"Pikachu, use Electric Shock."

The two skills canceled each other out, creating smoke.

"Little Sea Lion, hide in the water and check Pikachu's position."

"Just what I want, Pikachu, put your tail in the water and use Electric Shock."

"What, no, Little Sea Lion, get out of the water."

But it was too late, Pikachu discharged electricity directly into the water through its tail and hit Little Sea Lion.

"Pikachu, give it the last blow, use Lightning Flash."

Lightning Flash hit Little Sea Lion head-on.

"Little Sea Lion loses its ability to fight, Pikachu wins, so the winner is the challenger, Xiaozhi of Pallet Town."

"Pikachu, you did a great job."

"Come back, Little Sea Lion, thank you for your hard work, Xiaozhi, your strength is indeed very strong, please accept this proof of defeating the Cerulean Gym, the blue badge."

After that, Sakura handed Xiaozhi a blue teardrop-shaped badge.

"Very good, I got the blue badge."


After the battle, Pikachu reached level 18 and Pidgeot reached level 17.

After saying goodbye to the three Cerulean sisters, Xiaozhi and his party treated their Pokémon at the Pokémon Center and continued their journey to Vermilion City.

On the way. After defeating more than a dozen trainers, Xiaozhi learned from the trainers on the roadside that there was a very powerful trainer named Xiaoming nearby.

So Xiaozhi and Xiaogang came to where Xiaoming was, and a machine showed that Xiaoming had won 98 consecutive games.

After entering the place where Xiaoming was, Xiaozhi saw a boy wearing red clothes and green hair.

"You are the beast master Xiaoming." Xiaozhi asked.

"It seems that you heard the rumors about me from the local trainers. Why, do you want to compete?"

"Of course, you put up such a big sign to promote it, I will break your record."

"Don't brag there, my level is completely different from yours. After I get my 100th victory, I will embark on the journey to get the badge. You should be prepared to become the fertilizer for my 99th victory."

"I'll return the original words."

"The rules of the game are four against four, and Pokémon can be replaced at will. When all the Pokémon on one side lose their combat ability, the game ends. How about it?"

"No problem."

"But, Xiaozhi, don't you only have two?" Xiaogang said.

"What, you only have two, forget it, don't fight, your strength is really too weak." Hearing this, Xiaoming said with disdain.

"Hmph, my two have the power of four, come on." Xiaozhi said.

"In that case, let's start the duel. Go to the battle, Rattata."

Xiao Ming took out a whip, whipped the ground, and sent out the Rattata.

Rattata is level 19, with the ability to escape. When fighting against wild Pokémon, it will definitely be able to escape successfully.

This Rattata is about to evolve. It seems that Xiao Ming's confidence is not in vain.

"Pikachu, it's you."


"Rattata, use impact."

"Pikachu, use electric ball."

Pikachu is faster, and the electric ball hits the Rattata first. The Rattata is hurt, but it still rushes forward, and its speed does not decrease. The skill hits Pikachu head-on.


"See, this is the result of our training."

Xiao Ming has not finished being proud, and electric sparks appear on the body of the Rattata, paralyzed.

"Pikachu, use Electric Ball."

"Rattata, use Bite."

But Rattata was paralyzed and couldn't use any skills, so he was hit by the Electric Ball head-on.

"Rattata lost his ability to fight, and Pikachu won."

"Come back, Rattata, go, Butterfree."

Butterfree is level 20, with compound eyes, and a hit rate of 1.3 times.

"Pikachu, use Electric Ball."

"Butterfree, use Sleep Powder."

"Damn, you're playing with your character, right?"

Both skills hit the other side, Butterfree was dying, and Pikachu's eyelids began to fight.

"Hahaha, wait until Pikachu falls asleep, and I'll kill you." Xiao Ming said proudly.

"Come on, Pikachu, use Electric Shock on yourself."

"What." Xiao Ming's smile stopped abruptly.

At the critical moment, Pikachu used Electric Shock to wake himself up.

"Use the electric ball."

"Pika, Pikachu, Pika."

The electric ball hit Butterfree head-on, killing it.

"Butterfree loses its ability to fight, Pikachu wins."

"Come back, Butterfree, Beedrill, it's time to go to battle."

Beedrill level 21, special feature: Bug Premonition, when HP is less than one-third, the power of bug skills is 1.5 times.

"Come back, Pikachu, Pidgeot, it's you."

"Pidgeot, use Wind."

"Beedrill, use Poison Sting."

Since Pidgeot is in the back row, he is now level 17.

Both skills hit.

Beedrill is obviously more seriously injured because of its outstanding effect.

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Pidgeot was not poisoned.

"Pidgeot, use Wind."

"Beedrill, use Slash."

"Pidgeot, use Wind."

"Beedrill, use Poison Sting."

Both sides' skills kept hitting, and in the end, Beedrill fell first, but Pidgeot was already a candle in the wind.

"Beedrill has lost its ability to fight, and Pidgeot has won."

"Come back, Beedrill. Next is my trump card, the initial Pokémon. Go, Sandshrew."

This Sandshrew is level 22, with the characteristic of Sand Hiding, and the evasion rate is 1.2 times in sandstorm weather.

Suddenly, Pidgeot's body began to glow, and the level reached the late stage of level 18, and began to evolve


[Name: Pidgeot

Attribute: Normal + Flying

Taijing Attribute: Flying

Level: 18

Type: Bird Pokémon

Gender: Male

Illustrated Book Number: 17

Attribute: Strong chest muscles (hidden attribute: physical defense will not be reduced)

Skills: Impact, Sand Pulling, Wind, Lightning Flash

Props: None]

Pidgeot will fly in the air to patrol its vast territory. If anyone dares to invade its territory, it will be pecked hard and punished mercilessly with its sharp claws.

It has superior physical strength and a wide range of flight, often flying far away to find food.

Its eyesight is quite good, no matter how high it is, it can clearly observe the every move of its prey.

Its claws are well-developed, making it difficult for prey to escape and immobilize. It can grab prey such as Egg and Magikarp and bring them back even if they are 100 kilometers away from home.

"Great, Pidgeot has evolved into Pidgeot, very good, use Wind."

"Sandshrew, use Dig Burrow."


Digging a burrow cannot hit Pidgeot, it is just to avoid the attack.

This level of Sandshrew actually uses the skill of Dig Burrow, it seems that the opponent has used the skill learning machine.

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