"Why did you join this show?" Producer Lin asked directly, "I heard it was for Bai Muchuan.

Cheng Ling shook his head.

"No. That's to match the company's hype."

Cheng Ling took out the rhetoric Wang Zhen prepared for her. They were all from the same company, and the results of the hype would naturally be beneficial to the company.

"However, my agent said that this is not conducive to my future development, so we will no longer speculate together. Producer Lin, please rest assured."

Producer Lin was still a little worried.

After all, Cheng Ling has a good reputation.

Cheng Ling continued, "It's one thing to want to be popular. I also want to take the opportunity to transform myself. I hope to promote myself through the show and try to get producers and directors to arrange some new roles for me."

She spoke seriously, her eyes clear.

Producer Lin said nothing.

After a while, he told Zhao Zhengyuan, "You continue to record. Try to have a correct work attitude, fully cooperate with the guests, and don't affect your state."

After saying that, he opened the door and went out.

Zhao Xuan's face turned red and white.

That night, the promotional video for "Desperate Survival" was released.

Of the four-minute promotion, nearly three minutes were given to Cheng Ling.

The comments below are simply unreadable.

: Damn it! Cheng Ling, this scheming bitch, really steals the show. She talks a lot of useless things, and when she makes a show, she talks about making a show, and talks about transformation or not! The crew only asked you to play the bad guy, should you reflect on it yourself?

: Oh my god! I got goosebumps everywhere! Where did the flourishing white lotus come from!

:Pooh! She is the only one who is still the champion! Look at your flashy brain.

: Waiting for Cheng Ling to be slapped in the face. The live broadcast room is locked on September 16th! The three-piece set of duck goods has been bought!

: Why is Cheng Ling so active these days! Who released her!

: The program team did a great job of keeping confidentiality! The mysterious guest didn't reveal any information at all! So curious!

: The person upstairs, I advise you not to be curious, maybe he is a so-called big-name celebrity who is bluffing.

The people on the show felt particularly unfair.

It’s not that they did a good job of keeping it secret, it’s that they don’t know who the last mysterious guest is!

Fu Yibin, the eldest son of the investment giant Xingyao Group, mysteriously said that he must be a heavyweight, allowing them to prepare for the launch of the show.

"But... the identity of this mysterious boss is unknown, so we can't promote it..." Producer Lin sighed.

Fu Yibin patted Producer Lin on the shoulder: "Old Lin, don't worry, this big shot doesn't need any publicity. As long as he officially announces his participation in the show on Weibo, our show will become a big hit."

Producer Lin smiled bitterly.

"You guys have nothing else to do here, so I just want to leave."

Producer Lin raised Erkang's hand: "Wait a minute..."

Unfortunately, Fu Yibin got on the elevator very quickly.

Fu Yibin didn't seem to be in a hurry, but he was actually more anxious than anyone else. His appearance of sitting firmly on a Diaoyutai was just a pretense to stabilize the morale of the army. He called Jiang Qiyun countless times, but he always refused to give an accurate letter.

However, the show is about to start!

If you don't speak up, you won't even have time to find alternative guests!

Fu Yibin rushed into the car and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Jiang Qiyun.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he begged: "Brother, my ancestors...please give me an accurate letter as soon as possible!"

Jiang Qiyun felt that he had had enough teasing and said lazily: "Go."



Fu Yibin still couldn't believe it, "Ancestor, you must give me accurate information. If I say anything, you won't come again..."

"If you keep nagging me, I will consider not going."

"No need to introduce, thank you, brother!"

Fu Yibin was so happy that he almost cried in pain. After hanging up the phone with a lot of thanks, he quickly called Producer Lin to tell him the good news. .

"Old Lin, I can tell you the identity of the mysterious guest, but you have to keep it a secret."

Producer Lin felt relieved and kept saying, "Don't worry, it will be kept secret."

"Jiang Qiyun." Fu Yibin raised his voice proudly.

Producer Lin closed his eyes.

This Fu Yibin is a young man from a rich family, and he has always been a playboy. He first visited the thatched cottage to invite He Tuoshan, and then worked hard to get himself into the crew. Seeing that Fu Yibin's attitude is sincere, he may not be as unreliable as the rumors.

Never expected that!

Never imagined!

Jiang Qiyun has become very popular since he debuted at the age of nineteen. He has won many film and television awards at home and abroad. He has outstanding acting skills and is humble and upright. No artist or director or crew member who has worked with him has a bad word to say about him.

The paparazzi have been on duty 24 hours a day for several years, unable to dig out even a single scandal.

Are you telling me that a person of this caliber would lower his status to participate in a small variety show like this?

Fu Yibin was still waiting for the other party to be overjoyed. Unexpectedly, after a minute of silence on the other side of the phone, the voice of Producer Lin, who was full of disappointment and despair, came over.

