Bullet screen.

[Why didn't Cheng Ling move? ]

[I don't know if I'm dazzled, but I seemed to see a vine in front of her move? ]

[Ahhh, it didn't seem to move, it just moved! It's a snake! Help! ]

[Snake? Snake! Oh my god! Run! ]

[But, why do I see that the big sister is not afraid at all, and even a little happy? ]

Of course Cheng Ling is happy.

How can she not be happy when she sees food?

She raised her hand holding the stick and hit the snake's head with a stick.

The snake fell to the ground, twisted a few times, and then stopped moving.

Then, she took out a folding knife, cut off the snake's head neatly, used the stick to poke a hole in the ground, threw the snake's head in, and continued to move forward with the snake's tail.

[…What happened? ]

[Snake: I have the same question? ]

[Squirrel wiped his sweat again, fortunately I was sour. 】

【Cracked... It turns out that the one who should cry for help is not the big sister, but the snake! 】

【Lu Xun once said: No animal can escape Cheng Ling's clutches alive. 】

A snake, after roasting, is about the same as two duck necks, at most it is a snack. Cheng Ling thought.

And where snakes are, there is a high probability that there will be bird nests.

And with the latitude and climate conditions of Sencheng, there should be a lot of quails here...

Quail, quail, quail.

Quail... generally like to build nests in dry, warm and sunny places.

And what satisfies all this - Cheng Ling saw - is a large bush growing between several slightly shorter trees, which is half the size of a basketball court. The sun shines on the bushes and the ventilation is also good.

This place is perfect for quail nesting.

Cheng Ling wrapped the snake around the branch and hung it upside down to control the blood, and walked towards the bushes.

After a few pulls, she successfully saw what she wanted to see - a nest of quail eggs!

There were eight or nine small quail eggs lying quietly in the nest!

Cheng Ling immediately took out the bag of clothes that had been used to hold the dried fruits from her bag, and carefully placed the quail eggs inside, stuffing some dry grass between the eggs to prevent them from breaking due to collision.

She was not satisfied.

The conditions in this bush were too good, and there would not be only one quail family living there.

Sure enough, she found two more nests, with a total of 25 eggs. She was satisfied and put the bag into her schoolbag, and then put the schoolbag under the tree.

The barrage was full of exclamation marks!

Between the rows of "666" and "awesome", someone asked.

[Why did Cheng Ling put down her bag? What else did she want to do? ]

[I guess... she should want to catch quails. ]

[Ahhhh! Grilled mushrooms, grilled quails, grilled snakes, grilled quail eggs... Jiang Qiyun and Bai Muchuan are so happy! ]

[Where is Cheng Ling supposed to ride on the popularity? She is the popularity itself! ]

[But how to catch quails? Aren't they still in a hurry to find the cabin? Will it waste too much time? 】

[Baidu Encyclopedia: Quails belong to the quail family, with a body length of 14-20 cm. They like to move in groups. They often sneak in bushes and grass. When they are frightened, they will make a cry. When they encounter danger, they often hide in the grass for a long time without moving, or run in the grass, and rarely take off. 】

Cheng Ling squatted in the bushes.

The quails are very timid. When I just searched the bushes, they should have been hiding nearby.

But quails are very stupid. As long as I stay quiet for a while, they will think that the danger is far away and will come out in groups.

If there is a little more tempting sound...then they will definitely fall into the trap.

Cheng Ling took off her coat, turned the clothes over, unzipped all the zippers, tightened the hem with a drawstring, tied the two sleeves together, and made the clothes into an open package shape.

She held the knotted cuffs and hid under the roots of the tree beside the bushes.

Cheng Ling pursed her lips, "Gugu...Gugu..."

[What is Cheng Ling doing again? Imitation of bird calls? ]

[Fuck! This ventriloquism! When I went up the mountain to catch quails in my hometown, I had to make this kind of noise...]

[Why is Cheng Ling so good at ventriloquism, but not singing? ]

[Because ventriloquism does not use the five notes. ]

[How could it be useful? Quails are not stupid. ]

[Video link: Using bird sounds to lure quails, the effect is first-rate. I'll give you the link, watch it for yourself! ]

At this time, a chubby, silly quail slowly emerged from the woods not far behind him and walked towards the place where Cheng Ling was hiding.

Then, there was another one, and another one behind.

Cheng Ling did not stop until five quails, with strong curiosity and relatively fast pace, poked their heads towards the tree where Cheng Ling was hiding.

At this time, the call Cheng Ling imitated suddenly became urgent.

"Gu-gu! Gu-gu-gu!"

A miracle happened.

The five quails changed their previous official steps and ran towards the big tree where Cheng Ling was hiding like crazy.

Cheng Ling grabbed the homemade clothes and rushed out, wrapping them on the left and right, and all five quails were wrapped in the clothes.

And there were a few slower ones in the distance, and when they saw Cheng Ling, they were stunned and turned around and ran away.

Cheng Ling did not chase those quails.

Five quails were enough.

The quails struggled desperately in Cheng Ling's coat. Cheng Ling tightened the opening, pulled out the prepared rope from his pocket, reached in, grabbed a quail, twisted its neck, dragged it out, and tied the dead quail's feet with the rope.

Finally, the five dead quails with broken necks were all tied to the rope. Cheng Ling unbuttoned the sleeves of her coat, turned it over, put it on again, and tied the rope with the quails around her waist.

[! ! ! I had previously questioned why survival shows didn't hire professionals. Now I wonder if there is anyone more professional than Cheng Ling? ! ]

[Can she still wear this dress? ]

[When she was putting the quails, she used the outside of her coat! Oh my god! Five big, fragrant, plump quails! ]

[I couldn't help but search for the recipe of roasting quails... Now I'm on my way to a barbecue restaurant where I can eat quails. ]

Cheng Ling stood up with satisfaction, put on her schoolbag, carried the snake, and walked back.

On the way back, she also bent down to pick up some yellow flaky mushrooms, picked some round dates (wild kiwis) and hawthorns from the trees, and filled two pockets.

Jiang Qiyun and Bai Muchuan were waiting anxiously.

"It's really inconvenient without a mobile phone..." Bai Muchuan sighed, "I really don't know how people got by without mobile phones in the past."

"I don't know if Cheng Ling will encounter any trouble..." Jiang Qiyun frowned.

"Big Sister is very powerful, I'm not really worried about her. Besides, although the program crew didn't show up, they must be hiding in the dark to peek. They can't let us really get into trouble, right?"

"That's what I said..." Jiang Qiyun became more and more worried as he pondered. He supported himself with a big rock and stood up, "Or I should go look for her!"

As he was talking, he saw Cheng Ling's figure appear next to the trees not far away.

Bai Muchuan waved his hands excitedly: "Big Sister, you're back!"

Cheng Ling raised her hand and waved at him.

Bai Muchuan's expression froze.

He saw Cheng Ling grab a long green thing... Why does it look so much like a snake? !

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