After a long time, the girl was very happy.

I saw that the girl was a fool, a little fool who couldn't even remember her own name.

"Don't you have any family? Why are you staying here alone?" I changed the way I asked the girl.

"Family? What is that? Can you eat it?"

The girl put her index finger on her lower lip and looked at me innocently and asked back.

This girl doesn't even have the most basic common sense. Could she be a demon?

As soon as this thought came out, I looked at the girl with a little more vigilance.

But think about it, if it is a demon, whether it is staying alone in the deep forest or not being afraid when seeing me, all this can make sense.

And judging from her innocent look, she was probably just a little monster who had just turned into a human form not long ago.

After figuring this out, I continued to ask her cautiously: "Do you still remember what you were doing before?"


The girl looked up at the sky, thinking.

Suddenly, one hand clenched into a fist and hit the palm of the other hand, and said to me with sudden enlightenment: "I remember that before this, I seemed to have been sleeping with an old man."

"What? Sleeping with an old man?"

This almost shattered my worldview.

This old man is playing tricks, finding such a young girl to sleep with him.

No wonder he has to stay in the mountains. If he takes one more step outside, he will be arrested by the police uncle.

"Yes, sleeping with the old man." The girl nodded, "But then the old man left, leaving me alone here. I feel so bored alone, and no one comes to play with me."

The girl half squatted on the ground, holding her face with both hands, looking angry.

"By the way, you just said 'we' disturbed your rest, does that mean that besides me, there are other people who came to see you?" I noticed the words in the girl's words and asked her this.

"Yes, besides you, there are other people who came." When the girl mentioned this, her face became a little more angry, "They all wore the same uniform, and everyone was fierce. They came in and took away everything that could be used in the house. If I hadn't turned into a real body, I might have been taken away by them."

"Real body? You are not human!"

I put my hand on the Wuchen Sword at my waist. If the girl had any slight abnormality, I would draw my sword and chop her without saying a word.

"Human? What is that? Can it be eaten?"

The girl seemed to have just turned into a human form, and her language system was not fully developed. She only knew a few similar words.

"My real body is this, meow meow~"

After the girl said this, she curled up and moved her body on the ground vigorously.

A burst of white smoke came out of her body, and then the petite girl turned into a slightly yellow pillow.

So she was a pillow demon.

So what the girl said before about sleeping with the old man was that the old man put her under his head.

I thought it was a story that violated ethics and morality, but it made me excited for a while.

However, the identity of this old man...

The identity of this old man must not be simple. Since he can be with demons and live in such an abandoned building, maybe the old man is also a demon, or the old man is the sleeping Taoist I have been looking for so hard.

"By the way, little... pillow, do you know the name of the old man who has been sleeping with you before?" Because I didn't know the girl's name yet, I could only call her "little pillow" first.

"Name? Meow meow meow~"

The girl put her index finger on her temple and drew circles back and forth, thinking hard like Ikki.

"I don't know the name, but I heard the old man repeating a name, I don't know if he was talking about himself or someone else. What was his name? It seems to be called the Sleeping Taoist... Oh! It's the Sleeping Taoist, isn't this the person you are looking for?"

The girl acted as if she suddenly realized something, and then she realized this.

I'm not saying that this girl's reaction arc is a bit too long, isn't it? Such an important thing has only just been remembered?

From the girl's mouth, we can know that the identity of the old man who has been living with her is the Sleeping Taoist. Even if it's not him, he must know information about the Sleeping Taoist. Of course, I am more inclined to the former.

The Sleeping Taoist's magic power is indeed very strong. The pillow he slept on was actually

Of course, he can generate demonic energy in the invisible and transform into a human form.

It seems that he is really like what the Sheep God said, a master who is unparalleled in the world, and he must have a way to rescue my Liu Si Niang.

"Little Pillow, do you know where the old man went?" I continued to ask the girl in front of me, and my tone unconsciously became much more urgent.

Seeing that the way to rescue Liu Si Niang was right in front of me, I must be more anxious than anyone else.

"I don't know either." This time the girl didn't think about it anymore and gave a straightforward answer.

"Little Pillow, do you want to think about it carefully? I'm not in a hurry, you can think about it for a while."

Little Pillow, don't give up so quickly, hold on a little longer! Whether my buddy can successfully rescue Liu Si Niang depends entirely on you!

The girl shook her head, looking helpless: "When the old man left, I was still the original pillow. I could only think, 'Ah, he's leaving soon'. As for where he was going, I couldn't ask even if I wanted to. It was not until shortly after the old man left that I became what I am now and could speak."

So that's how it is. Sure enough, the pillow had a demonic aura when the old man was still there, and turned into a human form after the old man left.

Considering that this place is not a place with very strong spiritual energy, after excluding the demonic aura caused by environmental reasons, it can only be considered that the pillow's transformation into a demon is related to the old man.

"Then do you know how long the old man has been gone?"

"I know that, about two days!" The girl counted the days on her fingers.

Two days? Has the pillow become like this after just two days?

You should know that it is an extremely long process for a demon to transform into a human form. It may take dozens or even hundreds of years for a chance to transform into a human form.

It took only two days to transform from an ordinary pillow into a human form. How deep is the magic power of this old man?

Two days is not a short time. If you are determined, two days is enough to reach every corner of Daxia.

Fortunately, before coming here, the Sheep God told me that although the whereabouts of the Sleeping Taoist are erratic, he also has one characteristic, that is, he will never leave Penglai. This has narrowed the scope a lot.

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