Two minutes later, Jiang Qilan walked out of the room.

"No. 1-30, you are responsible for escorting the prisoners. Remember, no one is allowed to talk to the criminals without my order. Remember, no one is allowed. In addition, protect the prisoners, someone may want to silence them."

Thirty soldiers immediately formed a circle and gathered the prisoners together.

"On the 31st and 36th, you will follow me into the forest to carry out rescue operations."

Amid the envious eyes of the others, the six soldiers puffed up their chests and followed Jiang Qilan and Cheng Baisheng into the woods.

According to Tank's explanation, there are no criminals in the forest now.

To believe what the enemy says is to be irresponsible to oneself.

Jiang Qilan remained vigilant at all times.

First, they have to reach the place where Cheng Ling buried the locator.

As long as you find the locator, you can narrow the range and continue moving forward based on the information provided by Cheng Ling.

There is currently no better way.

After all, looking for Cheng Ling and the others in the 100,000-acre forest is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But there are more than thirty people in the program team, and their energy, physical strength, endurance and mental endurance are all limited.

I can't eat well and sleep well. These two things are enough to make me suffer.

Jiang Qilan couldn't help but quicken his pace as he thought about it.

It's not easy.

The road is very winding and dangerous, with crooked tree roots protruding from the ground, the forest is full of thorny thorns, potholes will appear from time to time, and you will step on something sticky.

It was like stepping on the rotting corpse of an animal.

In this dark forest, every big tree looks like a beast hidden in the darkness.

With every step I take, the pressure in my heart increases a little. The thick night is like ink, squeezing the senses.

——Is your sister scared?

Will he hide secretly and cry?

Are you cold, hungry and scared?

Cheng Baisheng just briefly understood his sister's mood at the moment, but he couldn't stand it anymore.

While Jiang Qilan was exploring the path and observing the movements around him, he heard Cheng Baisheng's rapid breathing that suddenly became heavier.

"Brother Cheng, don't be too anxious," Jiang Qilan comforted him, "They have successfully evaded the criminals' pursuit. They should hide somewhere now. We will try to find them before dawn."

Cheng Baisheng gritted his teeth and suppressed his worries, "Well, thank you, instructor."

They walked towards the red dot for an unknown amount of time. Finally, the red dot appeared in the middle of the instrument——

After all, it is a locator for a drone, and its positioning accuracy is not very high.

This red dot corresponds to a forest area of ​​500 meters in diameter.

Only by finding the locator can we roughly determine the direction Cheng Ling and the others are heading.

"Brother Cheng, take a rest where you are. You work in pairs and use metal detectors to search in tree holes, bushes and the ground."

Cheng Baisheng immediately sat down and rested.

He wants to conserve his energy.

Jiang Qilan stood there, recalling the live broadcast footage in "Desperate Survival":

Cheng Ling walked to the stream, picked cattails, and then looked up at the camera... From the angle at that time, it could be seen that the stream had a southward bend of about 30 degrees.

"Show me the map monitor," he said to a member of the commando team.

The team member handed over a map display.

In fact, it is an electronic map. It takes the traditional paper map and displays the map in the form of a screen. It can be zoomed in and out but has no positioning function and is not affected by signals.

He first zoomed out the map and then found their location.

Zoom in again and squint to see the direction of the stream.

It's here!

The bending angle of the stream here is exactly the same as the one captured when Cheng Ling asked to turn off the camera screen.

And this location is exactly north of where they are currently searching.

Jiang Qilan led everyone to the place he guessed and used a metal detector to find the camera hidden in the tree.

Where will Cheng Ling place the locator?

Assuming that he was her - Jiang Qilan slightly bent his knees. This height should be Cheng Ling's height. He just kept bending his knees and looked around.

This place needs to be secluded enough, but not too secluded. It is best to have iconic items as reference.

Do not get too close to the water to avoid heavy water flow during the flood season, which may submerge the locator and cause the locator to malfunction.

In addition, she had to be careful not to bury the locator so that others would see it.

this place--

Jiang Qilan's gaze stopped at a big red stone by the stream.

About five meters away from the big stone, there is a huge cork tree.

This cork tree is very strange. Half of its branches are dense and full of leaves, while the other side has very sparse branches and few leaves.

It is a tree that will not be ignored.

If he were Cheng Ling, he would definitely choose to bury the locator under this tree.

"Look for that tree over there." Jiang Qilan directed.

Before the metal detector even got close, it started making loud noises.

This is it.

Jiang Qilan carefully came to the tree and squatted down to dig himself - he was afraid that the soldiers would destroy the locator if they were careless.

The location chosen by Cheng Ling to bury the locator was quite good.

This used to be a cave for small animals, but for some unknown reason, the animals abandoned this place.

Cheng Ling used the plastic bag used to transport supplies by drone, packed the locator carefully and stuffed it into the hole.

Then I pulled some dead branches and vines from the side to cover it.

Jiang Qilan carefully took out the locator and placed it in his palm, as cautious as holding a fragile egg.

"Once we find the locator, we can be more clear about the direction of advance," Jiang Qilan said, "Next, we confirm that this road is the one they passed..."

At this time, Cheng Bosheng's satellite phone rang three times in succession, interrupting Jiang Qilan's words.

[Our current exact location: N46°34′14.95″N, E118°34′52.18″E]

[All members are currently safe, and the criminal gang has not caught up with us. Comprehensive analysis and judgment, they should be in the southwest of our location, about 13 kilometers to 16 kilometers in a fan-shaped area. ]

[The phone battery is about to run out, it is now 03:46. I will wait here for four hours. At 07:46, we will continue to move in the north direction. ]

Jiang Qilan looked at these three text messages and was shocked.

How is it possible?

It is now 03:46!

How did they restore their signal?

No, no, the most important thing is, how can she get the longitude and latitude to so many decimal places!

It's unreasonable and unscientific!

Unless... unless she can use the satellite with the strongest signal in the world, and hack into this satellite system to let this system provide her with permissions!

In addition, she must have a sophisticated satellite receiver!

If the US military uses military-grade satellites, with the help of top agents and special receivers, she may be able to get accurate positioning...

But they are not the US military!

They are just a group of small actors, members of a small program group, carrying a bunch of rags, in the dense forests of China where few people go and there are almost no traces of technology!

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