to the ground.

I saw him leaping lightly, his body spinning sideways at an extremely fast speed.

One move "Wind Rolling Building Remnants" brought a lot of strong wind, and smashed down on Xie Yingtao who had fallen to the ground and hadn't had time to get up in the future.

Boom! !

Yang Fan saw that the opponent had passed through this attack, and it was obvious that the injury was not serious.

Can't help sighing secretly that this inner armor is really strong in defense, I don't know who it came from.

Although the opponent has a lot of equipment, but the head is not covered, this is the best attack position.

Yang Fan concentrated his strength on his right fist, and the fifth form of Tianshuang Fist "Frost Cold River" went straight to Xie Yingtao's head.

The spiritual power protecting the opponent's head was directly blasted by this punch.

Just when the fist was about to go one step further and hit the opponent's head, Yang Fan felt his right fist being firmly grasped by one hand.

But at some point, a staff member in black came to stop him, and after grabbing Yang Fan's hand, the other party said flatly.

"The winner has been decided... Yang Fan wins!"

At this time, Xie Yingtao felt a fist that was almost clinging to his head that was constantly blowing cold.

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on his head, his face turned pale, and he thought to himself.

Even if you borrow a powerful weapon for attack and a powerful armor for defense, the strength of the opponent is still far from that of the opponent.

Because the weapon could not attack the opponent, the armor protected him, and he was not injured much, but the opponent attacked the part that was not protected by the armor, and he still had no resistance.

If this punch was really hit on the head, this time the qualifying match for Riding the Wind and Waves would probably be missed.

Can't help secretly rejoicing, fortunately, there are staff members to stop it.

Yang Fan was caught with a right fist, turned his head to look at the staff who announced the result of the game, and found that it was not the one at the beginning.

The staff member was also very surprised by Yang Fan's attack power, thinking that it was dangerous...

Fortunately, seeing that these two were fighting, he followed up, otherwise, the original staff member in this area might not be able to stop this punching technique.

Because he is one of the strongest in this group of staff, a master of Baijin

He was secretly surprised, thinking to himself, he really deserves to be ranked 666 Tianjiao.

At this time, Yang Fan couldn't help wondering when he saw that the staff hadn't let go.

"Can you let go?"


The staff let go of their arms resentfully.

Yang Fan rubbed his wrist indifferently, and walked towards Su Xiyu.

The students watching the battle shouted loudly and discussed in low voices.

"See? This is the difference between 666 and 931. Don't think that the strength of the Tianjiao is not much different."

"Indeed! This difference is like when we challenge Tianjiao, we will only be abused."

"Yang Fan is so fast! If he attacks me, I won't even be able to hide."

"Nonsense! Even Tianjiao can't hide, you still want to hide?"

"I really don't know what Xie Yingtao is thinking. I really think that I can challenge the Tianjiao who is more than 200 places higher than me by borrowing some equipment? Funny!"

"You can't say that. His armor is still quite strong. He was kicked by such a heavy blow but he didn't get hurt. If he pulled it out by himself, he might really be able to fight."

"Pull it down! Didn't you see Yang Fan's speed crushing him? It's the equipment he drew himself, and it must be able to attack the opponent!"


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