Cheng Ling bent down and gently lifted up his clothes and checked Jiang Qiyun's wounds.

There is currently no blood leakage, and although the body temperature is high, it is within the normal range.

Moreover, fever to a certain extent is a benign reaction and a physiological benign reaction of the human body to heal itself and resist the virus.

At this time, white blood cells increase, antibody synthesis is active, the liver's ability to detoxify and detoxify is enhanced, and the body's circulation and metabolism speeds up, which is conducive to recovery.

But on the other hand, you should not have a fever for too long and your body temperature should not be too high. Otherwise, the patient's physiological functions will be disturbed.

If the body temperature soars and persists for a long time, or if you become irritable or convulsed, it is very dangerous.

Therefore, you must take careful care and observe frequently.

Cheng Ling then told the captain of the medical team: "Team 3, Team 4, and Team 5 all have members of your medical team. You should watch carefully now. I have already ordered the medical staff of the next three teams to keep vigil for their turn." , I’ll take your place. I’ll go and rest first. If there’s any emergency, he’ll call me. ”


Cheng Ling greeted the first team on duty and asked the other teams to go into their respective sheds to rest. The big brother who had been carrying the camera was also sent to rest and sleep by Cheng Ling.

Cheng Ling arranged everything, went through it in his mind, and found no omissions before returning to his own tent.

She took off her coat, covered her body, and lay on her back, watching the flames of the bonfire dancing faintly.

"Prepare to sleep. Three, two, one."

Cheng Ling fell asleep.


And in faraway America.

Amos. Joes, Cheng Ling's adoptive father, made a terrifying roar in his sleep.

"Ling, Cheng, leave me alone! (Cheng Ling, go away!)"

He was lying on the bed in a cold sweat, but he was still immersed in the nightmare and could not wake up. He kept twitching and struggling on the bed. It seemed that he had encountered something unimaginable and terrible in his dream.

"Excuse me, Dr. Ken, what should we do in Amos' situation? Should we wake him up now?"

"No! Absolutely not."

The world's top cardio-cerebral neurologist, who was hired with a large sum of money, took a pen and quickly took notes on the paper. He said to Amos's wife, "His current situation is like sleepwalking. It is easy to forcefully wake up from a dream." It causes strong irritation to the nerves and, in severe cases, may cause permanent damage to the nerves.”

The pretty little wife wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "You mean, we can only wait for Amos to wake up from his dream?"

"Yes." The doctor said, "I have a few questions to ask you. For the sake of the patient's condition, please don't hide it and tell the truth."

Amos' wife nodded and added, "However, I have only been married to Amos for less than half a year, so I'm afraid I can't answer many questions."

"It doesn't matter," the doctor said.

"Okay then, please ask."

"How long has this situation lasted for your husband?"

"About ten days, I have nightmares every night. I think this must be because he has just become governor and is busy with affairs and is under too much mental pressure."

The doctor was noncommittal and continued to ask:

"I just heard your husband talking in his sleep about a person's name. Do you know this person? Do you know what happened between this person and your husband?"

The little wife bit her lip.

She knows.

How could I not recognize him?

She even thought for a time that the oriental woman with long black hair was Amos's lover. I hate her very much and regard her as my imaginary enemy - who knows, ha!

She actually died.

Let yourself worry for so long in vain.

Hey - wait.

It seems that it was after the death of that Oriental woman Cheng Ling that Amos started to have nightmares frequently.

Should I tell the doctor?

The little wife thought for a moment——

Amos strictly prohibited anyone from talking about Cheng Ling.

So, she finally said, "I don't know him."

The doctor's eyes glanced at her hand intentionally or unintentionally - her hand was unconsciously clenching the handkerchief used to wipe away tears.

Some people who have not received professional training will make some unconscious movements when lying.

For example, eyes dodge, heartbeat speeds up, dry mouth, slight sweating, fingers unconsciously kneading things around them...

"How is his diet?"

"Recently, the amount of food he eats has also decreased, and I see that he can't eat anything every day, and he is a little afraid of sleeping..."

The doctor scribbled notes in the consultation book.

Finally, he closed the book with a "snap".

"I have understood the situation. As for the medication, it is still the same as the prescription prescribed by the state hospital. The patient should not drink or smoke, and exercise more outdoors. If it is related to the person called in the dream, I suggest you talk to her privately. Yes. It’s also beneficial to alleviate the condition.”

"It's impossible." The little wife broke out.

After saying this, she realized that she had slipped up.

She had just said that she didn't know the person her husband was talking about in his sleep, but now he said categorically that it was impossible.

The doctor gave her an inscrutable look.

Then, without saying anything, he turned and left.

The little wife breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor was escorted out of the door by bodyguards in Amos's mansion and casually got into a taxi parked on the roadside.

The driver was a handsome blond man with tall build and well-proportioned muscles.

"Where are you going?"

"Mulholland Drive."

The car drove away slowly.

When the car left Amos's mansion behind, the driver spoke: "How is it?"

The doctor raised his eyebrows: "As the new captain of the H Rangers and Amos's most capable subordinate, you didn't ask Amos, but instead went around to me to inquire... What's the matter? Do you two have any grudges? Or do you not trust him? Do you suspect that he is hiding something from you?"

This driver is the new captain of the H Rangers - Nolan Lampson.

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