The soul travels through the eighteenth line, the female agent is killing crazy in the entertainment

Chapter 68 This is the first time I see a person who relies on the power of a dog!

The two mastiffs rushed forward impatiently.

The hearts of Jiang Qiyun, Bai Muchuan and others suddenly stopped beating.

Jiang Qiyun grabbed the knife and was about to jump down to help, but the old dove was quick and grabbed his clothes, "Don't!"

Cheng Ling, who had been as steady as a clock, suddenly moved.

She rushed towards a mastiff like a cannonball. Just as she was about to collide with the mastiff, Cheng Ling held the knife in her left hand to protect her face, and slid towards the mastiff with the force of her rush.

The mastiff jumped into the air, and the prey in front of it suddenly disappeared. It only felt a burning pain from the throat to the anus. When it landed, it had a strange feeling.

Looking down, its heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, stomach and intestines were all over the ground.

The mastiff's legs softened and it fell to the ground, making a deafening sound.

Cheng Ling did not give the disemboweled Tibetan mastiff any chance to fight back. She jumped up from the ground, jumped on the back of the Tibetan mastiff's neck, and chopped the Tibetan mastiff's nose with all her strength.

The nose is the life gate of a dog.

The dog's nose is densely covered with nerves. Once it is severely injured, the dog can lose its ability to move instantly, or even go into shock or die on the spot.

The fist-sized nose of the Tibetan mastiff spun and rolled far away on the ground.

Cheng Ling swung two knives, the left knife disemboweled the dog, and the right knife cut off the dog's nose. As she swung the knife cleanly, the blood beads in the blood groove of the machete were thrown out.

This sudden attack shocked everyone present.

Including the other Tibetan mastiff.

Qi Ge raised his hand and kept the posture for the Tibetan mastiff to attack him - he slowly opened his mouth, and his pupils shook violently.

It was terrible!

In less than a minute, this delicate little girl, who was acting cute and silly with him, actually killed a Tibetan mastiff in a flash!

Cheng Ling took a few quick breaths, adjusted her posture, and stared at the other Tibetan mastiff that landed in the air.

Outsiders may think that she is very calm at this moment, but she herself is more nervous than before.

The two Tibetan mastiffs may not have met an opponent for a long time, and they are inevitably careless when facing themselves.

But her move will anger the other Tibetan mastiff and make it more cautious. It will probably be difficult to find a flaw to attack it by surprise.

Jiang Qiyun, who was about to jump down from the tree, stopped.

In fact, everyone in the tree couldn't help but float a row of dense barrages in their hearts:

[Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! ]

As a literati said: When people see something too shocking, they often can't find any suitable language, and can only use the most simple and straightforward words to express their feelings at the moment.

Qi Ge finally came to his senses, and a strong panic flashed through his heart.

If Tank knew that the Tibetan mastiff he had raised for seven or eight years, he had lost one of them——

Tank was superstitious and liked to hear auspicious words, so he gave the two dogs joyful names.

And the one that just died——Fa Cai——Tank would feel that his way to wealth was cut off.

If he could successfully kill Cheng Ling and the others, he would also be found out by Tank afterwards.

What's more, Cheng Ling was too scary.

Can Xi Wang kill Cheng Ling?

The more Qi Ge thought about it, the more panicked he became, and he roared: "Xi Wang! Go! Bite her to death! Revenge for Fa Cai!"

He waved his hand, and there was a bunch of keys in his hand, which were Tank's keys.

Hanging on the key was a flashlight-like electric baton, which was a special electric baton for teaching Tibetan mastiffs a lesson.

With this electric baton, the two Tibetan mastiffs would be obedient.

As soon as he finished shouting, a piece of bacon suddenly fell from the tree and hit Qi Ge's hand squarely.

The key in Qi Ge's hand fell on the lawn.

Sui Chao kept throwing things, "Damn! This is the first time I see a man relying on a dog for power!"

Qi Ge was completely furious: "Xi Wang, damn! Xi Wang! Bite them to death, bite them all to death!"

His crazy look made it impossible to tell that he was once a beloved doctor. Once upon a time, he might have been a good student in the eyes of teachers and classmates. A son that his parents were proud of.

As soon as Qi Ge finished speaking, Xi Wang moved.

Cheng Ling's heart flashed with surprise.

Xi Wang rushed towards Qi Ge, not towards herself, but towards Qi Ge.


Then, Qi Ge let out a heart-wrenching cry, and the Tibetan mastiff fiercely tore Qi Ge's belly, the sound of teeth biting bones made people's teeth ache, and Qi Ge's screams were endless.

The people in the tree couldn't bear to listen.

But Cheng Ling didn't have time to sympathize with Qi Ge. She didn't dare to relax a bit.

——Xiwang is bigger than Facai. He just chose Facai to kill because he saw that Facai was the weaker of the two dogs and had a better chance of winning.

At this moment, Xiwang saw blood and saw his companion "Facai" being ripped open, so he became even more ferocious.

I'm afraid it will be even harder to deal with him.

Qige was silent.

Xiwang's face was covered with blood, and he turned around, staring at Cheng Ling with his fierce black eyes.

He pressed his hind legs down, stretched his front legs, and was ready to go.

"I'll count to three, and you all throw bags at the dead dog together!" Cheng Ling said word by word.


Xiwang roared in a low voice, staring at Cheng Ling, and saliva mixed with blood flowed from his mouth.

Cheng Ling bent his legs and bent his waist, ready to go, holding the knife tightly, "Two!"

Xiwang pushed the ground with his hind legs and pounced on Cheng Ling!


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