The truth is, the truth is that the matter is not serious.

As a dead knight and a grassroots hero, I think this is too brutal.

Even Wang Xi, who is in the demon-conquering book, had a soaring blood pressure when she heard about this.

Where does a soul goblin get her blood pressure?

Yes, she doesn't even have blood pressure, but she can still get so angry that her blood pressure soars. You can imagine how bad this matter is.

Sometimes I really can't tell who is a monster. A wolf demon who has no relatives and is cultivating in the mountains can have good thoughts when he meets Li Xueyang.

But the man next to him doesn't hesitate to kill his wife for money.

People say that monsters are scary, but in this case, people are even scarier!

I can be sure that this wolf demon is not a vicious evil demon. She has educated humans and saved lives, and she has merits.

She is more like a fairy from the Northeast, a monster that can keep a place safe.

After surviving the thunder tribulation, this kind of demon often becomes a terrestrial immortal that controls the luck of a place and can keep a place peaceful.

Now there is only one last question left - my second cousin and I were the same as them at that time. What happened in the women's restroom in such a short time?

If I can't figure this out, I can't clear Li Xueyang of the crime of murder.

I glanced at Li Xueyang and said to her solemnly: "What I need to know now is what happened in the restroom. If you don't explain it clearly, I can't help you."

"What, brother, you have a trick for this?"

My second cousin was stunned, his eyes were clear, and he obviously didn't have a brain.

He didn't think about what would happen after we snatched Li Xueyang from the Jiujiu.

"Just kidding..." I took out my ID and put it in front of him, "Did you see the Daxia Ninth Bureau? I am in the same unit as the Taoist priest just now, and we are both specialized in catching demons and exorcising monsters."

Hearing what I said, Li Xueyang looked at me with a vigilant face.

"Don't worry, I'm different from them. I'm the acting director of the Gangcheng Branch, a powerful cadre, and a local snake. Now I'm in the same group with you."

I waved my hand to Li Xueyang, indicating that she didn't need to be so nervous, "Let's get back to the point. I hope you tell me everything you've experienced in the toilet, otherwise I can only use you to boost my performance."

"In fact, the matter is very simple. I'm not eating her, I want to save her..."

The "she" that Li Xueyang said refers to the mistress.

Because she is pregnant, the mistress has a natural sense of superiority over Li Xueyang.

Although Li Xueyang ignored her, it was because of Li Xueyang's attitude that the mistress took advantage of him.

At that time, Xiao San was in the toilet, talking to Li Xueyang who was washing her hands, and every sentence mocked Li Xueyang as a chicken that couldn't lay eggs.

Just then, a fishy wind blew, and a monster fell from the central air-conditioning duct. It cut Xiao Sanjie's belly without saying a word, grabbed Xiao San's internal organs and ran away.

When Li Xueyang showed his wolf demon prototype and wanted to save people, it was too late.

She rushed over, but failed to stop the other party, so she could only hug Xiao Sanjie who fell down.

And neither of them noticed that there was an eavesdropping passerby in another cubicle of the toilet.

When she heard the noise and pushed the door in confusion, she happened to see the horrifying scene, and then my second cousin and I rushed in together.

Listening to Li Xueyang's oral account, I stroked my chin.

That's right.

If you think about it carefully, with the sharpness of the wolf claws, if she really wants to kill someone, there is no need to go to the extent of disemboweling. She can kill the other person without anyone noticing.

"What kind of monster is the one that disemboweled the mistress?"

I am not good at solving cases, and my brain is a bit overloaded for a while.

"I don't know about that."

Li Xueyang couldn't provide any other clues, so I could only start from other aspects.

Luo Cheng, that bastard, was not right in this matter.

Xu Quan was obviously a hired thug. As a public official, could he do such a thing?

He certainly couldn't, so I could occupy the highest moral point to accuse him!

But if you calculate the time, I have missed the best time.

Damn, the call was too late!

I quickly took out my mobile phone, but before I could call Li Guanhai, he had already called me.

"Zhao Qi, Zhao Yunlu, Comrade Zhao!" As the call was connected, the shouts from the other end made me feel a little helpless.

It's over. As I expected, Xu Quanyou took the initiative!

"Leader, can you listen to my explanation?"

"As your leader, I have the obligation to listen to your explanation, but I can't take this paper back." Li Guanhai said, and transferred the phone to

It was a video, and a wanted order was placed in front of me.

The wanted order had me and Li Xueyang in the picture!


Sometimes, it's hard to express my anger and injustice without using some swear words.

"What do you mean? You've issued a wanted order before we even figured out the matter? Do you believe I'll assassinate you in the middle of the night?"

I pointed at Li Guanhai in the video, feeling a little excited.

"What are you arguing about? What are you yelling about? Are you going to rebel? How could I not know that there is something wrong here?"

Li Guanhai glared at me helplessly, "You said it's not the first day you came to the Ninth Bureau, and you don't know how to adapt to your work? If you had asked him to take the man away first and then called me later, I could have asked him to send him back. But you broke three of his ribs, and you became unreasonable! You bully people by taking advantage of your power, don't you understand? I am the powerful leader behind you, so what's wrong with you asking him to take the man away? How can you play a good hand like this? Besides, this wanted order, do you think the Ninth Bureau is a solid block? I hate wasting paper when I issued you a wanted order, and this thing has not passed through my hands."

At this point, I can clearly feel the grievance and anger in Li Guanhai's words.

He is the director, but the entire Ninth Bureau is not his one-man show, and many things still need to be controlled by others.

The process this time should have been that the Ninth Bureau issued the wanted order, then it was reviewed by the public security department, and finally released to the public.

However, because it was considered malicious injury, the public security department could directly announce it.

Although many of the things cannot be made public, the reasons for being wanted were also processed.

According to the procedures, the only explanation is that someone else in the Ninth Bureau signed and stamped for him.

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