"Come back, Pidgeot, you did a great job, Pikachu, it's up to you next."

"Pika Pika."

"Come on, Onix, use Rockfall."

"Pikachu, use Flash in succession."

Due to the double blockade of paralysis and reduced hit rate, plus Pikachu's more than ten Flashes, Onix fell down.

"Onix lost its ability to fight and won, so the winner is the challenger, Ash of Pallet Town." Wu Neng announced.

"Great, we won."

Ash was very happy, this was his first victory in a Pokémon battle since he came to the Pokémon world.

After the battle, Pidgeot was promoted to level 14, and Pikachu was promoted to level 14.

"Come back, Onix, you've worked hard."

Gon took back Onix, walked to Xiaozhi, handed him a badge, and said, "Xiaozhi, I didn't expect you to break through my defense. It was a fierce attack, beyond my expectation. You have passed both the love for Pokémon and the Pokémon battle. Your excellent performance is enough for you to get this certificate of defeating the Nibi Gym, the gray badge."

"Thank you for your advice. I got the gray badge."


"Father, I lost." Gon walked to Wu Neng and said.

"It's okay, Brock. No one is invincible. Don't take this failure to heart."

Then, Brock turned to Satoshi, "Satoshi, I have something to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"In fact, compared to finding someone to challenge, I think it is more meaningful to cultivate Pokémon with all my heart. I want to be a breeder rather than a trainer, but I have to take care of my brothers and sisters and cannot leave this city, so I want to ask you to fulfill my dream for me."

"Brock, go, pursue your dream, you don't have to worry about your brothers and sisters, go and fulfill the dream that I had with you." Wu Neng said.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead. I left you all alone for so many years. You deserve to scold me."

Gon took out the needle and thread and handed it to Wu Neng. "Jiro likes red miso, Saburo likes white miso, and my younger sister likes mixed miso. Also, Goro doesn't like miso soup, but red bean soup, and Mimi likes corn soup. It should be canned. Remember..."

"Wait a minute, I'll take a note."

Just like that, Gon joined Xiaozhi's team.

After the two treated the Pokémon at the Pokémon Center, they continued their journey to Cerulean City the next day. On the way, they passed by Yuejian Mountain.

"Xiaozhi, it is said that a meteorite once fell here in Yuejian Mountain. That meteorite is called Moonstone." Gon said.

"The fragments of that huge meteorite should be the Moonstone that can make Pokémon evolve." Xiaozhi said.

Suddenly, the two saw a man in a research suit lying on the ground with his head in his arms, besieged by a group of Zubats.

"Pikachu, use Electric Ball."

"Go ahead, Poké Ball."

Pikachu's Electric Special Move sent Zubat fleeing in all directions and into the cave, while Xiaogang took the opportunity to successfully capture a Zubat.

"No way, this works." Xiaozhi said.

"Thank you for your help. My name is Li Ke, and I'm a researcher at the Nibi City Science Museum." The man introduced himself.

Afterwards, Li Ke took the two to visit the caves of Yuejian Mountain.

"Come and take a look at this cave. Isn't it bright? It's just like daytime. Some strange people made this cave look like this, and as a result, the lives of the Pokémon were destroyed." Li Ke said.

"You mean, the Zubats became abnormal because of this light." Xiaogang asked.

"Yes, others like Paras can't help but grow mushrooms again and again, and Sandshrew is almost dehydrated, miserable. I patrol everywhere to protect Tsukimi Mountain from being destroyed by outsiders."

"But why is it destroyed here?"

"Because the moonstone has become too famous. Legend has it that the moonstone is on this mountain, but nothing can be found except rocks. Since there are rumors that the moonstone can enhance the power of Pokémon, people have been coming to Tsukimi Mountain to dig. By the way, I have felt that Pokémon comes from the universe since I was very young."

"By the way, since you saved me once, I will tell you a secret. I found two Pokémon fossils here in Tsukimi Mountain." Li Ke said mysteriously.

"What, Pokémon fossils! Please take me to see it." Xiaogang said excitedly.

Xiaozhi looked indifferent. Among the fossil Pokémon in the Kanto region, Xiaozhi only liked the fossil pterosaur.

"No problem."

Li Ke ledThe two of them passed through tunnels.

"We are here, the fossils are inside."

As Li Ke was talking, he heard footsteps and voices coming from the cave in front of him.

Four members of Team Rocket in black uniforms were about to leave with two fossils.

"Who are you? Give me back my fossils." Li Ke said angrily.

"They are Team Rocket, the bad guys who specialize in stealing other people's Pokémon." Xiaozhi said.

These members of Team Rocket reminded Xiaozhi of the combination of two people, one cat and one fruit.

"We, Team Rocket, are an organization that plunders Pokémon. We are so powerful that it makes people tremble."

"We are doing great things here, kids, please stay away."

"Children, don't make trouble for adults. This is not a good thing for you."

"That's right, Team Rocket will find fossils and revive Pokémon from them, so that we can all make a fortune."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, come on, Pikachu, use Electro Ball continuously."

"Ash, I'll help you, come on, Onix, use Rockfall!"

Brock also took out Pokémon to fight.


Team Rocket members took out Arbok, Zubat, Sandshrew, and Rattata to fight. They were all weak Pokémon with only levels 11 to 13.

Under the double attack of Ash and Brock, they were all defeated directly.

"Just wait for me. If you dare to mess with our Rocket Team, you will definitely pay the price."

After making these harsh words, several members of the Rocket Team fled in panic.

The two fossils were successfully taken back.

"Great, my baby."

Li Ke hugged the two fossils tightly.

After a long time, he seemed to have made a major decision. He walked up to Xiaozhi with the two fossils in his arms and said,

"Xiaozhi, to thank you for saving my life before, you can choose one of these two fossils to take away." Li Ke said.

"Oh, are you willing to give it up?"

"No, but I have no choice. I am the most grateful person."


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