Sometimes what you think is a coincidence is just the result of others' efforts!

On the single-plank bridge of becoming a Pokémon trainer, we are not fighting alone, there are also comrades and Pokémon on the same journey, and that friendship will not fade!

We have always been ordinary, but we have never been willing to be ordinary!

Excellence is just a seed lurking in your mind. As long as you are willing, it will sprout at any time!

Since ancient times, who can say success or failure? We can only pursue facing the sunset and autumn calmly, without regrets, and then more persistently on the road, more arduous efforts, to pursue the next clear conscience, it's that simple, but it's harder than the Shu Road!

We can only do our own things well, and we must do our own things well. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out the desire deep in your heart. Have the courage to follow your heart and consciousness. Your soul actually knows what you want to be most. Everything else is irrelevant. There will always be a moment when the lucky colorful stone will fall into your hands!

No matter how big or small the goal is, we must go all out. The height of a fountain will not exceed its source, and a person's achievements will never exceed the faith in his heart!

Because of youth, we have to abandon many gorgeous appearances and seek the simplicity, just because we choose the vastness of the boundless sea of ​​learning and the heroism of sailing through the wind and waves!

School life is also very regular. On average, I use a pen every few days. I get up at 6 o'clock every morning and study from morning to night. There are 11 exams per week, 45 exams per month, and ten major exams per month. In addition, there are countless English dictation, English model essay dictation, math quiz, history dictation, rotation exams on Mondays and Saturdays, daily exams in various subjects, 40-minute time-limited training every night, endless English words, endless math problems and English reading, which have become the norm.

Classmates, you have all left an indelible mark in my life.

Day is the farewell of night, farewell is the norm of life, there is no feast that will not end, we have gone through ups and downs together, there are joys and tears, conflicts and reconciliations, what remains unchanged is that everyone has their own persistence!

We are fortunate to meet and have no regrets to part!

I hope we will be a fire when we gather and a sky full of stars when we disperse!

The future is bright and the future is long; take dreams as horses and live up to the youth!

May the young man ride the wind and waves, and never Don't forget the merits of turning rain into rain in the future!

We come from all corners of the world, and we will eventually go to all corners of the world!

In fact, every farewell is a restart.

I will end the old things, and I will still welcome the flowers next year, keep that love, and rush to the next mountain and sea. Although the past is unforgettable, the future is more promising!

Youth is a grand farewell. Even if we can't meet often in the future, I know that we will all shine in our respective futures!

May you go through thousands of sails and return as a young man!

May we go to the vast sea of ​​people, each with a brilliant future!

School life is also a very fast year. From September last year to now, 3 years have passed in a flash. The 100-day oath-taking ceremony seems to have been just yesterday, and graduation has arrived in the blink of an eye.

Memories are pearls, and friendship is diamonds!

There is more than one mountain top, because there are top talents in every field; there is more than one way to the mountain top, because all roads lead to Rome.

Ending a journey and starting a new adventure, we are always on the road. For our respective dreams, we embark on the journey again.

However, there is no feast that will not end in the world. The separation now is for a better reunion. Brothers, we will see you at the top!

Spring is coming again, just like this. We bid farewell to school and are about to embark on a journey to become Pokémon trainers and start another life. Looking forward to the future, grasping the present, and looking back on the past, how can we not feel? "

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, the audience applauded continuously, and Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh that Chinese culture is broad and profound!

Watching the students reluctantly say goodbye, the principal made a decision to hold a graduation dinner near the school tomorrow.

Hearing the news, the students cheered, but Xiaozhi was not happy. He originally wanted to play with Serena, but was told to be the person in charge. Alas, he couldn't slack off.

The next day.

The school arranged several buses to take the students and their initial Pokémon to the dinner location.

"Everyone remember, absolutely, absolutely cannot enter the woods, so disperse and have free time. "

After Xiaozhi gave a few simple instructions, they dispersed and took Pikachu to go for training.

Serena also followed Xiaozhi silently.

Since the last summer camp, Serena would follow Xiaozhi during outdoor activities.

It made her feel safe.

Xiaozhi was also happy. A beautiful woman was willing to accompany him, so why not.

As for Xiaochun, I don't know what kind of love potion she took, but she always followed Gougou.

"No way, Xiaozhi, is this how you act as a responsible person? "Xiao Mao said.

"Master Xiaomao, I am the responsible person, not the general planner. I just need to ensure the safety of my classmates. If you are not satisfied, I will step down and let you be the responsible person."

"Only you dare to talk to me like this. Forget it. Only you, the class monitor, have the ability to do this."

"Okay, Xiaomao, you and Qinglu are really brothers. You are simply cast in the same mold. One is pestering Red every day, and the other is pestering Xiaozhi every day." Azure walked over and said.

After being told by Azure, Xiaomao was embarrassed, "Oh, Xiaozhi is not anxious, why are you anxious?"

Only on the other side, Gouhao felt that it was boring to just sit in the campsite, so he planned to go to the woods to capture Pokémon.

"Wait, Xiaohao, Xiaozhi and the teacher have explained that you must not go into the woods. "Xiaochun said.

"Oh, you are stupid. Let's not tell anyone that we are going out. As long as we come back on time, no one will know. Okay, I'm leaving. I'll be back soon."

Just after taking a few steps, Gouhao looked back and found that Xiaochun was walking towards Xiaozhi, looking like he was going to complain.

Gouhao hurried over, grabbed Xiaochun, and then forcibly dragged Xiaochun into the woods.

"Pokemon, go!"

Gouhao entered the woods and saw all kinds of Pokémon. He was like a starving ghost reincarnated. He couldn't contain his excitement and didn't fight. He threw the ball when he saw Pokémon.

If you are lucky, you can get it with one Pokéball, but if you are unlucky, you need to use several Pokéballs.

Soon, Gouhao successfully caught five Pokémon. He was satisfied and took Xiaochun back to the campsite.

"Hey, Xiaohao, you have captured so many Pokémon. How are you going to train them?"

"Train, who said I want to train them? I just captured them. "

As they spoke, the two suddenly stopped because they saw the habitat of the giant bees.

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