After giving up her cooking supplies, Cheng Ling put her backpack on her back.

According to the estimated time and location after getting on the car, she judged from three possible forests that they should be in the wild boar forest at the moment.

In addition.

Cheng Ling stood there and felt it.

The forest that blocked out the sun, no sunlight could be seen at all, and occasionally the birds could be heard, and the mosquitoes could be heard whispering.

The wind blew gently on her face.

Southeast wind prevails in the northern hemisphere in summer.

And in the northern hemisphere, the side of the tree with lush branches and leaves usually faces south.

Try to walk in the direction of the sun.

The wind direction and the branches and leaves of the trees allowed Cheng Ling to roughly determine the direction.

Then, she bent down and found a stick of the right length and thickness among the dead branches on the ground as a pathfinder, and walked slowly in the direction of the wind.

[Is Cheng Ling not afraid? It seems that after Bai Muchuan woke up, he still carefully observed for a long time before daring to move. ]

[I feel scared even through the screen. There are so many strange noises in the forest! Besides, don't you think it gets dark earlier there than here? ]

[Wow, Bai Muchuan and Jiang Qiyun bumped into each other! Let's go to the next door and have a look! ]

[Male God vs. Male God! Can't miss it! ]

A large number of the audience left again.

Jiang Qiyun, who was carrying a backpack, was standing opposite Bai Muchuan at this moment.

There was a bag at Bai Muchuan's feet, and all the things inside were taken out. Jiang Qiyun glanced at it and saw compressed biscuits, a foldable portable shovel, and a compressed bag that looked like a sleeping bag.

[It feels like Jiang Yingdi will outshine any male star in the same frame. ]

[Nonsense, our brother Muchuan is so youthful and lively, and Jiang Yingdi is an old man, how can he be compared with our brother Muchuan's fair skin. ]

[That's right, can Jiang Qiyun stop buying himself some hot searches that are more beautiful than others every time? I'm tired of seeing it! ]

[I wonder if they will team up? If they do, it's so pleasing to the eye! I will stay in the live broadcast room and won't leave! 】

Bai Muchuan looked at the actor Jiang with admiration, shyly and timidly: "Teacher Jiang, what a coincidence."

Jiang Qiyun nodded slightly, "Hello."

"Actually, I have always been your fan. I grew up watching your works, but I didn't have the chance to tell you. It is my honor to be able to participate in the "Survival" program with you this time."

"Thank you." Jiang Qiyun was polite and distant.

Jiang Qiyun wanted to find a companion.

The program team said that a maximum of three people can form a group.

And he guessed that the survival items in everyone's bag should be different. If they are all the same, it will lose the fun.

At this moment, seeing the items that Bai Muchuan put on the ground, he confirmed this.

I thought I could meet the sports trio or the old dove, and they could team up to survive together.

But he couldn't team up with Bai Muchuan.

Nor Cheng Ling.

Jiang Qiyun thought about it, thanked him politely, and stood there looking at Bai Muchuan, holding the straps of his backpack with both hands, looking like he was ready to leave at any time.

Bai Muchuan didn't know how to start.

He was a little afraid of the dark and monsters.

When he was a child, in the dark room, his sister hugged him and comforted him, telling him that his father was drunk outside and would not hurt them.

This fear of the dark has never been cured.

Survival in desperate situations means that he has to stay in the wilderness for three days and three nights in a dark place.

He didn't want to participate in this survival program at all, he was forced to sign up by Fu Yihai.

Later, Cheng Ling was added to the guests, and he was even more resistant to autism.

But it was different when Jiang Qiyun joined.

His agent Da K said that if he could find a way to be with Jiang Qiyun, he could definitely get some popularity.

But at this moment, Jiang Qiyun's attitude really made Bai Muchuan dare not ask for a team.

Jiang Qiyun waited for a while, but Bai Muchuan just stood there in silence.

Jiang Qiyun didn't want to waste any more time, so he said, "Then I'll leave."

"...Ah, okay," Bai Muchuan couldn't say anything to keep him, so he could only say, "Teacher Jiang, please be careful."

Bai Muchuan looked at Jiang Qiyun and waved his hand, and walked quickly into the depths of the forest.


