"You have felt it too, that strange feeling. I even suspect it is Arias's hallucination." Xiao Ai breathed a sigh of relief and said: "This strong desire and desire made him lose self-control, so he Doing this kind of thing, this kind of thing... is simply not what a monarch of a country should do."

"Your Majesty the Duke, I understand." The guard said solemnly: "I will report up and tell the chief elder all this.

"Yes." Xiao Ai waved her hand and said, "Go and do things quickly, remember to be careful... I'm worried that this "three, four, three" is a conspiracy."


The guard nodded, turned and left.

Xiao Ai sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his father. She stroked Arias's face and murmured: "Dad, I hope you can recover soon."

In the palace at night, in a gorgeous palace.

Altok was sitting upright at this time, his eyes falling on the servant who was kneeling on the ground, how is the investigation going?"

The servant said respectfully: "Sir, according to my investigation, the young child seems to be named Arias... I sent someone to Arias's dormitory to investigate, but nothing unusual was found. . In addition to sleeping every day, he practices archery and reads... Such an ordinary person is actually Arias Barlow?"

"He is my son." Artok said calmly: "I can't be wrong."

"grown ups,

"I have my own idea about this matter." Altok waved his hand.

"Yes..." The servant nodded quickly and said in a low voice: "My subordinates are leaving."

Altok looked up and looked out the window at this time. He saw the moon hanging high in the sky, and couldn't help but reach out and touch the ring on his chest, and silently muttered: "My child... I will definitely find you, definitely." "

early morning.

"Your Majesty! You are finally awake!"

Alilang was about to go to the kitchen to order today's dishes, but he heard the sound of footsteps behind him and turned around quickly.

I saw Arias walking slowly at this time, with a happy face... However, Arias's face was haggard, he looked very weak, and even his spirit seemed listless.

"I...am I not dead?" Arias looked around.

Arilang was immediately overjoyed, "Your Majesty, you are really alive. That's great. Your Majesty, you finally woke up."

He immediately asked the maid to bring the boiled soup. After Arias drank a few mouthfuls, he slowly calmed down.

"What happened to me yesterday?" Arias pondered for a moment, then suddenly frowned and said, "Why did I seem... to have a dream?"

Alilang was startled...did he have a dream? He had also had the same dream, and the scene in the dream was exactly the same as now...could it be a prophecy?

"Your Majesty, don't forget, you are the emperor of the Ali tribe." Alilang said thoughtfully: "Maybe it was just a dream. After waking up from the dream, everything returned to normal.

Arias rubbed his forehead, then thought about it, took a clean silk scarf from the table, and wiped his lips... Seeing this, Arilan quickly asked the maid to bring fresh milk.

"Your Majesty, this is milk to supplement your nutrition. Please drink some more."

"Thank you..." Arias took it, sipped it, and narrowed his eyes, "Altok... are they okay?

Arilang was stunned, "Your Majesty...who are you talking about?"

"Alibaba, Alibaba and Kata." Arias said: "That's you three brothers.

Arilang nodded, "They are very good. We rode on horseback and paraded together two days ago. They said that Your Majesty has woken up and is very happy."

Arias coughed slightly, "I remember watching Arias in 5.0 before I passed out... He didn't do anything inappropriate."

Arilan shook his head, "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. Arias has always been your son, how could he hurt you... Your Majesty! Your Majesty! What's wrong with you?"

Arias's eyes widened and his pupils dilated, as if he had seen something extremely shocking... Arilan was so frightened that he quickly picked up the bell next to him.

"Come quickly! Your Majesty has fainted!!"

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