"Pokeball, go."

Xiaozhi took the opportunity to throw out the Pokéball, put Squirtle in it, shook it three times, and successfully captured it.

"Beautiful, I captured Squirtle."


"Come out, Squirtle."

"Squirtle Squirtle."

Squirtle stared at Xiaozhi, and seemed to be unconvinced, so Xiaozhi started to talk back.

"Squirtle, I know that you were abandoned by your trainer, so you hate humans, but what you did has caused trouble to the people in the town,

Squirtle, just come with me, as for your four little brothers, you can stay in Professor Oak's research institute in Pallet Town and work as a fire brigade in Pallet Town, how about it?"

"Squirtle Squirtle."

Squirtle lowered his head to think, then turned around and discussed with the four little brothers, and agreed to Xiaozhi's request.

"Very good, I have truly conquered Squirtle this time."

"Xiaozhi, how did you know that the Squirtle were abandoned by their trainer?" Xiaogang asked in confusion.

"I heard before that there were abandoned Squirrels around here, but I didn't expect that I was right."

Xiaozhi made up a random excuse to fool them.

Afterwards, the two of them brought five Squirrels to the town.

Miss Junsha was surprised to hear that Xiaozhi had successfully persuaded the Squirrels.

"The Squirtles you met are the Squirtles of this town. They are all abandoned Pokémon.

They play pranks everywhere, scribble on walls, dig holes on the road, rob other people's food, rob roadside vendors of goods, etc. The people in the town are very troubled. If they had met a good Pokémon trainer, they might not be like this now.

What I didn't expect was that it was you, Xiaozhi, who solved this problem. I thank you on behalf of the people of the whole town.

Don't worry, except for the Squirtle you took away, I will be responsible for sending the other four Squirtles to the research institute of Professor Oak in Pallet Town as my thank you gift. I will be responsible for explaining to Professor Oak." Miss Junsha said.

"Thank you very much, Miss Junsha."

After solving the problems of the other Squirtles, Xiaozhi and his companions continued their journey.

On this day, the two came to the endless beach on Route 25.

Xiaozhi saw a stunted giant crab passing by.

Yes, it seems that this is the crab that defeated three people at the Quartz Conference.

"Pikachu, use the electric ball on the crab."

"Pika Pika."

The crab never thought that one day it would be attacked while walking on the road and hit by the electric ball.

"Go, Poké Ball."

Shake it three times and it will be captured successfully.

"Well done, I captured the Crab."


"System, check the Crab's profile."


[Name: Crab

Attribute: Water

Taijing Attribute: Water

Level: 28

Type: Water Crab Pokémon

Gender: Male

Illustration Number: 98

Personality: Stubborn (increases physical attack and reduces special attack)

Features: Super Strength Claw (physical attack will not be reduced)

Skills: Harden, Stare, Stomp, Water Gun

Items: None]

When the Crab can't find food, it will eat sand and absorb the rich nutrients in it.

Its claws are its powerful weapon, and they also help it maintain balance when walking sideways.

But when attacking, the claws will occasionally fall off, and new ones will grow soon after they fall off.

If danger is approaching, it will spit out foam from its mouth to wrap its whole body, making its body look bigger.

Not bad, but the moves are not good, but it doesn't matter, just change it.

In this way, I finally have six Pokémon.

"Xiaozhi, it's late today, it seems we have to camp outside again tonight." Xiaogang said.

"No, Xiaogang, I know there is a lighthouse nearby."

"Really? Great, let's go quickly."

Xiaozhi relied on his memory and brought Xiaogang to the door of Zhenghui's lighthouse.

There are many Pokémon patterns engraved on the door of the lighthouse, including Windy Dog, Scyther, Gengar, Ditto, Muddy, Gulp, Solip, Diglett, Armor, Eevee, Lapras, Scythe, Moltres, Mewtwo, etc., a total of 24.

Xiaozhi pressed the doorbell, and suddenly, a deafening doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" Zhenghui's voice came through the loudspeaker on the doorbell.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. There are two of us who want to stay here for one night. Is that okay?"

"Okay, come in. I just need someone to help me."

After that, the door opened, and Xiaozhi and Xiaogang walked in. It was very dark inside the lighthouse.

""Excuse me, can I borrow your Pokémon communication device?" asked Xiaozhi.

"It's right next to you."

Xiaozhi and his friends could only hear Zhenghui's voice, but they couldn't see Zhenghui.

Xiaozhi looked to the side and saw a phone and a Pokémon transmission device.

Xiaozhi picked up the phone and called Professor Oak.

Professor Oak appeared on the screen, eating noodles.

"Oh, it's Xiaozhi. I have received the four Squirtles you sent. I didn't expect you to be able to solve the problem that has troubled people for so long. I was right about you. By the way, how many Pokémon have you captured?"

"Currently six."

"Only six. My grandson Xiaomao has captured 45 Pokémon."

"Professor Oak, more numbers don't mean stronger. Soldiers are better in quality, not quantity. By the way, Professor Oak, I will send a Pokémon over now. "

What Xiaozhi sent was a giant crab.

After receiving it, Professor Oak could not help but complain, "Xiaozhi, the giant crab you captured is too underdeveloped. Look at the one caught by my grandson Xiaomao, which is almost ten times the size of yours."

After that, Professor Oak turned the camera and a giant crab that was several times larger than Xiaozhi's appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

"Hey, Professor, didn't I say that you can't judge a person by his appearance? Bigger doesn't mean stronger."

"I really can't argue with you. By the way, Xiaozhi, where are you now?"

"I'm in the lighthouse on Route 25 now."

"Oh, the young man Masaki who lives there is not inferior to my Pokémon researcher. I think you can ask him for advice."

"I'm Masaki, Professor Oak. "

Zhenghui's voice sounded again, but there was still no one.

"Oh, it's Zhenghui. I'll ask you to give Xiaozhi more guidance. That's it. Goodbye."

Professor Oak hung up the phone.

"Since Professor Oak has spoken, I can't neglect you."

Zhenghui's voice appeared again, and then the lights in the lighthouse lit up, from the original darkness to as bright as day.

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