The Skyrider

Chapter 430: Sentimental dragon girl

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Lingtian Supreme!

"Damn it!"

The faces of these beast princes were all covered with extremely angry expressions, but they were helpless. They were not Ye Feng's opponents at all, and they were all killed by Ye Feng.

They are very unwilling in their hearts, very strongly unwilling.

Things were going very smoothly, and the biggest threat to the dragon girl was also handled by them. In the end, they all bleed here!

And the people who killed them all were actually human race bugs they had never put in their eyes!

How can this make them reconciled? !

Ye Feng drifted down and came to the dragon girl. He looked at the beautiful dragon girl and said with a smile: "Dragon girl, this can't blame me! It's you who merged the dragon bone into my body. Now I think Returning the keel to you is also impossible. "

He was very happy in his heart. This time it really counted as a blessing due to misfortune. Not only did he integrate the keel, he also improved a lot into the realm, and he was promoted to a fivefold divine realm and a fourfold small realm.

"Who said impossible!"

On the face of the dragon girl, there was a smile on her face. She looked at Ye Feng and said: "It can still be dug out!"

"Don't scare me ... I'm timid!"

Ye Feng swore away from the dragon girl and covered her chest with her hand. She really wanted to dig out the dragon bone from his body. Even if he didn't die, he would have to lose half his life.

"Just kidding you, it's serious!"

The dragon girl said with a smile, her expression relaxed.

However, her face soon became serious, and she said to Ye Feng: "Your cultivation base is too low to fully integrate the keel. Do not use the power of the keel until the last time!"

"This understands!"

Ye Feng walked back and nodded.

He knows how much the cost of using the keel force is not something he can afford now!

"The dragon bone contains the supernatural powers of the dragon clan, you can always enlighten, maybe you can understand the supernatural powers of the dragon clan."

The dragon girl looked at Ye Feng, his eyes glowing, and said.

The reason why she integrated the dragon bone into Ye Feng's body is to strengthen Ye Feng's strength to solve the siege. On the other hand, there are other important reasons.

"Thank you Dragon Girl!"

Ye Feng sincerely thanked.

Instead of taking the dragon bone away, the dragon girl told him that there was supreme magical power in the dragon bone. This shows that the dragon girl is not malicious to him. On the contrary, she also has great kindness.

"Don't thank me, all this is your chance ..."

The dragon girl gave Ye Feng a deep look and said.

Afterwards, her beautiful and flawless pretty face showed an indecisive expression and seemed to be making a difficult decision.

Finally, she sighed heavily and said to Ye Feng, "Can you show me your halberd?"

A surprised expression appeared on Ye Feng's face, but without asking too much, the silver dragon halberd was taken out and handed to the dragon girl.

The dragon girl looked excited when she took the silver dragon halberd.

Her jade hand kept stroking on this silver dragon halberd, and finally she rested her hand on the glittering crystal of silver dragon halberd.

This silver spar embedded in the silver dragon halberd is the dragon crystal of the silver dragon, but it is in the seal, and there are no special fluctuations.

"The past is like dust ..."

The dragon girl looked at the piece of dragon crystal, and an expression of memory appeared on her face.

In her exquisite big eyes, tears appeared.

Ye Feng saw the dragon girl's appearance at this moment, and immediately fell silent.

He knew very well that there must be an unusual relationship between the dragon girl and the silver dragon, otherwise the dragon girl would not leave tears at the dragon crystal of the silver dragon.

He thought for a while, and finally said, "This silver dragon halberd will be given to the dragon girl!"

The dragon girl merged the dragon bones into his body. Why don't he give this silver dragon halberd to the dragon girl!

He couldn't bear to see the Dragon Girl so sad.

"Forget it ..."

The dragon girl spoke softly, handed the silver dragon halberd to Ye Feng again, and looked at Long Jing with a distracted look.

"After all, the past can not be repeated, only everything looks forward."

She sighed.

After that, she didn't say much, sorted out her emotions, and finally recovered.

"I can't stay in the outside for a long time, just don't spend any time on this. I will see you later."

The dragon girl's body was covered with radiant light, beautiful and flawless, leaving Ye Feng with a pretty shadow, and left.

"When there is time, I will definitely see you in the Tianduan Mountains!"

Ye Feng shouted at the figure of the dragon girl leaving.

"Well, wait for you."

Although the figure of the dragon girl was no longer visible, the voice still floated to Ye Feng's ear.

"I don't know if I can catch up with Jiang Shui."

Ye Feng said.

He did not stay here too much and left here.

However, before he left, he collected all the corpses of these beast princes into the storage space.

The strength of these beast princes is very powerful. The flesh contains a lot of life essence, which is of great benefit to the human body and cannot be wasted.

Uh, uh, uh!

Ye Feng's body shone with the glow, showing his distance from the horizon, quickly rushing to the road, thinking to catch up with Jiang Shui, and then fall back to Yunzong with Jiang Shui.

However, he walked for a long time and never found Jiang Shui's figure.

"No, Jiang Shui is not as fast."

Ye Feng stopped, and his eyebrows were frowned.

He exhibited the mysterious technique close to the horizon, and the speed broke through the extreme. He should have been catching up with Jiangshui long ago, but until now, he has not found any trace of Jiangshui.

"Perhaps Jiang Shui did not go to Luo Yunzong, but returned to the Holy Court and found a mentor to rescue me!"

Ye Feng opened his mouth and speculated that Jiang Shui had returned to the Holy Court.

However, there was a very uneasy feeling in his heart.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he saw a piece of cloth hanging on a small tree next to it.

"It's Jiang Shui's clothes!"

He picked up the piece of cloth and immediately recognized it, which belonged to Jiang Shui's clothes.

"Jiang Shui did not return to the holy house, but there was an accident!"

Ye Feng's eyes were cold and he said coldly.

Without any hesitation, he displayed a powerful sense of mind, carefully searched the area, and tried to find other clues.

Soon, he discovered something.

He found a pool of blood, with the smell of **** water flowing from him.

"Jiang Shui, you must be fine!"

Ye Feng said heavily.

He felt the urge to the extreme, running quickly in this area, hoping to find Jiang Shui.

Finally, under his crazy search, he finally sensed Jiang Shui's breath.

Jiang Shui is still alive!

However, the breath was very weak, obviously seriously injured.

"If Jiang Shui has an accident, I will definitely make you die better!"

Ye Feng's eyes exploded into two cold awns, the body radiated out of the brilliance of light, and the mystery of Tianya was unfolded, and he hurried towards Jiangshui.

He sensed that beside Jiang Shui, there were still many people's breath.

These people are very likely to hurt Jiang Shui!

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