He missed this opportunity again. The other party was Jiang Qiyun, and Bai Muchuan could guess how Da K and Fu Yihai would scold him.

Bai Muchuan sighed helplessly, bent down and began to pack up the things he took out of his bag.

Just then, a rustling sound came from not far behind him.


Another guest is here? Great!

Bai Muchuan turned around and greeted with a smile.

"Hi, hello..."

There was no one.

Only a large bush less than two meters away shook a few times and then returned to silence.

Bai Muchuan's smile froze on his face.

Not a human?

He looked around fearfully. Even though he knew there must be cameras watching him, he still couldn't control his fear.

He had never seen such a lush forest in his life. Almost every inch of land was covered with plants.

There were too many trees.

It was almost suffocating.

Bai Muchuan calmed down.

The production team must have searched and processed this place beforehand. They couldn't really let them get into danger...

Bai Muchuan, who was comforting himself, saw the bushes in front of him shaking again, just as he was staring at the bushes intently.

Just less than a meter behind him, a bird spread its wings and let out a strange cry of "Wow!".

Bai Muchuan was so scared that he trembled all over.


What was annoying, image, dignity, at that moment, all was thrown behind his mind.

He ran towards the direction where Jiang Qiyun left.

"Teacher Jiang, Brother Jiang! Brother Jiang! Wait for me!"

Jiang Qiyun, who had walked more than 200 meters, heard Bai Muchuan's heartbreaking cry, thinking that he was in danger, and turned around and ran back to Bai Muchuan.

Although he didn't want to team up with Bai Muchuan, it didn't mean that he could ignore the lives of others.

He only saw Bai Muchuan's face pale with fear, his legs were almost leaving afterimages, and he ran towards him.

Such a fast speed!

In just a moment, Bai Muchuan ran to him.

Jiang Qiyun looked up and down at Bai Muchuan, who looked panicked, and asked in a slightly fast but calm voice: "What's wrong? Where are you injured?"

Bai Muchuan's heartbeat was so bad that he felt sick. He tried to steady his breathing and grabbed his chest: "No, no, I... I'm not injured."

Jiang Qiyun breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Bai Muchuan was just frightened by the bird's cry.

"Where's your bag?" Jiang Qiyun saw that Bai Muchuan had empty hands and an empty back.

"It's still there."

Jiang Qiyun accompanied Bai Muchuan back to pack his bag.

After packing his bag, Bai Muchuan bit his lip and said, "Brother Jiang, if you don't mind, can we team up?"

He could guess with his eyes closed that once he said this, the haters and Jiang Qiyun's fans would scold him for trying to gain popularity.

"Sorry, I don't really want to." Jiang Qiyun refused directly.

Bai Muchuan was mentally prepared, but he still frowned when he was rejected so bluntly.

Looking at Bai Muchuan's frozen face, Jiang Qiyun explained, "The program team said that the champion will be selected based on the performance scores of the guests. Our guests can also form a team, but there are no more than three people in the team. The performance of the team members will also affect the results. At present, you are not my ideal teammate."

Bai Muchuan was stunned for a while, looking at Jiang Qiyun's serious face, and asked: "Brother Jiang, do you want to win the championship?"

Jiang Qiyun smiled.

The smile was full of "I want to take the first place".

I only heard him say: "I can not participate in the competition, but if I participate, I will work hard to get good results. This is the most basic respect for myself and others."

Bai Muchuan looked at Jiang Qiyun and once again felt that Jiang Qiyun, who was going all out, was really a well-deserved actor.

So, Bai Muchuan also became serious, "Then Brother Jiang, why do you think I can't do it?"

Jiang Qiyun looked at his thin body with a little picky, and the survival bag was stuffed in a mess without any order. He felt that Bai Muchuan really had no competitiveness in the survival program.

Finding a pet dog is more useful than him.

Considering the camera and Bai Muchuan's dignity, Jiang Qiyun did not directly point it out, but pushed the question back.

"You think you can do it, then tell me in detail, what is your competitiveness?"

The barrage of music went crazy.

[Suddenly interview.JPG]

[So scary! It feels like being asked questions by a relative who is a teacher during the Chinese New Year! ]

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