The three treasures came from your hometown, Shu, and they are not Wudang treasures. According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were hundreds of schools of thought, and the mountains in Shu were full of spiritual energy. Countless Taoists built houses in Shushan to practice. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty worshipped Buddhism and destroyed Taoism. He sent a large army to build pagodas in Shushan, intending to destroy all Taoists. Countless wandering Taoists formed the Shushan Sect to fight against the Northern Wei army. The Shushan Sect was established in the Southern and Northern Dynasties and flourished in the Tang Dynasty. Later, Emperor Taiding of the Yuan Dynasty promoted Buddhism, and the Shushan Sect declined since then. "Ziwei Zhenren paused for a moment, and then slowly said: "Although the Shushan Sect was short-lived, no one can deny that the Shushan Sect was the strongest sect in the early Tang Dynasty. A whale falls and all things come to life. , the sects that still exist today, including Wudang, are more or less the inheritance of Shushan. And the three treasures in your hand are also Shushan's. "

"The purple gold gourd, according to legend, can contain all things in the world, extract refined medicine, and make a magic pill."

"The Dustless Sword, an ancient divine sword, can cause the sky to collapse and the earth to crack."

"These two treasures are exaggerated. This gourd can't even contain a monster, let alone contain all things in the world. The Dustless Sword is only broad in sword intent, far less powerful than the rumors. But the Demon-Subduing Book is a genuine Shushan treasure."

Ziwei Zhenren took the Demon-Subduing Book from my hand and tried to open it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't turn it over.

After two unsuccessful attempts, she gave up and said, "Back then, in order to cultivate merit, the disciples of Shushan traveled around the world to subdue demons and capture monsters. When Shushan disciples encountered monsters, they would not kill them at the first time, but put them into the Demon Subduing Book and bring them back to Shushan for care. At that time, every Shushan disciple had a copy of the Demon Subduing Book. The one in your hand should be the last one."

"Everyone has one?"

I was surprised.

This thing can capture monsters and allow people to use the abilities of monsters, but everyone has one!

How many disciples were there in Shushan at that time?

What a grand scene it would be if everyone had one?

"It's a clear and sunny day now, and the demons have disappeared. Shushan has contributed greatly. No one knows why Shushan disappeared. It must be related to the demons."

Ziwei Zhenren continued: "Although it is not a chaotic world of demons, the days and nights are reversed, and the moral order is broken. Many big demons that have been hiding for a long time are ready to move. You have the Demon Subduing Book in your hand, which may be God's will."

Ziwei Zhenren did not mean to hide it, and directly told me the reason why he accepted me.

"Your physique is very poor, but it is not impossible to improve. I hope you will study hard and practice hard, and don't get tired of practicing."

"Disciple knows."

I nodded.


"Stupid as a pig! It's really stupid as a pig! I have never seen someone with such poor aptitude!"

In three months, Senior Brother Yunsong scolded me eight hundred times a day. I am the worst disciple in the history of Wudang Mountain.

Generally speaking, ordinary disciples can get started with standing in one month, but I couldn't get started after standing for three months. My lower body was still as weak as if I was stepping on cotton, and I was scolded by the senior brother eight hundred times a day.

What impressed me most in these three months was the quality of the senior brother. Even if he scolded me eight hundred times a day, he didn't hit me.

It is said that martial artists have a bad temper. The fact that the senior brother can hold back and not hit me is already amazing.

In the first seven days, I was still afraid of the senior brother's rage, but now I am used to it.

"Senior brother, calm down, calm down. You have been scolding for three months, are you not used to it?"

I asked with a smile while standing in the stance.

"Don't talk, my head hurts when you talk."

For my attitude of being a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, the senior brother had the urge to vomit blood.


Just when the senior brother looked constipated and had angina, a female voice suddenly came.


The senior brother, who was originally in pain, immediately calmed down and saluted Ziwei Zhenren.


I also hurriedly saluted.

Ziwei Zhenren waved his hand and said, "He has a very poor foundation and lost his Yang Yuan on the way. It is normal for his lower body to be weak. But he has not been able to enter the door for such a long time, which means he has no fate with Wudang."


This is not right!

"You are not suitable for practicing in the mountains. You should experience the world. Pack up and go down the mountain!"

After saying that, Ziwei Zhenren left without looking back.

I was surprised. Was I expelled from the sect?

"Alas, a rotten tree cannot be carved." The eldest brother shook his head, "The mountain is not the same as the mountain. You can't get in even if you practice in the mountain. Once you enter the world, the world is chaotic. How can you still have the mind to practice?"


Although my senior brother has a bad temper, he is still a good person. I can feel that behind his irritable mood, he loves me, a useless junior brother.

"Senior brother, Master is right. I am a lazy worker on the mountain and I am a lazy worker down the mountain. I am a lazy worker wherever I am. It's the same on the mountain and down the mountain. Senior brother, thank you for your care during this period. When you come down the mountain, remember to come to me."

"Hmph, I am a cultivator, pure-hearted and desireless. How could I be greedy for the mundane world?"

The eldest brother snorted and said very proudly.

"If I hadn't seen the book hidden under my bed, I would really believe it."

I hugged my eldest brother's arm and said with a smile.


The eldest brother's face turned red visibly.

Although he was a majestic eldest brother in front of others, he was just a little virgin at this time.

"Don't worry, when you come to me, the club model will definitely be arranged for you, hehehe..."

Seeing my senior brother's expectant look, I laughed.


Just when I was happy, two half-burned incense sticks flew out of the hall and just stuck on my and my senior brother's heads.


The incense pierced into our scalps, not too deep, but the two incense sticks just stuck on our heads and shook.

This hand of control over strength reached the pinnacle.

"Yunlu, go and pack your things. Yunsong, your Tao heart is unstable, go to Dengxian Cliff to burn incense for a month!"

The master's voice came from the hall, and both of us could only bow our heads and agree, and my senior brother's face turned green.

Dengxian Cliff is a palm-sized cliff. There is only a rocky path less than five centimeters wide between it and Wudang Mountain, and there are abysses on both sides.

Going to Dengxian Cliff to burn incense will either succeed or become an immortal.

It is a huge test for the character and martial arts of those who burn incense.

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