[The program started successfully. 】

[Please enter your instructions. 】

Cheng Ling breathed a long sigh of relief and tapped quickly on the touch screen of his phone.

The battery on her phone was suffocating, and she had to race against time.

【Entering command...】

[Command input successful: Global grid positioning analysis is in progress and is expected to take 5 seconds. 】

[Analysis completed, your current location: N46°34′14.95″ north latitude, E118°34′52.18″ east longitude]

[Accurate location on the map:]

Cheng Ling didn't hesitate at all and immediately sent this string of numbers to Brother Cheng's mobile phone in real time in the form of a text message using satellite.

[Our current exact location: N46°34′14.95″ north latitude, E118°34′52.18″ east longitude]

[Everyone is safe now and the criminal gang has not caught up with us. According to comprehensive analysis, they should be in a fan-shaped area of ​​about 13 kilometers to 16 kilometers southwest of our location. 】

[The battery of the mobile phone is about to run out. It is now 03:46. I'll wait there for four hours. At 07:46, we will continue heading due north. 】

After Cheng Ling sent three messages, the weak phone battery finally ran out, and the phone screen flashed and finally went out.

The people in the three groups were so excited that they didn’t dare to breathe.

Cheng Ling showed a comfortable smile: "It's done."


Time goes back 4 hours.

"Fuck!" Tank kicked Dali furiously, "Where are the people! I'm asking you the fuck, where are they!"

Dali was kicked to the ground violently, and then Tank's foot pressed into his chest, making him unable to move and raising his pistol.

Dali looked at the gun in Tank's hand, trembling with fear and speechless.

"Fuck you old turtle! Didn't you say they would go out of the forest?" Tank loaded the gun with a click.

"I, I, I don't know either..." Dali's teeth trembled as he looked at the jet-black barrel and suddenly had an idea. "Maybe they are lost? Yes, yes, they must be lost. It should be now Still crying for father and mother in the forest!"

Tank put the gun back into his belt, took his feet back, and said with a smile on his face, "Hey, why did Dali fall down? He must be tired. Hurry up and get some money to help him up."

None of the subordinates who dared to breathe came forward.

They are afraid that the moody tank will make them angry because of their strong support.

Dali stood up and said, "I can do it myself."

Tank looked at his watch, it was almost early morning.

They had just walked all the way from the lumber factory to the entrance of the forest. There were more than seventy people, each with a distance of about three meters. They were looking for it from the inside out, just like a grate looking for fleas.

Tank narrowed his eyes.

This shows that they did not go to the exit - maybe they were lost in the forest as Dali said.

"Hahahahaha," Tank laughed.

More than seventy men stood quietly watching him smile.

When no one responded, Tank quickly finished his laugh and said, "These guys found the wrong way. They must still be wandering in the forest now! I said, they can't get out."

"In this way, from you to you," Tank casually pointed at a group of people, about ten or twenty people, "you will stay at the edge of the forest and wait for them to come out."

"Let's go back to the woods to look for the remaining brothers!"

Tank took two steps toward the forest and found that no one was following him.

He widened his eyes, turned around and roared: "What the hell! I can't speak well!"

One of his subordinates plucked up the courage and said, "Brother, we've been walking for a long time, and we haven't even bothered to take a sip of water. The brothers are all tired. They can't run away, so why don't we take a break first."

Tank pressed his tongue against his gum.

The hearts of the brothers were scattered. Is it because he shot that old bachelor to death?

Or is it because of my own wrong judgment?

From being certain at first, he is now a little uncertain.

What if those people escape from the woods...

No, no, no, the Wild Boar Forest has a special geographical location. As a local, he had heard countless times that local veterans got lost in the forest and could not get out for days.

How could those city people come out?


Don't worry, it's ten minutes and twenty minutes, one hour, and two hours.

Thinking of this, Tank bared his teeth and grinned, "Tsk, of course I know you are tired. I'm taking you to take a rest. There is no one at the lumber transfer station over there right now. Let's go over and take a rest. "

The lumber transfer station is not far away.

It is said to be a transfer station, but it is actually like a simple train platform. There is a room that is not too big or too small, and is prepared for the employees at the transfer station who are responsible for labeling and weighing the wood.

The house was locked, so Tank had someone break the nose of the padlock with a brick, then pushed the door open and walked into the house.

There was only one chair, a cabinet, and a wooden table in the room.

Tank himself was tired, so he sat down on the chair. More than seventy other brothers walked in silently and sat down one by one.

Tank was dissatisfied.

What can you expect these losers to do?

It won’t work if you are tired and miserable.

One by one, when it comes to sharing money, they are more active than anyone else. When it comes to speaking harsh words, one is more fierce than the other. When it comes to doing things, they are nothing.

Not as good as that doctor Liu Qi.

Be smart, have a mind, have ideas, and dare to speak.

Not as good as having two dogs.

If the two dogs were here, why would we have to go through so much trouble! We can find it in minutes by smelling it...

Tank yawned.

Yawned again.

The brothers in the room were curled up against the wall, and many of them were snoring.

Sleepiness is contagious, and Tank is a drug addict, so he is more sleepy than the average person.

Tank rubbed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and thought: Those city people...I guess they are crying right now...

He tilted his head and fell asleep leaning against the chair.

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