"Mr. Fu, is it fun to play with me?" Producer Lin said one word at a time, "If Jiang Qiyun can come, I will eat shit live!"

Then hung up the phone.

Fu Yibin stared at the phone. Lao Lin actually hung up on himself!

He called back angrily.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."


How dare you block yourself!

Okay, okay, in that case...you forced me.

Fu Yibin called Jiang Qiyun's cell phone again angrily, with an evil smile on his face.

The program team is making the final preparations in full swing, and the program will be officially launched soon.

From the supervisor, producer, director, to the props, costume team, and medical team, everyone is busy.

Supervisor Lin is commanding with a loud voice, "... Unit 3, Unit 3! What can the camera in this bush capture? Ah? This angle! Is it useful to shoot the guest's feet! Lift it up!"

"Producer Lin, Producer Lin," Shangwu ran to Producer Lin with his mobile phone in both hands.

"What's the matter?" Producer Lin grabbed the thermos cup and drank a sip of water. After commanding all day, his lips were chapped.

Shangwu looked at his mobile phone with a panicked look, as if the mobile phone was a royal seal. He covered the microphone and said in a low and stuttering voice: "Yes, yes, it's Jiang Qiyun, the actor Jiang, looking for you!"

"Puff——" Producer Lin spit out a mouthful of water, and he asked with his eyes wide open: "Who? Jiang Qiyun?"

Shangwu nodded like pounding garlic.

Producer Lin took the phone with an unbelievable look on his face and put it to his ear, "Hello, I'm Lin Xu Nan, who are you?"

A magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone, "Producer Lin, hello, I'm Jiang Qiyun. Sorry to bother you."

Producer Lin sat up straight subconsciously when he heard this voice. No one in the entertainment industry would mistake this good voice.

At the same time, a little hope ignited in his heart.

Could it be true that Fu Yibin said that the mysterious guest was Jiang Qiyun?

Producer Lin couldn't hold back his excitement and couldn't speak properly: "Hey, really... really Mr. Jiang? I didn't expect that Mr. Jiang would take the initiative to find a small producer like me. He wouldn't want to join the "Survival" program I have on hand, right? Hahaha?"

"Really." Jiang Qiyun said. "I asked to keep the last guest spot for "Survival" for me. Sorry, I couldn't confirm my schedule before, so! @#... # ¥#@...@#. Sorry to bother you."




Lin's brain was so shocked by the good news that the explanation of actor Jiang turned into a garbled text.

Jiang Qiyun waited for a while, but there was no sound from the other end. He said "Hmm?".

Lin opened his mouth and said "....." to the phone for a long time, but there was no response.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Qiyun asked, "Is there any difficulty?"

Lin resisted the urge to jump up, and still wanted to say the ugly words in advance, which was also considered to save his life.

"No, Mr. Jiang, there is something I have to make clear to you. This program is a wilderness survival program. The conditions are extremely difficult and may even be life-threatening. The conditions of the crew are limited. Mr. Jiang is a precious person. If he gets hurt, our crew can't afford it even if we pay for it!"

"And... our guests who join the group will sign the "Safety Instructions". Guests voluntarily join the program and cannot withdraw midway. Injuries and deaths caused by various force majeure factors will be borne by the guests themselves."

The program team bought some insurance for several guests symbolically.

But Jiang Qiyun's pets probably wouldn't even bother to buy this level of insurance.

However, Jiang Qiyun only chuckled, "It's okay, Producer Lin, I've studied the program, and I know all these things. I accept them all. Of course, for all parties' considerations, I will bring a professional medical accident insurance team over, Producer Lin, what do you think?"

How about it?

I'll even kneel down for you!

This big guy must be sent by the Bodhisattva to sprinkle the rain on himself!

Big names, no pay, funding, and a professional team to ensure the normal recording of the program group!

Director Lin wiped the tears of happiness from the corners of his eyes, "Then, welcome Mr. Jiang to join!"

"Thank you, Producer Lin. Because I joined suddenly, please take care of the official update list. I will arrange the relevant notices, network promoters, and hot searches."

"Ah, ah, good, good!" Producer Lin said in a series of words.

Finally, Jiang Qiyun said politely: "Producer Lin, finally, I want to discuss something with you."

"Ah?" This pleading tone made Producer Lin a little confused, "Please speak directly, speak directly."

"Please don't eat shit live." Jiang Qiyun said, "OK?"


When he came to his senses, he found that Jiang Qiyun had hung up the phone.

Everyone said that Jiang Qiyun was cold and cruel, and it seems that he is also a mean guy!

He dragged Fu Yibin out of the blacklist while laughing and crying.


Hang up.


Hang up.

Repeated five times.

Very cold and ruthless.

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