"Sakaki, the people of the Ultimate Alliance have already entered the passage of the temple. I have arranged various cadres, and Master Xiaoyin and N are going to block them. The Heavenly Flute is ready. Please hurry up." Chiri said.

"Hehe, I like that green-haired boy with a peaked cap. He has the same huge ambition as me in his eyes." Sakaki said.

"Why do Sakaki and his friends have the Heavenly Flute? Don't they have to collect all 18 stone tablets to get it?" Xiaozhi said in confusion.

"Hehe, N is very good, and is not inferior to your son." Kui Qisi said.

"No matter what, they are all our excellent chess pieces." Sakaki said.

"Master Sakaki, time is running out. Let's quickly let the Ultimate Necrozma devour the glory of the God of Creation that Master Chiri mentioned. In that case, the Ultimate Necrozma will become the Ultimate Light of Genesis." Zaobo said.

"Hmm, ancient documents show that in addition to the Spear Pillar, this mountain also connects the God Realm and the Human Realm, right?" Sakaki said.

"Yes, Sakaki, according to the documents I have referenced around the world, this is it.

Sakaki, the members of Team Flash are already under control. The artificial control system cooperates with Team Rocket's Mythical Beast Project X and the control system of Plasma Group. Yveltal and Lugia have been successfully controlled and can act." Vladari said.

"Alas, alas, is it so troublesome without the control of the gem?" said Chi Yansong.

"Hahaha, Chi Yansong, it's really ironic. The person who teaches us how to use the gem correctly, you are the one who can instruct us? Brother Sakaki, let's start." Shui Wutong said.

"Huh, that's true. These technologies benefit all of us." Chi Yansong said.

"Okay, let's get started. It's time to go to the God Realm to absorb the light. Go, Ultimate Necrozma!"

At Sakaki's command, Ultimate Necrozma flew into the sky.

"Go, Palkia, open the passage to the God Realm." Chiri shouted.

"Hahahaha, go tear up the God Realm, Unova Ultimate Dragon, Kyurem." Guichis gave the order.

"Start the action, Flare Team, start the control, go, Lugia, Yveltal." Fradari said.

After receiving the order, Palkia, Kyurem, Lugia and Yveltal also flew to the sky.

Seeing this, Groudon also planned to follow.

"Wait, you can't fly, come back, Groudon." Seeing this, Chiyansong hurriedly took out the Poké Ball and took back Groudon.

"You come back too, Kyogre." Shui Wutong also gave Groudon a step down and took back Kyogre, so as not to embarrass Groudon alone.

"Okay, next, the Celestial Flute, open the passage to the God Realm for us." Sakaki said, took out the Celestial Flute and blew it.

Suddenly, a strong light appeared in the sky, which made it hard for people to open their eyes. When Xiaozhi opened his eyes, a staircase leading to heaven appeared in front of him.

Seeing that several villains were about to arrive at Arceus's location, Xiaozhi hurriedly ran out and shouted,

"All of you stop right there!"

"Well, everyone, look, who's coming, hahahaha." Sakaki heard the noise, turned around and laughed.

"What, how is this possible, the ultimate trainer Xiaozhi!" Zaobo couldn't believe it.

"Humph, little guy who deserves death, you are not here for revenge, are you?" Chi Yansong said.

"Well, little guy, you must be very upset to lose to us last time, I can understand that feeling, hahahaha." Shui Wutong laughed wantonly.

Last time? I don't know, so, I lost once? Arceus didn't say, this needs extra money.

"Hmph, kid, didn't Ailan come with you? It seems that I misjudged him. He who once pursued the strongest has fallen to the point of living a naive life like an ordinary trainer, which makes him further and further away from the path of the strongest." Fladali sighed.

"The ladder to heaven has been opened, and you have no chance of winning. Today, the great myth will descend into this empty and boring world." Chiri said.

"Hmph, a nobody, you have repeatedly hindered our plans. If you and the other people in your Ultimate Alliance had fought together, there would still be a little chance of winning. Now you alone are not our opponent at all, hahaha." Kuiqisi said.

"Your unyielding eyes are really unpleasant. Even after suffering, you still don't give up. It's time for you to experience real despair. Let me show you the gap between our ultimate powers." Sakaki said.

"Wait, who said he is alone? Xiaozhi has never fought alone. He has our group of companions behind him to support him." A boy shouted from the back."Who, who is it?" Sakaki asked, looking around to find the voice.

The boy stepped forward.

"Ah Xiang! I knew that you would appear in front of us eventually. Even so, you two alone are no match for us." Vladari said.

"Of course it's not just us, we have companions, bonds and fighting spirit!" Ah Xiang said.

"He's right." Another boy arrived.

"You little brat are, Red!" Sakaki was shocked.

"How is it possible, Red, you, you were sucked into the Ultimate Hole by the Evil Food King, I saw it with my own eyes, how could this happen, Lord Sakaki, you have to believe me." Zaobo begged.

Another boy stepped forward.

"Yes, Red was indeed sucked into the Ultimate Hole, but Xiaozhi finally found him successfully and brought him back to the correct world and timeline." Xiaoyou said.

What, I actually saved Chihong, is this true, wait, my CPU can't receive so many messages at once, ah, it's going to explode.

"Tsk, more and more reinforcements are coming, I didn't expect that even this little devil from Hoenn is here." Kui Qisi said.

Another boy arrived.

"Hey, Fladali, your plan is over, if you want to know why, it's because I'm here." Kalum said.

"Arrogant little devil, this time I completely control Yveltal's power, don't be too arrogant." Fladali said.

Two more boys arrived.

"Chi Ri, your god plan will eventually fail. If you rashly climb the ladder to heaven, I will make the structure of the ladder to heaven disappear, and you will all fall to the ground and die." Minghui said.

"Damn, hypocritical human, no matter which world you are in, do you intend to stop my plan?" Chi Ri said hatefully.

"Kuichisi, the plasma group has been destroyed, and the seven sages under your command have been arrested by Mr. Handsome. You are the only one left." Douye said.

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