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As a 15-year-old Pokémon fan, I have been watching Pokémon animation since elementary school.

I have played all the official Pokémon games and am a pure game player. I have put my results in the chapter review of this chapter. If you don’t believe me, you can go and have a look, so that no one will say that I am playing games online.

I have always been in the top 100 in the Pokémon Vermillion ranking competition. There are about 300,000 stable online players in the ranking competition.

I have also achieved the top 1,000 results in the official Internet competition.

There are pictures as evidence to prevent people from lying and saying that I am a cloud player.

There are also pictures of the team I use in the chapter review. The six Pokémon are all formed by myself. There is my real name in the upper left corner and the rental code of my team in the upper right corner. It is unique. I shared this team before and it has not been removed yet.

The results and team pictures are in the chapter review of this chapter. Pictures speak for themselves.

Before you read this book, I have something to say.

First of all, there is no question of the order of generations. The world view of my novel is relatively large. Don't ask why there are Pokémon from the later generations when it is obviously the first generation.

Secondly, Xiaozhi and his rivals all started traveling at the same time, such as Xiaomao, Shinji, Ajin, Gladion, Hu Che, and the so-called "friend" Gogo.

All regions are parallel and started at the same time. For example, in the original animation, Xiaozhi traveled from one region to another, so the Pokémon in the previous region had already evolved to the final form, and the Pokémon in the next region had just been captured, but this is not the case here.

Next, each Pokémon can only have a maximum of four skills. Don't tell me about the original animation. The first two seasons of the animation were not made rigorously, such as the Dragonite in the Orange Islands with ten skills, but the latter basically had four skills. This is not the real world, this is the world of Pokémon. If there are infinite skills, I will directly bring all 18 attribute skills, then I will not be invincible, and anyone can beat me.

Please leave if you don't like it.

Also, there is no qualification in the same Pokémon, just like in the original animation, there is no mention of qualification. There are no weak Pokémon, only incompetent trainers.

Finally, I reiterate that because I am also a novice writer, I can hardly make any money from writing novels at present. I am not here for the purpose of making money, but for my childhood and feelings. I only do what I like.

If you can accept all the above settings, then congratulations, you can add this book to your bookshelf.

The following is the main text.

Xu Zhi, a freshman, habitually turned on his computer at 5:55 pm on Friday and watched the Pokémon Journey animation as usual.

Yes, Xu Zhi is a senior Pokémon fan. He has been following the Pokémon animation for more than ten years and knows Pokémon animation and games like the back of his hand.

"Damn, what, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that Gogo is gone, and the bad news is that Gogo used the same fate on Xiaozhi, so Xiaozhi is gone too.

Ahhh, I can't stand it anymore. I was disgusted by Gogo for a whole season. I thought I would be fine after this season, but I didn't expect Xiaozhi to be gone too. If I were Xiaozhi, I would kill Gogo first."

Xu Zhi couldn't accept that Xiaozhi was not the protagonist of Pokémon, but the new heroine Liko was really cute. She started as the third god of Zhuzi. The initial Pokémon New Leaf Meowth also had a personality, just like Pikachu at the beginning.

So Xu Zhi opened the first season of Pokémon animation and planned to start reminiscing about his childhood.

As the opening song of the Pokémon animation "ポケモン, GETだぜ!" sounded, Xu Zhi felt that the DNA in his body had awakened.

At this moment, there was a thunderstorm outside, and a lightning bolt struck Xu Zhi's computer. Suddenly, Xu Zhi felt that the world was spinning, and then he fainted.

When he woke up, Xu Zhi found himself lying on a table.

"Why am I here?" Xu Zhi murmured.

Suddenly, a memory flooded into his mind, and Xu Zhi knew that he had traveled through time. This was the world of Pokémon, and he had traveled through time to the protagonist Xiaozhi.

When he learned that he was Xiaozhi, Xu Zhi was shocked. Damn, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect it to come true. He was excited and couldn't believe it. As a Pokémon fan, the biggest dream is to come to the Pokémon world, command Pokémon to fight, and keep getting stronger. Not only that, he also became the protagonist and had the protagonist's halo.

Xu Zhi hurried to the mirror, looked at his face, and confirmed that all this was true.

"Wait, although I am Xiaozhi, this face is a little immature."

SuddenlyIt was discovered that Xiaozhi was only seven years old at that time.

Alas, a nineteen-year-old person actually surpassed the body of a seven-year-old. Forget it, after all, this is the protagonist Zhiye.

"Okay, in this case, from now on, I am Xiaozhi, and I must dominate the Pokémon League." Xiaozhi made up his mind.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, you woke up so soon. I just saw you sleeping on the table." Xiaozhi's mother Hanako came out of the kitchen with dinner.

"Oh, mom, I'm too tired."

"I told you not to play so crazy, playing outside all day. By the way, don't forget that you have to go to the newly opened Pokémon school, Quartz Academy, tomorrow morning. Don't oversleep tomorrow morning." Hanako put the dinner on the table and reminded Xiaozhi.

"Don't worry."

As the future of Pallet Town, Professor Oak arranged for his grandson Xiaomao and his neighbor Xiaozhi to go to the newly opened Pokémon school in Kanto area to study, and they can also receive their own initial Pokémon there.

Suddenly, Xiaozhi's eyes went dark and he came to a void. In front of him was Arceus, on the left was Palkia, on the right was Dialga, and behind was Giratina.

"Fuck, what's going on?" Xiaozhi was a little at a loss. Did he surpass it for the second time?

"I am Arceus, the creator of Pokémon. This universe spans time and space. Welcome here. One day, we will meet in a chaotic space and a chaotic time. Everything foreshadows the destruction of all things. The radiant god and the burning light of the world will eventually burn everything and take away the light of all things.

The countdown to the end of the Pokémon world has begun. The only person who can stop it is you, Xiaozhi. All the disasters and difficulties will test your choice.

I'll give you a hint. The 18 stone tablets scattered around me will be the day we meet when you gather them.

Even we can't easily defeat the radiant god who is about to explode in the future. Now, we will give you the memory of the end. In exchange, the past, present and future will be completely overturned. Before it's too late, change the future of the Pokémon world, young man."

After speaking, the scene changed and Xiaozhi came to the Temple of the End.

Looking at everything in front of him, Xiaozhi was stunned.

Several hall-level trainers are fighting, including Adu, Qinglu, Xiaomao, Daigo, Mikoli, Takeran, Adek, Alice, Kalno, Dantei, Yeci, and Kamishiro.

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