Soon, the surroundings were stormy and the boat capsized. Although it was expected, Xiaozhi gradually lost consciousness. He only vaguely felt that he seemed to be held by something and swam to the shore.

When Xiaozhi woke up again, he found himself lying on the beach of an island. Everything he brought with him was still there, but they were all wet. Xiaogang was lying next to him.

"Xiaogang, wake up."

Xiaozhi woke Xiaogang up, and Xiaogang was also confused.

"Where is this?"

"This should be the Dragonite Island we are looking for."

There were dozens of Dragonites, Haxorus and Dratini around the two.

Seeing that the two woke up, they all came over to see.

Xiaozhi subconsciously wanted to capture a Dragonite, after all, he came here for this purpose.

But he thought about it and didn't think it was possible.

One is that he is not strong enough now, and the Pokémon he has are no match for Dragonite;

The second is that these Dragonites saved him, and directly catching them may cause their hostility;

Finally, he is just a novice trainer now, with few badges, and he may not obey if he forcibly catches them, so he should just catch them with his feelings.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi put away the Poké Ball.

The Dragonites saw that Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were fine, so they went about their own business.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang visited Dragonite Island.

There were several Haxorus practicing flying, and several Dragonites flew to the sea, maybe someone was killed again.

After a while, Xiaozhi came to a cave, and after entering, he found a mini dragon inside, which was shedding its skin.

"System, check Dratini's profile."


[Name: Dratini

Attribute: Dragon

Tai Jing Attribute: Steel

Level: 55

Type: Dragon Pokémon

Gender: Female

Illustrated Book Number: 147

Personality: Brave (Adds physical attack deceleration)

Attribute: Magical Scale (Hidden Attribute)

Skills: Dragon Dive, Dragon Dance, Pray for Rain, Water Tail

Item: Stone of Change]

Oh my god, I was wondering how there could be a level 54 Dratini. Normally, it should have evolved around level 30. It turns out that it has a Stone of Change, and it's a hidden Attribute. It's really rare, and the skill configuration is not bad.

So Xiaozhi tiptoed over and reached out to take the Stone of Change off the chest of Dratini.

But this move scared Dratini, and it used the Water Tail trick as a conditioned reflex, knocking Xiaozhi away and crashing into the wall of the cave, which caused cracks in the cave and showed signs of collapse.

At this time, Dratini's body also began to glow. After the light dissipated, Dratini evolved into Haxorus.


[Name: Haxorus

Attribute: Dragon

Tai Jing Attribute: Steel

Type: Dragon Pokémon

Level: 55

Gender: Female

Illustrated Book Number: 148

Personality: Brave (Adds physical attack deceleration)

Attribute: Magic Scale (Hidden Attribute)

Skills: Pray for Rain, Dragon Dance, Water Tail, Dragon God Dive

Props: None]

Seeing Haxorus in front of him not only evolved but also learned new skills, Xiaozhi was very happy, but he was also worried that his behavior just now would anger Haxorus.

Haxorus was molting, but was suddenly interrupted by the human in front of him, and the stone on his chest was taken away. He was very angry, but he suddenly evolved, which made him very happy.

This Haxorus can be said to be the best one in this group. He is gifted and usually practices hard. His level is not low, but he has never been able to evolve. Those of the same age or level have already evolved into Haxorus.

The reason lies in the stone. The reason why this Haxorus has been carrying that stone is because the stone was given to it by its mother.

Just when one person and one Pokémon were thinking about their own little thoughts, the cave was already shaky. Just now, Xiaozhi hit the wall and the mini dragon evolved into Haxorus, and the energy fluctuations generated made the cave unable to bear it.

Xiaozhi immediately reacted and ran towards Haxorus, wanting to take it out.

"Haxorus, run, this cave is going to collapse." Xiaozhi shouted.

Out of its kind nature, Haxorus let Xiaozhi sit on it, and rushed out of the cave with its own speed.

"Haxorus, thank you."

In the face of Xiaozhi's thanks, Haxorus did not respond, but was looking for something.

"Are you looking for the Stone of Unchange that was hanging on your chest? Sorry, I was in a hurry and dropped it in the cave."

Hakron still didn't respond, just staring at Xiaozhi angrily.

Xiaozhi was numb all over and said, "It's just a broken stone. What else can it do except prevent you from evolving? Don't you want toEvolve and become stronger? "

After listening to Xiaozhi's words, Haxorus also fell into deep thought. Indeed, the stone might be very important to him, but with the stone, he could not evolve. Although the human in front of him scared him and caused him to lose the stone, he also solved the problem of not being able to evolve for him. He also saved his life. No one owed anyone anything.

So the Haxorus did nothing and turned away.

Xiaozhi was stupid. He thought that the Haxorus would punish him. Unexpectedly, nothing happened, but he still followed it.

On the other side, Haxorus's companions were very surprised to see that Haxorus had evolved. They also knew that this Haxorus could not evolve and knew the reason. After that, everyone congratulated it and flew to the sky to celebrate.

This Haxorus was not to be outdone and wanted to fly to the sky.

But because it had just evolved and had never practiced flying, it failed directly.

A Dragonite next to it taught it some skills, but it failed after trying several times.

At this time, Haxorus's self-esteem was hurt. He was originally a child of destiny, with good talent and hard work, but he could not evolve. Now he finally evolved, but he could not fly.

Just when this Haxorus wanted to give up, Xiaozhi started talking again, "Haxorus, this won't work, you can't give up, you will definitely succeed, watch me, do it like me."

After that, he took out the Poké Ball, "Come out, Riolu, use Vacuum Wave."

Riolu released the Vacuum Wave, and Xiaozhi flew to the sky with the help of the Vacuum Wave.

After coming down, Xiaozhi said: "After flying like just now, use Dragon Dance in the air. "

The nearby Dragonite immediately used Storm to help Haxorus, who flew into the sky with the help of Storm and used Dragon Dance to finally learn to fly successfully.

After that, Haxorus flew down and hugged Xiaozhi.

It felt as if there was no problem in the world that Xiaozhi could not solve, and it had begun to like Xiaozhi in its heart. Since this human came, he first helped it evolve and then helped it learn to fly.

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