"Jiang Qiyun!" Cheng Ling screamed.

She raised her hand to help him, and her hand was soaked with warm blood.

At this moment, Cheng Ling's anger reached its peak.

Yang Zhao said that she didn't see the gun, but it didn't mean that there was no gun!

—— It's not Yang Zhao's fault. When Dali pointed the gun at Director He, she didn't see it.

She suppressed her inner anger and condemned herself, and opened Jiang Qiyun's shirt with trembling hands:

The bullet hit the outside of his left back waist. This position would not touch any organs, but the bullet rotated and drilled through the side waist, tearing a large wound, which looked bloody and hideous.

"If you don't raise your hands, I will shoot again!" The burly man holding a gun at the door spitted.

This person is Dali's deputy.

He is also the most trustworthy person.

Tank said that there might be a policeman coming back, so it is safer to hide the drugs.

So, Dali handed this task to his deputy.

Together with the gun.

The place where the drugs were hidden was in a hidden location about two or three hundred meters away from the timber factory - it used to be an air-raid shelter during wartime.

When Cheng Ling was searching the area around the timber factory, it was impossible for her to search such a long distance.

"Hey, talk to you!" The big man felt that he was being looked down upon when he saw that Cheng Ling ignored him and squatted to check the wound of the man who fell to the ground.

Cheng Ling raised her head and looked at the man holding a gun at the door. Her eyes were slightly red.

She lifted Jiang Qiyun's right hand and guided him to press the bleeding point himself, "Press it, I'll go and deal with it, and then come back to treat your wound."

The burly big man was holding an old Soviet-era pistol in his hand. It was very popular in the 1950s. The guns used by the Chinese police now are all made by imitating this pistol.

This pistol can be dismembered into parts by Cheng Ling with his eyes closed in thirty seconds.

The big man held the gun, pointed it at Cheng Ling, and was about to pull the trigger.

He had suffered a loss before because he was unprepared. How could Cheng Ling give him such an opportunity now?

She raised her right hand, and a miniature folding knife for opening parcels shot out directly, hitting the big man's shoulder with great force.

His hand holding the gun involuntarily raised up, and the shot hit the ceiling.

When he came to his senses, he saw Cheng Ling rushing towards the burly man like a torpedo, grabbing his right hand and twisting it hard. The burly man screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and his thumb was broken!

Cheng Ling grabbed the pistol forcefully.

The big man covered his thumb and knelt down with a cry.

Cheng Ling kicked him in the stomach, and he lay on his back. Cheng Ling knelt on one knee on the big man's chest and swung her fist at the big man.

One punch, two punches, three punches, the dull sound of bones and flesh colliding was endless.

The big man tried hard to push Cheng Ling off.

However, this woman looked very thin and weak, and he weighed more than 70 or 80 kilograms, but he could not break free from her grip.

When the big man was in a trance, he suddenly remembered the scene in the animal world he had seen, where the huge herbivores were bitten to death by the petite leopard.

Everyone in the room was shocked.

The big man fainted.

Cheng Ling retracted her fist.

She took a deep breath and quickly rushed back to Jiang Qiyun.

Sui Chao, Lao Banjiu and others outside the door heard something wrong inside and followed in.

"What's wrong?" Lao Banjiu asked, "I think I heard a gunshot just now?"

Director He and Producer Lin came back to their senses, "Jiang Qiyun was shot... Quick, help us untie the rope, where is the medical team? Help treat the wound!"

There was a commotion.

The program group's things were packed up by Dali and others and piled in the warehouse of the timber factory.

The medical team hurriedly found the medical box and ran to Jiang Qiyun.

Cheng Ling knelt in front of Jiang Qiyun.

The back of her hand was covered with blood, not only from the burly man, but also from her own.

Because of venting her anger, the joints on the back of her hand were red, swollen and cracked, but she didn't seem to feel any pain at all.

She was looking at Jiang Qiyun's wound.

"I'm sorry... It's my mistake. I didn't ensure the safety of the environment.

"No, don't blame you..." Jiang Qiyun saw that Cheng Ling was not right, pressed his bleeding point, and comforted her, "You have stopped the other party, we are safe."

Cheng Ling said "hmm".

This is her responsibility.

If this was her leading the team to perform the mission, as long as there was a small mistake in the link, then the whole army would be wiped out.

The person who fired the gun was obviously not skilled. If it was a slightly trained shooter, then I would have died just now.

I have already died once, why can I make such a stupid mistake again?


Maybe, after traveling through time, she was too forgetful.

The three people in the medical team said to Cheng Ling carefully: "Well, Teacher Cheng, I have to treat Jiang Qiyun's wound..."

"Give it to me. "Cheng Ling stretched out his hand.

"Ah..." The medical team members were stunned.

What are you doing?

I graduated from a medical university. I studied for eight years for my bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, and worked for three years to become a professional doctor.

You are just an actor with slightly good skills. You don't think that you can replace me just because you know some survival knowledge?

The captain of the medical team held the medical box tightly.

Cheng Ling looked up at him and said slowly:

“For this type of gunshot wound, the bullet is shot in a rotating manner. Try to remove necrotic and inactive tissues, remove foreign matter, turn the contaminated wound into a clean wound, and suture it. If it is not handled properly, it will leave sequelae.”

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