Jiang Qiyun felt a strong desire to protect her.

Damn, the filthy entertainment industry, with all kinds of crooked things happening every day, and all the good roles and scripts are snatched away by the traffic!

An excellent star like Cheng Ling was buried!

I will find a script for Cheng Ling myself when I get back!

If Cheng Ling doesn't become popular, I won't be named Jiang!

After saying that, he viciously ate the last acorn in his hand, just like chewing a capitalist who only cares about traffic.

That's enough, any more would be contrived. Cheng Ling thought.

Cheng Ling instantly put away the smile that was mixed with many emotions, as if she realized that she was speechless, and she returned to normal and clapped her hands as if nothing had happened: "Okay, okay, hurry up and eat, let's pack up and get ready to go."

"There will be a chance. Gold will always shine. Big sister, don't be sad."

Cheng Ling smiled, "I know, you guys hurry up and eat."

Bai Muchuan and Jiang Qiyun drank water and ate dried fruits, and under Cheng Ling's command, they laid sanitary napkins as insoles.

They poured the remaining cooled water into mineral water bottles, and followed Cheng Ling's example, covering the fire with sand and making sure there was no spark, and then they put on their backpacks.

"You guys tie your trouser legs tightly and put socks on them, so that no mosquitoes will get into your pants." Cheng Ling said as she bent down to tie up her trouser legs.

Jiang Qiyun and Bai Muchuan tied up their trouser legs, and Cheng Ling handed over two sticks.

The sticks were straight and smooth, without burrs, and they were quite easy to hold.

"This stick is so beautiful!" Bai Muchuan sighed, "What is it for? Is it for self-defense?"

"It can be used for self-defense, but mainly for exploring the way. There may be traps, holes dug by snakes or rabbits, and small collapsed mud pits in this forest... Don't just pursue speed when you walk. In places with dense vegetation and poor light, you must use a stick like this," she tapped the ground with the stick, "Try it and see if it's okay, then take a step. But, I'm here, so don't worry. I'll lead the way, and you just follow me."

[Don't be afraid, I'm here]

[Boyfriend power MAX]

[It's over, I'm bent]

[I never thought that I would set an alarm earlier than usual on a weekend, just to see Cheng Ling! It's worth it! I unilaterally declare that Cheng Ling is my next boyfriend! ]

When Cheng Ling came to the camp, she had confirmed the direction.

She drew a picture in her mind, and based on the light, streams, the direction of the trees, and triangulation, she roughly determined the direction of the cabin.

So, she took the stick, led the way, and headed in the predetermined direction.

Bai Muchuan was a chatterbox, sometimes talking about which restaurant in Fengcheng was delicious, and sometimes talking about interesting things in childhood.

It was very much like elementary school students going out for an outing together. They chattered endlessly.

To be honest, Cheng Ling didn't hate Bai Muchuan.

This kid looked silly and innocent, but he was actually kind-hearted.

Jiang Qiyun didn't say much, he just responded intermittently.

Cheng Ling was exploring the way with all her heart.

If she walked alone, it would be much easier. Because when she stepped on the ground, she would leave some strength, and if there was anything wrong, she could immediately pull her feet out.

But the two people behind didn't have that ability, and they couldn't teach it in a few words.

So Cheng Ling paid extra attention and avoided several sunken hollow holes and rotten animal carcasses.

They walked for two hours. Bai Muchuan chattered at the beginning, but became more and more silent, and his steps became heavier and heavier.

Cheng Ling had already slowed down her pace, but Bai Muchuan still couldn't keep up, but Bai Muchuan gritted his teeth and said nothing.


Bai Muchuan's footsteps were too low, and he was tripped by a tree root that spread out of the ground.

"Be careful!"

Cheng Ling was quick-witted and stretched out a stick to stop Bai Muchuan's body from falling.

Jiang Qiyun also supported Bai Muchuan and looked at his feet, "He was tripped by a tree root, right?"

Cheng Ling looked at the sweat on Bai Muchuan's forehead and his lips were white. She said, "We should take a break. Brother Jiang, take care of Muchuan and give him some water. I'll find a clean place."

"Okay." Jiang Qiyun said.

Cheng Ling was quick and found a few big stones in a short time. They were like stone tables, quite flat and clean.

She walked around and didn't find any safety hazards, so she turned back to the place where they broke up and brought the two of them over.

Bai Muchuan couldn't hold on any longer, so he sat down on a big rock and threw down his backpack.

He was so tired that he didn't even have the energy to complain.

Jiang Qiyun was better, he handed the water to Cheng Ling and asked, "How long have we been walking?"

Hiking in the wild without a watch or a mobile phone, there was no idea of ​​how fast time was passing.

He just asked casually.

Cheng Ling said, "About two hours."

She kept counting her heartbeats. She didn't do any strenuous exercise, so her heart rate was stable.

It wasn't that she counted deliberately, it was a habit she developed after staying in the H Rangers for a long time.

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